Redpill me on gays

Okay, Sup Forums, given that only a reasonably small portion of the population is a homosexual, what is exactly wrong with them?

>inb4 "muh degeneracy"
I get you don't like it and that's fine. You don't have to like the things I like. But so long as we don't involve each other with our sex lives, what's the deal?

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thanks Sup Forums

yeah stop rioting on the street like niggers then.

stop shilling for post op trannies

stop being "allies" to cultural marxist stew.

then when youre done put a shirt on and stop acting like a fag.

Sodomites are pure filth

Stop the tranny/pedo menace and I'll start turning a blind eye to homosexuality again.

I genuinely agree with all you're saying. If anything I'm more pissed off about these fags than you are. I'm just asking about *being* a homosexual and whether that's right or wrong.

Stop with the fucking lisp and gay pride parades.

I don’t care if you fuck men or not, anyone that dances in the street in their underpants (that isn’t a woman between the ages of 18 - 40 and with a BMI less than 25) is a fucking retard that ought to be shot.

if you prefer bottom guy, you aren't very gay imo..

>But so long as we don't involve each other with our sex lives, what's the deal?

The deal is that faggots try to push their homosexual "culture" on to people who dont give a shit. Keep your mental illness inside 4 walls and its fine

Faggots ruin it for gays by being loud, obnoxious, and having shit for public decency

I have a fag hag friend and a lot of them have already died before age 30. Deep down they are very unhappy which is why they push acceptance. they can't accept who they are and externalize that feeling.

These threads, fuck off faggots. You all need to bring up your suicide rate.

All of your arguments basically come down to "don't be public about it", which I agree on, but you're all missing my point.

What is inherently bad about being a homosexual?

They need to stop drag night at the gay bar and start glorifying toxic masculinity again.

Disease and infertility, for example.

Can you not read OP? No one is saying it's inheritly bad, do whatever you want within your home and relationship. However:
>Fuck off with the parades, no one but cross dressers and weirdos go to them in their full chastity suits
>Quit spreading your degeneracy to children, pushing for LGBTQ and drag queens for little kids
>Quit throwing it in our faces all the time and expect us to coddle up to it as normal, it isn't
>Quit being loud, obnoxious and pushy
>Quit dressing like a freak. Just because you're gay doesn't mean it needs to be a spectacle

Its a mental disorder often caused by early childhood rape. The victim finds solace in having control of the penetration. Gays are also very fond of kids due to the early childhood stage in which the rape occured. If you're gay you should seek menta help.

The reason why homosexuality isn't normal is because it goes against our most basic instinct which is to reproduce.
Now you may say "Some people are born and they physically can't have kids either" Yes and you know that that is called? A medical condition or a deformity, which is what Homosexuality is.
I don't believe Homosexuals should be gassed as they can still contribute to society but i believe the ones waving gay flags and making their sexual kinks public and bringing kids to mardi gras should be gassed.
Homosexuality was fine when it was kept behind closed doors where it belongs.

I don't do any of this but it doesn't stop some people from hating me and thinking I'm less than them. Or they pretend I don't exist and just use their impressions of more flaming or stereotypical gays to fuel their confirmation bias about what gays are like, kind of like some of the assumptions above. So even though I'm a conservative and nationalist in a lot of ways, I'm glad for the liberal vocal gays. I won't accept erasure or being put in a box.

This. Embrace your nature, dont try to suppress it. Society would benefit from this even if its not a perfect solution. Having these fucks marching down the street trying to impose completely contrarian imagery is really screwing with the more impressionable members of society. I dont go blowing 420 vape smoke in peoples' faces just because i want everyone to be like me.

The key for happiness (in America) is to try to listen, learn and adhere to the public social norms in your area to a reasonable degree, and to do WHATEVER the fuck you want in private. Literally no one cares about what you and your freak buddies do in private as long as you aren't screwing with people who don't want to be a part of it. If you don't like these terms, go find a better host country (you wont). This is the state of humanity in the world, and its pretty reasonable IMO. Just stop fucking with it and try to follow the rules and everyone can probably be a lot happier.


The ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier as modern Western societies have done. Greek society did not distinguish sexual desire or behavior by the gender of the participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the sex act, that of active penetrator or passive penetrated

greeks were enlightened in many ways

>men who have sex with men
That includes groups like male prostitutes. Being in a relationship with a man doesn't mean you'll get an STD if you stay safe.

I'm starting to think the globalists are actively shilling homosexuality and hiring actors for a vast majority these parades/social media events to push the narrative. Looking back through some history now and its pretty obvious when you see older tactics being used, especially in light of our current awareness to the degree of potential cunning and deception these asshats will use.

There are some common threads going on between this narrative and the whole DNC shit show. I think they are posting these open-ended "lol homos ok guys???" questions and scraping these threads for sentiment analysis to determine what impact their programming is having.

Just do what I do and have one partner. My bf and I aren't getting aids any time soon

Because if you don't care about my society, you'll be ousted. And ousted folks won't be allowed to be parasites in my society, especially if their ideals are hedonistic ideals.

I don't have a problem with all homos, it's just sad that most of you are degenerates and think this is okay because you think you actions only influence you.

Practicing homosexuality when you are a member of a self aware species is nothing better than retardation.
The number one purpose of any species is reproduction, and participating in the gay lifestyle is knowingly going against ones own basic life function.
It's like choosing to be retarded.

That's kinda sexy ngl

You’re statistically insignificant. The average homosexual has a 100 partners.

What's wrong with that? It's like being a Chad. Men fuck whoever they want

>I'm glad for the liberal vocal gays

They're the reason your catching so much shit. People that wear sexuality as the core of their identity are walking fucking memes

i was always convinced that humans are by nature bisexuals and just fuck whatever they like
in ancient cultures having male/male samesex relationships was socially accepted, something that got repressed later through religion and law to create "order", which by it's own is not bad, but it creates a lot of sexual repression and uncertainty
nowdays people are more open about it, but a wast majority are still extremely insecure and confused about it since they always got told "hetero is good, homo is wrong"
which is why many men in denial pay for trannies or traps thinking that it's ok as long as they are feminine enough
it also got a bad name because of the literal faggots like drag queens that just want to create a scene and activists for lgbwhatever rights that push they conviction down people's throat for a change that can only happen naturally when society is ready

Don't enable them and there's no problem. Don't make pride walks and there's no problem. The individuals themselves aren't necessarily degenerate, but their movement fundamentally is. Especially the damn trans things

It’s a mental illness doesn’t matter if you got it declassified, it’s not natural you’re not supposed to stick your dick up people’s asses it’s not healthy.


oops, forgot pic

If I'm going to criticize the community and not the individual, I'm going to say the rampant number of sexual partners compared to heterosexual relationships, the risk of infectious diseases compared to heterosexual relationships, and the impact that both of those things have on society at large.
If I'm criticizing the individual homosexual I'd have to say it depends on the person. As an individual if you chose to stay behind closed doors, and treat your relationship the same way your average heterosexual does I'm not going to judge you, but I do think you're still part of the problem mentioned above.

They’re fags

No, not really. Homosexuals are loathed in plenty of places where there are no flaming stereotypes walking around. Some people just hate, fear, or are ignorant of gay people. It's countries where Pride parades are a thing and where there are a lot of openly gay people of all varieties of conformance or non-conformance to stereotypes where gays are more accepted by the mainstream. Some people obviously dislike a lot of stereotypical vocal liberal gay culture and behaviours but the fact is that regular acting gays would not be any better off in a social climate where the former had repress themselves.

I think that there is more to the "degeneracy"-argument than "don't be public about it". Traditionalists demand that men strive to reach a certain manliness. This is done to produce strong men that can stand against the subversive forces in our society. However, the inate drive to reach manliness comes from competing for females. In homos, that drive is absent. And from the absence of that drive arises distrust for homosexuals. Evola always said that the first step towards overcoming the social decay caused by modernity is inner transformation. How can homosexuals make that transformation if they don't want the opposite sex and, by extension, a traditional family?

I think I'm only scratching the surface of the problem here and that things are actually way more complex than I can currently understand, but I also think that this is a good start. Do you get why I think that the concept of "degeneracy" goes deeper than just what's on the surface and therefore does not go away by "just keeping it in the bedroom"?

Some people apparently need government to stop them from acting on their gay tendencies.

Oh God yes

But you're also forgetting that straight guys are slaves cucks to pussy which is why the bulk of male critics opposed to feminism are gay amd they also happen to be the most effective critics.
Be grateful that gay guys like muscled masculine men because if it weren't for them, chad would already be extinct

Giving bottoms the right to vote was a mistake. They wouldn't be pushing their shit on people if more single, white bottoms were in a healthy relationship and getting their own shit pushed in on a committed, irregular basis.

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>But so long as we don't involve each other with our sex lives, what's the deal?
But YOU DO involve us with YOUR sex lives, wanting us to be just like you. You force your faggotry upon everyone, even to children who should be off-limits until they're old enough to choose, and they have to choose for themselves instead of being shamed/manipulated/brainwashed into being a faggot. Quit it with that shit and maybe... MAYBE... you'll be left alone. But that simplest of thing you can't even do, so prepare for more persecution and "direct action".

Arguably true, I doubt that chads would have gone extinct had it not been for homosexuals, but in a slightly more nuanced sense, I have no reason to dispute your premise. Homos should not feel the need to pander to women, because they are not attracted to women. However, your argument is not a pragmatic one (i.e. one that is based on the historical context of the world you and I live in) and does not counter traditionalist ideals. The argument has merit because our current society is so cucked that a plurality of men pander to feminism in a misguided attempt to get pussy. It is not a valid argument for why traditionalists (and any other group opposed to the liberal status quo) should be more acceptive of homosexuals in their vision of an 'ideal' society.


Gay people grow up in an extremely hetero dominated society and remain gay, even if they don't want to. Relax breeder.

>But YOU DO involve us with YOUR sex lives, wanting us to be just like you.

The irony and audacity of this statement.

> You force your faggotry upon everyone, even to children who should be off-limits until they're old enough to choose, and they have to choose for themselves instead of being shamed/manipulated/brainwashed into being a faggot

I'm not apologizing for homos who do the same, but you do realize straight people sexualize and manipulate kids and put them in a box and put ideas in their heads more than anyone else, right? Beauty pageants? Advertising for children's toys/products? Disney movies? Constantly talking about their marriage or romantic expectations for them?

Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

>I just want to fuck your kids !
>Bake the cake bigot while i fuck you kids !
>Neck self OP !
>Fags DIE !

>Beauty pageants? Advertising for children's toys/products? Disney movies? Constantly talking about their marriage or romantic expectations for them?

Yeah bro, all that stuff is totally as bad a taking a kid to a gay pride parade and having them dance around in short shorts for all the other perv faggots to jerkoff too. All that stuff is just a bad as adopting a kid from the express purpose of using it as a sex slave and raping it to death. Never met a faggot that didn't fucked by an older faggot when he was a kid. Never met a faggot that didn't want to repeat the process.

> 2% of population
> reasonable
Besides being evolution wise unnatural, it's also causing humongous spread of STDs and rectal cancer.
It's more than degeneracy, it's danger to public health

Gays are okay. It is just a slightly more extreme sexual activity. It is for people who seek a higher level of intimacy, as penetration in missionary is much better when it is between two boys, because then it is something shameful that needs to kept secret. Something you're not really supposed to do. Thus, straight sex is just bland and boring sex, the kind of sex anyone can have, vanilla and lame.

Theres literally nothing wrong with being gay.

How about you straights stop fucking the gender that almost got Hillary elected for president!

There are a lot of reasonable boipussies to quench your thirst for intimacy.

That stuff is fucked up but you're obtuse and blinded by hatred if you can't see that those extreme examples have their equivalents in the things some straight people do with kids too. You just don't go looking for those stories or you ignore them because you've already decided what does and doesn't conform to your worldview.


>Gays are okay. It is just a slightly more extreme sexual activity.
So, it's like bestiality?

There is no purpose to any species, this concept doesn't apply to natural phenomenons. There has to be some entity capable of self aware act of will being responsible for an action, or creation of another entity to talk about purpose. Unless you are suggesting that any species has a purpose to reproduce given by God...

>How can homosexuals make that transformation if they don't want the opposite sex and, by extension, a traditional family?
I'm gay but I want a wife and kids despite my baser instincts.

>not all gays are faggots
>not all blacks are niggers
Please stop with this cucked as fuck may-may.

Biological weapons factories should be illegal. In fact they ARE illegal but there's an exception for faggot anuses for some reason.

Fagola here. Dating my best friend, who I've known since we were in diapers. I'm honestly not gay. Well that's not exactly true. I chose to date him. And I'm obviously fucking him.
I've known he was in love with my for fucking years. I've always been popular and pretty chad tier. I fucked a lot of women and have been in a lot of relationships. He's however what most would consider twink tier and hasn't really dated anyone else, or been with anyone else.
He finally confessed and I decided to just roll with it, but it's honestly more enjoyable being with him than anyone else I've been with, so there's that. And we've been dating for about four years now.

That being said, I despise 99% of the faggots I meet. They are just pure, unadulterated annoyance.
So I get the hate. So asking; "What's the deal" OP, when these fucks are the most annoying cunts in the world is a bit silly.

How about a leadpill degenerate

Same reason we instinctual protect kids or help others. Gays don't reproduce so they can't contribute to the community. Also they are different in that they stray from the typical family roles that we are so used to. I believe this because no matter where you go in the world, gays are disliked


ok, you have your hypothesis/theory/whatever
are you willing to now go out and do the research to test this?
All you have to do is check how likely a homosexual is to stay with one person their entire life, and what the upper bound of their average number of partners can be... I'm sure there are statistics that can test your hypothesis.

You as an individual can be sure of yourself all you want, but when you let another human being into your life who happens to be gay... you don't control him or his mind or his impulses. If he comes home one night infected with HIV from a one night stand with someone else, you wont know about it until it's too late and you're infected too.

Statistically... it WILL happen to you at one point in your life sooner or later, no matter how much you trust your partner, he's a mentally ill self-identified homosexual who engages in an inherently anti-social behavior (homosexuality).

Terrible if HIV were ever cured for good. What other arguments do you have?
You're monsters!

Oh look it's another normalizing pedophilia thread.

Nobody knows what's wrong with them, faggots have existed forever and we've still to corner the cause. Genes, culture, education, environment, a combination of these, nobody knows. Fucking fags.