A Tale of Two "Niggers"

So here's the situation
>All 3 of my daughters are all honors students
>Oldest daughter attends ivy league school with academic scholarship, not Affirmative Action (she actually got better offers just for being smart)
>Only female of color in her entire class (this was several years ago, mind you)
YES, I'm old AF
>She gets called a nigger to her face several times
>inb4ShitThatNeverHappned.jpg; this coming from anons who romanticize the "day of the rope"
>Verbal assault + spat on
>Endures harsh criticism and rejection
>Graduates with honors, Math & Computer Science co-major with an Electronics Engineering minor, working on her Ph.D. thesis
>Currently employed as a Systems Architect at a major IT firm, earns six figures and owns her own home

Her classmate
>Son of a wealthy family
>Drops out of college
>Tries to enlist in the Army
>Awols bootcamp, runs back home to mommy and daddy
>In and out of jail; drugs, sexual assault, sex with a minor, carjacking (his own father's car), vandalism, arson
>My daughter takes pity, tries as best she can to help
>Provides shelter for her friend, fights-off his white nigger friends who provide him with drugs
>Kid dies last year from opioid overdose after breaking probation and skipping therapy
>Parents waste tens of thousands spoiling this kid
>What a shame!

You joke about blacks being nothing more than farm equipment, even if they're helping make your country more globally competitive while contributing to a stronger GDP, i.e.; My daughter's group won a contract with a mobile device manufacturer out of Asia, representing literally dozens of new domestic IT jobs.

My question is: Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again? Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us, regardless of how "normal" (by white standards) we might be?

Other urls found in this thread:



Be more predictable. I dare you.

OP, Take of picture of your hand holding a piece of paper confirming your nigga hood so Sup Forums can shit themselves.

Double nigger

Its immoral. God doesn't want people to just laze around all day, a balanced life includes work.

>shit that never happened.



>She gets called a nigger to her face several times
sticks and stones
>spat on
feminists spit on me fairly often what's your point? real life involves dealing with animals.

???? so not rejection, only peer rejection for being one of those spazzy girls who rushes everywhere and has a bleeding heart. I mean it's a good trait but it's probably originating from your non-african ancestry.

Le creatura.

Cool story, bro

Averages are a thing just like outliers you dumb nigger

>My question is: Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again? Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us, regardless of how "normal" (by white standards) we might be?
Because self sufficiency and independence shouldn't have to be easy, and if you truly want to better yourself and mankind you'd see how beneficial it is when everybody is motivated to be self sufficient and free.

I'm not going to deny that theres a lot of races out there in america that postively benefit to our society, but then again i'm not as racist as Sup Forums is - then again i've always told myself that i'll only have an opinion if i'm not scared to tell in in public. but you can't deny theres a vast majority that are negative for society.

and this is where I split from Sup Forums, i think people should be judged on their abilities, not for their skin.

"(((Ivy league)))" are you sure they're "white"

>Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again? Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us, regardless of how "normal" (by white standards) we might be?
Basic human dignity
That's why

>i think people should be judged on their abilities, not for their skin.
You can totally judge a GROUP by their skin
Be unwise to judge an individual from that group because of their skin though
See, generalisations break down when they're applied to a specific individual
But they hold true while judging a GROUP
The answer to our social issues is not found in judging the merits of a single individual and then applying them to the group, but rather, judging individuals as individuals and groups as groups
So many people seem to struggle with this simple concept

>Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS


sounds like youre just greedy and have no good reason to fight against ethnostates.

>>Only female of color in her entire class
>She gets called a nigger to her face several times
>Verbal assault + spat on

so that was in the 80s

>female of color
nigger, everyone is a person of color.

do you honestly think affirmative action had nothing to do with her education? they have quotas for those scholarships, if you dont thino there was some harder working smarter asian youre naive.


so you're questioning nigs motive in life, yet fully accept that nigs hate this country
proving why even when african people rise up and become a success they never try to help africa crawl out from the stone age

Damn rednecks in those ivy league schools, amirite?


>She gets called a nigger to her face several times
Time to call the stench of bullshit.
I am older then you and all you faggots.
46 y/o here and no one I mean NO ONE says that to anyone's face.

and do you believe everyone other successful person of any race has a free ride and never had bumps in the road?
blacks are just so thin skinned and looking for guilt where ever they can get it

>My question is: Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again?
You shouldn't. Leave.
And if you're so concerned about your daughter being an affirmative aciton hire then maybe your problem is with affirmative action, which draws unwanted attention to black workers and students?

>My daughter is a systems architect who is shit at picking friends
>Why should I not act like a nigger
Cognitive dissonance.

There has been afermitive action for years unless she got into an ivy like 25 years ago she got a bump of 200+ on her sats. Stop being delusional.

But I agree blacks can do fine in Ivy’s all college does is prove to companies that you know how to do work.

Also why the fuck would she be wasting her time getting a PhD when she’s already making 6 figures no one does that she’d just go get a masters. Further, if you’re alresdy that high up with only a bachelors you woudont need another degree unless they want you to go to school for higher position but it would probably be an MBA not a computer science degree because she’s become a manager of a team. This story is shit.

shit that never happened.

This is a slide thread with a raxemixing image to condition you stupid faggots. saging

>Only female of color in her entire class
Black women are only like 6% of the population, and a higher percentage fail to graduate high school than other groups, so it's not really surprising to me if she finds herself in a class with few other black women (although actual statistics indicate that black women are the most college-educated demographic in the US, due to Affirmative Action laws). The collective failings of the group doesn't mean that smart individuals don't exist, but for some reason you are tying your daughter's individual achievement to the failures of a larger group of people. So when you condemn other people for failing to recognize her individuality and for viewing her in the context of a group (i.e., using racial epithets against her), while doing the same thing yourself, it comes off as hypocritical because you are failing to view your own daughter as an individual!

>She gets called a nigger to her face several times
>inb4ShitThatNeverHappned.jpg; this coming from anons who romanticize the "day of the rope"
>Verbal assault + spat on
I'm white and I was racially abused by blacks throughout high school. The only reason this didn't continue in college is because I went to college in the West, in a small town in the mountains where there were virtually no poor black people (although not intentionally trying to avoid blacks by going there - I just liked nature). Even there, the Mexicans were extremely racist and hated white "Anglos," as they called us derogatorily. Go cry me a river; your daughter's experience is not special.

>Endures harsh criticism and rejection
Welcome to adolescence.

>My question is: Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again? Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us, regardless of how "normal" (by white standards) we might be?
Why do you care so much about the opinions of jerks?

>I swear affirmative action had nothing to do with her getting into an Ivy League school, guise!

>Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us
If white people thought this way, we wouldn't even be here arguing about it.

OP here.
>"Because I've never seen it, it doesn't exist"
What are "Atomic Nuclei" for 400, Alex?

Meanwhile, I'm genuinely surprised that no one has assumed that I or my daughters are seeking affirmation from whites. I can't help for society's standard for "normal" happens to also be congruous with being white. Which again illuminates my question: If my daughter is to be berated as a "nigger", why should she even care what any of you think? Why shouldn't she just fill her belly with babies out of wedlock, quit her nice job, and go wrap her legs around the stripper's pole?

Fairer-skinned, like their mother. But everyone in their immediate family, both on my late wife's and my side, are darker-skinned. My wife's grandmother had a white mom (French) generations ago.That's about it. Other than that, our ancestry traces directly back to Africa.

>Also why the fuck would she be wasting her time getting a PhD when she’s already making 6 figures
Because she has already learned the hard way in her line of work that it's not enough for a black person to be credentialed. You have to go far and beyond to prove yourself...especially being in a field dominated by males of other cultures.

>Only female of color in her entire class
>Her classmate

This story contradicts itself before it even gets off the ground.


>Meanwhile, I'm genuinely surprised that no one has assumed that I or my daughters are seeking affirmation from whites. I can't help for society's standard for "normal" happens to also be congruous with being white. Which again illuminates my question: If my daughter is to be berated as a "nigger", why should she even care what any of you think? Why shouldn't she just fill her belly with babies out of wedlock, quit her nice job, and go wrap her legs around the stripper's pole?
Assuming that all whites are jerks/racists is racist.

Yes, the late 80's. Also, you'd be surprised how hostile white people can be when they feel threatened, sometimes even more so when they feel their personal beliefs and comforts are being encroached upon...
>*cough cough*Sup Forums*cough*

Reading comprehension much?

>Assuming that all whites are jerks/racists is racist
You mean like assuming all blacks are low IQ and violent? Also, way to red herring what I said. I don't know whether to explain, defend, or just pity your lack of reading comprehension skills. Please advise.

Should I dump leaked pictures of your family?
>pic related
it's you

Can you tell me, whats up with Obama - he had whole 8 years and great support. Why didn't a black president fix anything regarding black communities and only made racial situation worse?

Go be a nigger somewhere else then.

obvious lying nigger

Great job accusing me of a "red herring" and then turning around and building a strawman.

>all blacks are low IQ and violent
No one said "all." But it is a fact that the average IQ for blacks in America is about 15 points lower than it is for whites, and that blacks, on average, commit disproportionately more crime than other races.

You are failing to understand the difference between individual differences and group averages. That's probably what allows you to be such a racist and seemingly have a clean moral conscience about it.

100% never happened.

OP is a 19 year old white dude 100% guaranteed


>Why didn't a black president fix anything regarding black communities
Contrary to popular belief, Obama was actually politically moderate. In fact, Hillary warned voters of this during her run against him. Interestingly enough, I have heard blacks who complain that Obama didn't do enough for the black community. But what if he did? He would never have gotten a second term, that's what.

>only made racial situation worse
Everyone who hates Obama accuses him of this. TO MY KNOWLEDGE, never once did he incite social discourse, disparage whites, setup pretenses for racial disparity, much less publicly dog-whistled black nationalism. Unless one wants to accuse him of NOT speaking-out more on racial harmony, which is an obvious mulligan. But hey...I'd be open to being proven wrong on this...

>Calling me a racist
>For my comments on Sup Forums

Slave owners used to impregnate their own slaves. Some slave owners were incredibly intelligent which got passed down. This is why blacks need to be integrated so we have neil degrasse tysons instead of a bunch of chief keefs


>accusing seemingly all whites in America of racism while simultaneously expressing racism yourself
Why should anyone care about criticism from a hypocrite?

If it's a virtue to be anti-racist, then why can't you practice anti-racism yourself? Logically, either you don't think anti-racism is a virtue and you just to manipulate other people by making them forego their own in-group preferences, or else you think anti-racism is a virtue but can't follow your own advice because you aren't a virtuous person, in which case you're in no position to be preaching morality to strangers on the internet.

OP here, reminding everyone that I already inb4ed

Knowing that I don't fit your preconceived notions of reality. You will never learn anything from life living in your own respective plastic bubbles, but that's your problem...not mine.

But if I am able to prove every ounce of my story, then what? It wouldn't change anything! Tell me what it would change, and I'd consider it. How would you treat me any differently? You wouldn't. Otherwise, there's no need to dox myself to prove myself to any of you.

Moreover, my only desire in life is for my kids to have a much more meaningful life than I had. I couldn't give a rat's ass your opinion, honestly, or else I'd have written a fucking blog or book seeking attention. I'm here trolling on your shit to entertain my morbid curiosity and nothing more, so do yourselves a favor and don't flatter yourselves.

Good. Fuck off, nigger

>Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS and oblige all the grievous stereotypes that expect of us, regardless of how "normal" (by white standards) we might be?

Because GIBBS ME DATS isn't sustainable.

>If my daughter is to be berated as a "nigger", why should she even care what any of you think? Why shouldn't she just fill her belly with babies out of wedlock, quit her nice job, and go wrap her legs around the stripper's pole?

Again unsustainable. If she does this then she knows no compassion for her fellow countrymen who would be footing the bill.

To assume that everyone who uses this site agrees with everything posted on this site would be absurd because there are shills pulling normies to either extreme.

You could always empower your brothers ya know, aspiring to be chief keef isn't helping your people. They should aspire to be like you but you're just as caught up in the blame whites mentality just as much as blacks in the hood are.

So basically you agree that he was a total weasel keeping up good public image to stay in power while dealing with Suaudis, Iran funding ISIS etc behind the curtain. And cared more about muslims than about his fellow back people still living in the slums.

This entire thread. Poorly meme'd.

White larper looking to "BTFO Sup Forums" please stfu and go back to leftypol.

No not all blacks are low IQ and violent. Most are. Just like how I believe most people on this earth are low IQ and when low IQ people are in a shitty situation they get violent. People don't choose to have these opinions, they are the peoples' best attempt at trying to figure out the truth. They didn't see two options and go "Oh I'll choose to be racist". Looking at statistics and studies (minnesota transracial adoption study stands out to me) they find these opinions to be the case. They believe they are true, no matter how sad they are. Now, I don't believe all blacks are low iq and violent, I believe that the media and the government has abused the black population and basically turned them into slaves. Who was the president who said "I'll have these blacks voting democratic for the next 100 years" or something along those lines? He was right. I have met many intelligent black people, but the problem is that the media has got them all riled up and believing that the establishment government (and falsely, by extension the US populace) is out to get them. (I do believe crack and rap music was invented to hurt the black population, so they are right in some way). And now you have these intelligent black people who are utterly OBSESSED with their melanin levels because of liberal indoctrination rather than focusing on anything else that would be productive

>I have heard blacks who complain that Obama didn't do enough for the black community. But what if he did? He would never have gotten a second term, that's what.

Yes, because the Democratic machine only garners votes from impoverished blacks rather than empowered blacks, so they try to keep them poor to keep them voting blue.

>my only desire in life is for my kids to have a much more meaningful life than I had
Welcome to the club.

>never once did he incite social discourse, disparage whites, setup pretenses for racial disparity, much less publicly dog-whistled black nationalism.
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin..."

>I know, I'll go on Sup Forums and pretend to be a 50 year old nigger with 3 smart black daughters!
why do people do this?

"Blaming X" and distracting from the real, underlying causes prevents progress from being made. It's Democrats and Jews keeping niggers on the plantation.

>Why should any black person care about Making America Great Again? Why shouldn't we just live the "easy life" of GIBBS ME DATS

It's not sustainable, that's really it. As a black male I've gotten along just fine in life by putting in effort and showing my worth just like everyone else. If an employer doesn't want me because I'm black I'll just find one of the many others who don't give a shit and are just looking for a job well done. Racism on both sides is completely blown out of proportion unless we are talking about the most southern backwoods shithole, which isn't a place worth being anyway regardless of your race.

>what are outliers
I would never call your daughter a nigger tho
I love smart black girls who don't act/talk like a nigger

I'll tell you as a white person that I'd be the first to stand on your side if I could vouch, undoubtly, that all of your post is true. However, don't give me the impression that racism isn't warranted when you look at how your black racial kin don't make you all look like a bunch of nigger savages.

Not saying there aren't white niggers too.

I don't think so, I live in the south and it's the republicans causing all of the problems. Cities can only do so much.

You are a fucking jew.
No way an old nigger would lurk here.

Also look up the logical fallacies, you made the anecdotal logical fallacy.
1 smart nigger does not equal in whole nigger species being smart.
Also women are something totally different than men.

What is your statement now?
You want us to let the nigger hordes into Europe and US, because there is one smart nigger woman out there? You want us to approve that?
I can spend your daughter some semen so she can raise a more intelligent mulatto sprog, but that is all I can offer you. The criteria would be that you have to fuck off to Africa with your whole family just in change for my semen.

fpbp niggers on suicide watch

Everyone that's not a fucking idiot and knows statistics knows that even if the average for something like intelligence is lower in one population group than another you still find that there are a lot of people in that former group that are more intelligent than a lot of people in that latter group.

So even if there are only a few people that have higher intelligence in the black population than some in the white population it doesn't prove that the people in the black population are as intelligent on average than those in the white population.

>she gets called a nigger
Who is calling her a nigger, is it other women?

>feminists spit on me fairly often

my fetish

one fine Canadian here

Some of you will have a rude awakening when you realize how many middle class blacks I know across this country who maintain nuclear households where at least one parent is a full-time professional.

YOU WOULD THINK that any true American patriot would revel in the idea, but you would be equally surprised how many white people feel literally threatened by this...and I do mean in the most irrational sense...bordering on hysterical phobia.

It makes no sense!

You complain when blacks take-up your jails. Fine. But then blacks do what they can to get ahead, and not even that is enough.

First of all
>Africa shithole meme
Also, I was born in America. Just like it's not your fault my ancestors were brought here in chains, it's not my fault that your lazy colonial aristocrats chose to make a pact with the Jews to import us. Then you have the nerve to be angry when we go on to excel as professional athletes and celebrity millionaires. So if I'm going to go pack up my shit and return to the Motherland, America needs to pay the fucking trans-Atlantic fare back, because I worked my ass off to earn everything I own, I pay my fair share of taxes, and obey the law. FOH
>Where's my ticket, whitey?
/sarcasm in case your autism doesn't recognize it.

hey man, can you answer a question? i'm genuinely curious

i've been thinking how to phrase this, let me try

so let's say we had a group of people, and we know that x% of them are trash (extremely violent and hopelessly stupid) and the rest are OK

if 0

Fake and gay


>Cities can only do so much.
Towards what, voting Democrat and ensuring the demographic tide of mestizo invasion is made irreversible?

Nigger daddy isn't going onto Sup Forums and complaining about this shit.

your daughter has a florence nightingale complex and is going to spend the rest of her days trying to fix men that wont or cant love her back

forgot to mention: assuming you can't know who's trash and who's OK

Good job, I'd probably have you over for dinner if we lived on the same street. Like leaf said earlier in the group, I have prejudices against groups, but I try to treat individuals as individuals unless they very quickly behave in a racially stereotypical manner, which a large percentage of blacks de facto are more liable to do. No personal offense at all intended with this post if you are who you claim you are. Ignore the obvious incitement from the CIA supercomputer-AI "Grumpy".

No intelligent person would invest energy or emotion into a drug addict. Sage, Nigger.

You should get your daughter to explain statistics to you assuming you aren't LARPing.

In this case you have a black person who is at the far right of the intelligence and success bell curve and contributing to society without the needs of gibs.

If every black person was like your daughter or shared similar traits aside from skin color, most people, even on Sup Forums, wouldn't care.

Instead black people I interact with on occasion are more likely to be like this (Live in Beaumont, TX btw):

You daughter being the exception is great, but it doesn't change the fact that there are liberal approved breeding farms of section 8 black trash that only serve to commit crime, add to the democratic voting base, consume resources without contributing, and never break the cycle of poverty and degeneracy.

I have sympathy for people like your daughter and try to judge people I personally interact with on an individual basis, but most blacks are niggers unfortunately and it would be unwise to assume otherwise.

Because it's like the south, only family and friends get the real jobs, real upwards mobility, real entry into middle class. The whites that are most likely threatened probably went to school in the south like Auburn and started their careers in shitholes like Birmingham where they probably literally sucked dick and got fucked in the ass to further their careers. And seeing someone get to where they are from actual inteliigence instead of being raised with a silver spoon in their mouths than having to suck dick in the real world makes them jealous to those that were smart enough not to suck dick.

tht pic
aah it hurts

ey brudda can u gib de timestamp pic wit de han pls?


Also - the "Go back to Africa"-comment applies to gibmedats-Dindus who constantly complain about reparations for slavery while doing the foodstamp-bingo. Sensible blacks like yourself are hilariously rare, you have no fucking idea. This is coming from a dyed-in-the-wool foreigner meritocrat who's seen quite a lot and been subjected some racist shit in his days.

I don't know the answer to that question, i guess you shouldn't.
My question is: Why do you continue to live in a country where people despise you? If you don't like your environment, and feel you cannot or are not willing/able to improve it then why the hell would you stay there? Because of free stuff? Are you that petty, that you will stay in a society that hates you just because of your skin because they provide you with some trinkets and crumbs? That says a lot to me, does it to you?

you know that girl laid on those tracks and waited for a train to behead her?

The problem I have with even most decent blacks is that they still support mass immigration and mostly vote along racial lines. We're not ever going to get over the sins of the past, (and chattel slavery was a huge, immoral mistake in our country's history), until one of us is gone. I know that when the other shoe drops I'm going to be held to blame for things that happened decades and centuries before I was born. I don't want to be a minority in my own country, and I don't want to have to rely on the goodwill of increasingly hostile and illogical peoples. Peaceful multiculturalism is a myth, and it's not just the fault of white people. It's not normal to be perfectly content with your people being displaced.


We're all minorities now. Globalization means America is fucked unless we get over the same fucking problems.

Yes it is a sad story and that is how we remember her, by using that image.

Even if it is kinda fishy, because who took the photos?
Also some of her classmates or whatever meant on Youtube that she fakened her death, but idk if that is true.
I remember some video about a mother crying, but could be any mother of any child tho.

you're fitting in so well, sweetie!

Fippity Bippity


Ooga booga Go back to Africa

Also for she's been like this since she was a kid. She always wanted to adopt every stray dog she saw. I'm thankful, however, that's she's mostly asexual, but that's another conversation.

Reasonable. No argument there.

>Why do you continue to live in a country where people despise you?
Well, I can't say that everyone despises me. That would be disingenuous. I don't expect everyone to love me. And I'm old enough and wise enough to know that if I want respect, I'm going to have to earn it. Take Sup Forums, for instance. This place isn't the pimple on the ass of the racism I've ever faced IRL. I have worse stories than the greentext about my daughter that would send some of the stormfags here into a frothing rage. I picture them like gradeschool kids with their fingers in their ears, stomping and shouting
Meanwhile, these same myopic rubes would be the first in line if public lynchings were made a thing again.

Let me be clear. I don't FEAR America. I don't HATE America.

I do, however, despise the fact that America suffers from a disease where it cannot possibly bear the burden of telling the truth about itself. And that goes for white man, black man, yellow man, red man, brown man alike. America would buckle under the weight of righteous truth. And no one...NO ONE...has the courage to step-up for it!

>Verbal assault + spat on
>Endures harsh criticism and rejection

This is where your cool story fell of the rails. I'm a brown hispanic american and I have NEVER EVER in my entire life seen anything racist in my life. Unless you count getting into fights with niggers in high school as racist, but then that would imply niggers are racist.

> that's she's mostly asexual,

naa naa darkie she gettin dat long white dick knawutimsayan doggie?

There are plenty of intelligent and capable blacks, but that is just because there are so many blacks in the world. Top 1% of them means a lot of individuals.

The problem is not an individual one, the problem is a group one. If blacks and whites are compared as groups - which they always are by globalists for the purposes of race-baiting - blacks will always do worse on average. Whatever the academic standard is, there will always be fewer blacks who reach it than whites.

For a multi-cultural society to even pretend to function, it needs to live on the (incorrect) axiom that "all races are equal." Hence, if blacks and whites are equal, but blacks do worse, the only possible explanation is that society is racist towards blacks. To make it "fair," society must then punish whites for the "privilege" they have of being white. This results in even more tension. Eventually, we will see segregation and huge division and maybe a race war.

Blacks and whites cannot co-exist, unless society truly moves past racism and judges people as individuals, which includes getting rid of things like affirmative action.

You should probably move to a less racist nation
>inb4 you pick an even whiter country
Plus, this is a sad larp.
Nobody is spitting on her, and if by some chance somebody did spit on her, she probably isn't telling you the whole story, that is for sure.