Second porn star claims President Trump invited her to hotel room wearing only ‘his tighty-whities’

>Second porn star claims President Trump invited her to hotel room wearing only ‘his tighty-whities’

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>porn star

Trump pardoned five megabanks for rampant fraud and corruption, which is especially notable because of the amount of money he owes them. Yet the Net blows up over some shitty comment. That's how the (((bankers))) keep U enslaved, through stupidity...

There’s never a spic of evidence on these claims it’s always “welllllll like, dur, take my word for it, ugh”

>Alana Evans
my god the man has taste

Oh look. A SECOND porn star. Because when random bitches you dragged out of nowhere don't work, get PORN STARS.
Yea that'll fucking work. The Jews are amazing. Really.

Got any valid sources?


>Second porn star
We're expected to care about the virtue of porn stars?

>Woman who takes money in exchange to act depraved.
What a beacon of credibility.

>porn star
Why would anyone listen to a whore?

This woman? I'm expected to be outraged that Trump thought THIS woman might be an easy lay?

Didnt the left push a pornstar to kill herself last month????
Now the left loves them because it could hurt trump?
>always being used by someone the pornstar life.
Side question are these the 'hookers' that went to trumps room?-with that russia spy report.
So does this mean trump pissed on his bed aswell?

>Rich as fuck person
>Has recording of him admitting to and laughing about sexual harassment

>Person comes out claiming to have been sexually harassed
>Somehow it's made up by "The Jews"

Does that Donald dick taste good?

No way. She's too pierced, too tatted and too coal burnt to be Trumpworthy. If he did these things, he was being a smartass and she read him wrong and took his insult as a come-on.

Does Donald have a thing for botox-caked women past their prime?

>It wasn't sexual harassment, he was just trolling her!

>He was only pretending to be retarded

This is what you sound like.

>>Has recording of him admitting to and laughing about sexual harassment
Link the video, with a timestamp, where there's anything about sexual harassment in that video. Note: "They LET you" implies consent.

Dude may a joke about how being rich getting the pussy was easy. He didn't say take the pussy you d&c shill. And with the insane number of times the left lies about sex crimes and shit. Jews or fucking lizardmen its all a load of bs

>Has recording of him admitting to and laughing about sexual harassment

When? Where?

>Person comes out claiming to have been sexually harassed

(assuming this is even true) inviting someone to your bedroom in your underwear is not sexual harassment.
Women go around in their underwear regularly asking guys at nightclubs to fuck them.
Lots of women don't even have the decency to wear tighty whiteys, they wear thongs (unhygienic items of clothing covered in shit stains) if they even bother to wear underwear at all.

If this is sexual harassment then cleavage is rape.

fuck sharia blue niggers
you are so fucked and dont even understand it...

Funny this is, what he was saying is basically true.
Women line up to fuck celebrities all the time. It's just part of their mentally defective nature.
Can't say I blame them, but after they have eaten turds out of a toilet for the amusement of a celebrity they shouldn't be allowed to find a husband and have a happy life without him being fully aware of her skank days.

Yeah, what he said it's true, but it goes against the "women are wonderful" dogma, that's why they had to attack it.

Maybe she's lonely and needs someone to stick a lolly pop up her ass again.

...Christ that sounds like covering yourself in marshmellow, if it sticks too much, getting it off/out must be like a hellish nightmare

Lol! I now realize that this is great news. It means absolutely nothing. They are down to scraping the barrel against Trump as the indictments are being unsealed. They’re done. I see they no longer push impeachment for Russian collusion. They’re done.

>it will happen when the weather's Stormy, that's when they'll make their move

>second porn star
Who was the first?

Random kike number 1: "Oy vey, Trump is getting harder for us to control! What do we do?"

Random kike number 2: "Pay some porn stars to make fake accusations against him to character-assassinate him!"

Could it be because porn stars will say or do anything when offered money form thejews?

Literally the easiest women to bribe into saying anything

Sage and shill news. Wake up . Once the sealed inditements open fully YOU ALL GO TO JAIL
>BUT muh orders I was following

Fuck you left wing faggot

Shitholer heaven

>Quick, it worked against Roy Moore. Keep accusing him!

Breaking news! Trump is a pussy-grabber! Oh wait, nobody gives a shit. TDS needs to get the memo that the Puritans lost the culture war 20 years ago.

>Obama only had this problem with men
Where's Reggie "The Body Man" Love when you need him?

>Puritans lost the culture war 20 years ago.
>not knowing that the puritans traded in the cross for Marx and became liberals
Did you ever notice how the old puritan stomping grounds now house liberals who want to tell everyone else how to live?

the porn star pretends she still has dignity

>woman who drinks piss, get shit on, have her holes and dignity destroyed for money
Pick only one. These pieces of trash would eat dog shit for money.

You do know you can pay a whore to do anything?
Including lying for the right price?
Just sayin'.

fucking face looks like a foot m8

Now, now. Just because a woman will let herself get gang banged by strangers in front of a camera for money doesn't mean she'd tell a fib if she was paid. People with no self respect are always credible.

hey buddy we suck kike dick here now get used to it
