For fucks sake, serious post for a minute:

for fucks sake, serious post for a minute:
how can any american support or not be outraged at an obvious sham investigation being conducted by the very government that keeps you enslaved and obedient to them? how can you not see this and say "wow, this is truly the establishment powers upsetting our democratic system". i mean what we are LOSING in the United States via this sham Russia investigation is far greater than anything related to political differences and it's something we'll never get back.

it's fine if you don't like Donald Trump, lord knows i genuinely hated Obama, but i don't at any point remember hoping that he was removed from office for something phony.

and beyond that, i would ask yourself why the government powers that have been ruling over us for so long and are responsible for your miserable, slavish life, actually want to remove Donald J Trump in the first place. What is it that he's going to do that they're so afraid of? obviously they don't care about you or your family or your life. obviously they've been responsible for creating the crummy situation we are in now. i would just think for a minute that MAYBE just MAYBE they know that Trump is upsetting their plans for "globalism" AKA "global slavery of every man woman and child on earth" and that's a pretty big thing. even though i disagree with Trump on so many things, even i can recognize that he is standing in the way of that plan right now and that is why all of these powers are attacking him.


Other urls found in this thread:

If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.

Facts about America:

- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously

America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself

just an FYI for everyone - MOBY is a massive anti-trump fuckhead. he's not saying this because he wants to support the guy or portray this idea of a deep state trying to ruin his presidency. he is very much on the polar opposite of the political and ideological spectrum.

what a load of fucking spam, get off of my thread fagon.

>but i don't at any point remember hoping that he was removed from office for something phony.

Right? It's normie shallow pettiness that knows now bounds. The lie about Trump and then believe Trump is a problem that needs to be removed, based on their own literally made up lies.

> What is it that he's going to do that they're so afraid of?

That's what I'm wondering too.

But to the point of the article you posted and I haven't read yet, just responding to the headline... That's some smoking gun stuff right there. I've suspected and others have that your average celebrity has ulterior motives for going against Trump, someone's paying them or blackmailing them to do it or they're doing it to please the executives of the companies that actually pay them. But this proves it right here, Moby said he was directed contacted. It proves someone's using celebrities to push their agenda.

If you don't want to live in a system that at least respects your rights as it's founding principals, you're free to go live where you have no freedom at all and see how that works out.

I don't disparage the ideal of my nation because of the retarded actions of those who don't understand those ideals.

Yeah but it's having the backwards, unintended effect. I bet he's thinking "how this is so serious the actual CIA told me to talk about it" not realizing he's a pawn for the deep state and he just blurted it out.

Also I work in the music industry and can tell you that most musicians are fucking retards and they're only successful due to the people around them making them successful/using them. They're the biggest puppets on earth and it's ironic how much of their "music" is anti-authority when they're entire lives are spent rimjobbing authority for money.


>Facts about America:

>What is it that he's going to do that they're so afraid of?

Nothing. They're just seriously ass-hurt about losing. That's literally all it is. They've never had to eat crow and now it's happened on at a scale the magnitude of which they never could have envisioned, and it's broken their tiny minds.

They cant control him like the rest of the bought and paid for politicos, thats why they fear him



>"serious post"
>low IQ post with a lack of proper formatting (e.g. no capitalization, misuse of commas, and grammatical errors
>expecting serious replies or anyone to seriously read it

how does he rationalize that faggot philosophy?

Is Moby /ourguy/ now?

I remember him shilling hard for Hillary last year. Why would he come out and tell the world the CIA is telling him to promote the Russian BS?

>I work in the music industry
Peep my music bro.


judgement will come

nobody listens to techno

He's coming out with it because he wants people to know Trump is THAT MUCH of a threat.

Trump is the Manchurian candidate, literally Putin's puppet. That's what Moby sakd

During the interview he mentions his friend and neighbor Adam Schiff (yes, of the House Intelligence Committee) and hopes that wins in 2018 and take over as head of the House Judiciary Committee.

Did Schiff provide any of the shit Moby's been putting on social media? An address for Schiff in Burbank isn't too far from Moby's restaurant.

Moby is a moron and actually believed the CIA nerds.

That's been my main theory too, without direct evidence stated by someone ie "I want Trump out of office because it's bad for my business or racket or whatever" ... We're left with the general conclusion that since he can't be easily controlled, they want him out.

even though this is technically speculative to a high degree, i feel confident i can pretty much tell you how this went, and i'm sure it's not unique to this case. in fact, i'm sure this is feeding much of the MSM narrative and how they've thrown all of their eggs in the basket of "muh russia collusion" and the idea that trump gets pee pee showers in the kremlin from hookers......

basically, the dude is a useful idiot, and so is much of the media. people think they're "cool" cuz they have a few connections in the CIA or some other agency. "oooooh look at me, it's like the movies". the CIA comes to them and says "oh yeah look, we're gonna give you this info, just put it out there, do this for us" and they unthinkingly gobble it all up because in their minds, they're LARPing as James Bond and all of this stuff. they take whatever the CIA has to say to them at face value, without ever thinking that they're being played themselves, because they think now they're on the "inside" and they're "secret spies" and all of this BS.

and of course guys like Moby and other musicians and actors and media types probably have such big egos that they think to themselves "when they make the movie about my life, this will be a big part of it! i'm a CIA superspy!" and stupid shit like that!

i am pretty sure that many in the MSM even anchors on CNN have been fooled by this same trick. it's just a simple exploit of human psychology that i'm sure the CIA would be aware of, and it follows right along with some of their other history (MKULTRA and Project Mockingbird are two verified CIA projects with relevance to this that come to mind here).

so basically, these people are fucking morons, they're getting duped and it's really sad for everyone involved, especially america.

Could you imagine the scandal if Schiff were in any way responsible?

he's absolutely right though.
most of the famous people idolized by the average, whether it be musicians, actors or whatever - are absolute fucking imbeciles and it is this lack of cognition that actually allows them to be able to do what they do in the first place.

>There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.
Then move somewhere else you fucking cunt.

i mean does anyone really think that if a government agency approached some absolute vacant retard whose only gift in life is the meager verbal intelligence needed to string together a few fancy and indignant words that make him sound 10 times smarter than he is like Don Lemon, and said "here is this info, we need you to do this for us" that he wouldn't bite hook line and sinker because it just plays totally into his "i am a social justice crusader doing what is right for everyone!" mental LARP that so many lefties and self-important "elites" have? obviously everyone knows he would bite. there's just no question.

he and many others are prob going on TV every night for the last year thinking to themselves that they have this insider info about evil Drumpf and his Russian spy collusion and that its all going to come out, and they're all going to be proven right at the end and will look like the big smart winners, but because meeting with the real CIA and getting real intelligence info and stuff like that is so big and intimidating even to someone in a position like that, they don't bother to stop and question and see that they've been conned themselves. and when the investigation fails, they'll naturally just say "well, what a travesty, he escaped justice!" rather than look in the mirror and realize "wow, i was duped by one of the most dishonest and immoral intelligence agencies ever to exist on the face of the planet".

Why do you think the CIA felt like they could use him?

Can you imagine a bunch of people who thought that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction thinking that Moby is popular?

I can!

"booking agent"

We are in for one hell of a fight for the midterm elections. Republicans must maintain control of the committee. It's the only thing driving this shithole alphabet soup towards the gallows.

Personally, I really think someone needs to dig and see if there's any possibility of Schiff and Moby having a relationship of any sort. I don't think that the douchebag pulled Schiff's name out of the ether. There's a reason Moby mentioned Schiff.

>Income inequality is meaningless. If there was a country where half the people were millionaires and half were trillionares, there’d be massive inequality. But everyone would be well off. What counts is income levels and standard of living. We aren’t the absolute best in the world in either, but we’re in the very top teir for both.

The deep state and the (anti-)American secret services literally fighting against the democratically elected POTUS, where did I see that movie before?

lol dude i dunno. i just know that its pretty clear at this point what has happened. it was ALWAYS really clear and transparent and IMO that was the problem they had. they really believed that if they just said "he's a russian spy" that the american people would believe it because they always believed it in the past. they even believed the "WMD" lie in Iraq, as you reference, and that was in fairly recent-ish times. i guess they didn't count on like half of the country not only rejecting this notion outright, but actually realizing where it was coming from (IE "deep state") and actually publishing it in their publications, talking about it on TV, and making it a real genuine movement to realize the problem in and of itself. i just don't think they were expecting people to call their bluff to the extent that they finally did this time.

of course, the fucking dems are still eating it up because they LOVE big government and they unironically think governments are their saviors, but the other half of the country, it seems, is finally on to the tricks. IMO it is because of the internet. that is the thing that changed. that's why you see so many big companies now trying to tamp down on freedom of speech and information that is passed over this thing.

You're missing a point, imagine the scandal of a Congressman that sits on the House Intelligence Committee feeding shit to some douchebag like Moby to put on social media.

>MOBY is a massive anti-trump fuckhead
>doesnt take the chance to fuck drumpf

kennedy is always upheld as the quintessential example of this but IMO nixon is prob another example too. if you listen to the nixon tapes, as much shit as people give him for them, it does sort of paint a picture of a guy who does actually want what's best for the nation and is willing to do whatever is necessary vs the forces that would oppose him in order to make it happen. BUT of course nixon was a republican and kennedy was a democrat so the legend and mythos that has evolved via the jewish and communist media is that "kennedy was good, nixon was bad" and IMO it was nixon that was really /ourguy/.

BUT kennedy wanted to "splinter the cia into a thousand pieces and scatter it to to the wind", and when wikileaks released their vault 8 cache pretty recently, what was the password the CIA was using? literally "SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds". extremely fucking creepy, especially based on all of the other preponderance of famous evidence that the CIA murdered JFK.

>Helping CIA niggers

Sadly, this is old news. The media and the feds have worked hand-in-hand since the 1960's. Pretty much everything went to shit during the hippie years.

no im not missing that i'm saying that i'm sure that there are congressmen involved as well as people in unelected positions, law enforcement positions, intelligence agencies, and many other walks. i mean the organizational effort doesn't have to be large, in practice. it's not like these people need to be secretly attending "illuminati blood meetings" in some shady basement somewhere in order to have a similar agenda and be willing to pursue that agenda and know what needs to be done to pursue it. just look at people like Peter Strzok who was on Muellers team before it was revealed what his true agenda was. and obviously he's not the only example that's been outed.

and before people accuse of us being "tinfoil hat people". the truth is that the stuff we are saying is just verifiably the way the US government (and probably all governments) work.

True and I'm glad you see it. Still, they weren't Congressmen sitting on the Intel Committee.

BTW, I have to laugh at how DiFi's leak kinda blew up in her fucking ugly, old, wrinkled face.


oh i see what you're saying. yeah but no i mean i would pretty much expect people sitting on the intel committee would be the ones most heavily involved in this stuff because they're going to have the connections and other people are going to have the agenda to get them installed there. and not only that, how many of our leaders in washington can we genuinely trust? almost all of them, with the exception of a select few on both sides, are actually bought and financed by the GOP or the DNC. those organizations essentially decide who wins their primaries by delegating who they give their money to. only in rare circumstances does that fail, like when Steve Bannon backed Roy Moore against Luther Strange, who had received millions more in funding from the GOP. or like Trump, who basically didn't spend hardly anything on his primary campaign, but won because of a mix of his celebrity status, unique message, and constant media coverage that even though it was negative, had the unintended effect of endearing him to republican voters who were frustrated with the media.

so my only point is that the system is jiggered in such a way that the people who rise positions like that are the ones who are willing to play ball to begin with.

>stockhausen remixes
so edgy it hurts

The CIA niggers don’t give a fuck, holy shit

well she had a bad cold so lets all just forgive her, or something like that.

All true, but it's nice when you have something that the media could potentially verify and they have to toss one of them off the ship.

Lying "President"

> my country is not #1 in every category
> ergo, I shall despise it
strong leftypol logic

Im so stupid, Clearly the Leftypol from 8 chan plan to make America communist didnt work....

Well, now, How do we distabalize America or any other country now?
Post funny pictures and bitch on 3chan?

How about fix living situation?

2 things right off of the top of my white head.

1. You have cheep dental etc, why dont You find a way to Market that?
(Medical cruises).

2. I forgot while writing 1.... I totally blanked out

Didn't they know that nobody listens to Moby anyone?

I believe him 100 percent. I was being serious.

In his own words:

That's it, Im callin the alphabet soup cops (CIA, NSA, MJTF, DHS , FBI federal bird inspectors)

Moby's just a tard making shit up to promote his music. He hasn't been relevant since 9/11 and he wants to be in the spotlight again

>Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
>America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
Yankees will simply never understand, which is why the only solution ever was a bullet.

Hey it's true. America fucking blows.

Then why don't you get the fuck out of my country if you hate it so much, you good little useful idiot.

what a stupid cunt.
how does he figure that actually raping a child is any different from giving someone else money to facilitate it? a kid still suffers at your hands either directly or by proxy.

alas, then i look at his face, and notice that his eyes are pointing in two different directions.

fucking retards, man.


Youre such an intellectual aren't you?

ironically, not speaking up when there is criticism that needs to be made - purely because of "muh patriotism", no less - would actually comprise the dictionary definition of the term "useful idiot"


>the article you posted and I haven't read yet, just responding to the headline
Why would you do such a thing?

KEK! Clever.

Hahaha thats really funny that you put president in quotations like that, implying that he is not really a real president. Your comedy is truly special and is not anything ive ever seen before. You are a real comedian and have added to the argument in a very amazing way by making fun of or trump. Nobody has ever done that before!

For fucks sake, they went to the original soy boy to spread rumors. What a fucking joke.

Look it up, he's on tour. Literally every time theses musicians make these statements, they're on tour. U2 has been blasting Trump for months now, they started when their tour started and the news articles drop around the times between the concerts. Same thing with Roger Waters and now Moby and I'm betting dozens of others.

That's how fake all of this is. It's that cheap of a marketing strategy. They did the same thing with Bush, a bunch of musicians got a windfall making anti-Bush stuff. They're hoping to repeat the successful business model this time but the American people aren't having it.

He's saying it because he still believes it and refuses to believe that he would be used.

Because I'm being honest and objective? Tons of people don't read the actual article and comment on it. I'm being honest saying I'm just responding to what the headline said...

>U2 has been blasting Trump for months now,

Holy shit! They're still alive?

This is true. I love the angle you look at with applying just normal, normie attention-seeking, self-congratulating behavior too.. You get it user.

>And of course guys like Moby and other musicians and actors and media types probably have such big egos that they think to themselves "when they make the movie about my life, this will be a big part of it! i'm a CIA superspy!" and stupid shit like that!

>so basically, these people are fucking morons, they're getting duped and it's really sad for everyone involved, especially america.

This is true. Musicians are the biggest morons with the biggest egos. I think it's pyschology because take them and put them on stage and approve of them. That always leads the human to thinking they're special and more important, simply by physically elevating them about the crowd and having their attention. That's what the "musician" seeks, since that's what we've turned music into.

So of course this attracts the type of people who easily manipulated by positive attention and money. So they become mouthpieces for someone else's agenda.

Fuckin Moby being a mouthpiece for the spooks. Kek!


he's not, he's a reality tv actor you stupid fuck.
you didn't elect a man, you elected a character.

Mark (((Levin)))
Every. Fucking. Time.

>If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90
took about 10 seconds to find out that this is a new pasta making the rounds. For fuck sake stop replying to it.

what a faggot trying to cover his ass for looking a fool

I have a question for Sup Forums since you guys are always on top of the flow of genuine information.
That shit people are vomiting about trump insulting us niggers, asians and the people in the caribbean, do they actually have a recording of him saying that or is this just he say she say anonymous leak?

bumpshitty CIA copy pasta


Do not judge by the color of their makeup but by the content of their character.

if they had a recording they'd be playing it non stop every second, probably a stephen miller created false flag against media to erode trust

you're fucking delusional.
literally all he has done since he took office is pander to his {{{masters}}}

>the content of his character

We are outraged. Wtf do you want us to do? Burn everything to the ground? No ones got time for that. Our bellies are full, electricity is on, bars are open. Not worth it.

yes, well they saw in communist countries what people do when you take EVERYTHING away from them.
so they reformed the system, and now they leave you with just enough to lose that you don't want to risk no longer getting the crumbs they toss you.

Moby is a bald faggot. That is all.

>What I find is, if I walk into a congressman’s office and say you should care about animals, they will ignore me. But if I walk in and say, ‘oh, did you know animal agriculture contributes to 75 per cent of antibiotic resistance’, that gets their attentions, so it’s up to us as activists to figure out which part of the animal rights agenda is going to reach people.

Which Congressman's office would that be?

They don't. And it's already been debunked, Media has just gone full retard. That doesn't change the fact all those places are in fact shitholes and Trump brought up a point on everyone's minds. Why the hell are we only ever taking in people from these places? There are people from all over the world trying to get into this country, Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, ME, India you fucking name it, yet our priorities always have to be for the truck driver from Ghana? Wtf for? I'm an immigrant myself, and where I come from is an Eastern European shithole but still nowhere as much of a dump as places like Haiti, and my parents came with skills and know how and demanded of me to perpetuate those skills and know how. Alot of the migrants from central America and the Caribbean don't do shit.

I know hes not! Thats why i agreed with you! He was voted into office as the president but youre totally right, he actually isnt the president! Wow, I never thought of it that way, and no one has ever said it in such a smart intelligent way before. I bet people tell you all the time how much of an intelligent visionary you are.

I'm from one of those communist countries man. I'm not saying it's ok, but for the common man his struggle isn't political affairs, international commerce, and legislation. I'd say compared to just about anywhere else in the world except for a few minor exceptions Americans are very involved and voice their opinions often. We have a system built that allows us to fight against inaction or deceit without having to kill everyone.

>Your comedy is truly special and is not anything ive ever seen before.
>You are a real comedian and have added to the argument in a very amazing way by making fun of or trump.
>Nobody has ever done that before!
>Wow, I never thought of it that way, and no one has ever said it in such a smart intelligent way before
>I bet people tell you all the time how much of an intelligent visionary you are.

this shtick does not make you look as clever as you think it does