Where the Serbs right to commit genocide against the Muslims?

Ever since Radovan Karadzic was convicted of genocide I have thought about the war in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's a lot. I think it was one of the most interesting events in history. I think the Serbs were fighting a just war to take their country back from the Muslims. I think the Serbs had a higher claim to Bosnia than the Muslims because Islam was brought to the Balkans by the imperialist Ottoman Empire. Maybe the Serbs were more brutal than they needed to be to take their country back from the Muslims. I don't know. Ratko Mladic said: "People are not little stones, or keys in someone's pocket, that can be moved from one place to another just like that... Therefore, we cannot precisely arrange for only Serbs to stay in one part of the country while removing others painlessly. I do not know how Mr Krajisnik and Mr Karadzic will explain that to the world. That is genocide".

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Some liberal hawks and neocons criticize leftists like Noam Chomsky for denying that the Serbs comitted genocide against the Muslims.
Whether or not the Serbs committed genocide against the Muslims, I still think that that they were fighting a just war to take their country back from the Muslims.
"The Serbs think this is the year 782 and they are with Charles Martel saving Christian Europe by stopping the Moslem advance at Tours. Or it is 1529 and they are stopping Suleiman at the gates of Vienna. The Ottoman Empire is long gone, but the gunners in the hills surrounding Sarajevo refer to their targets--civilians dashing from doorway to doorway--as Turks."
"As evidence of Mladić’s bigotry, the judges pointed to a 1994 Serb television video that showed him gleefully touring a village that had been emptied of Muslims, whom Mladić called “Turks.”"

Serbs and Croats should unite under one banner, only then will the muslim horde be destroyed for good.

This is an offer to our brothers serbs, with open arms and good will, join us in the conquest against the muslim opression which has taken place over europe.

I mean, were the Serbs right to commit genocide against the Muslims?.

The "muslims" they genocided were White slavic people who didn't even practice islam seriously. Anyone is Bosnia that seriously practiced islam left Bosnia for Turkey about a hundred years ago. So fuck Serbia.

Radovan Karadzic denied to Elie Wiesel that the Serbs burned down the Sarajevo National Library.
Elie Wiesel said: "I objected. I had seen the library in ruins: the damaged walls, the artillery scars. The building had been attacked from the outside. ".
Was Radovan Karadzic lying?. If so, why?. When Serbia gained independence from the Ottoman Empire, they destroyed Islamic and Turkish buildings.
"By 1878, when the Ottoman Empire relinquished its last claims to sovereignty over Serbia, most buildings that bore an Islamic or Turkish stamp had been destroyed. "

God blessed Serbia. Serbia FTW


I can't be assed to learn about this whole conflict but lucky for me all I need to know if one of the sides was Muslims so whicever side that is was the one that deserves to die

Mr. Lewis should consult "Islamic Declaration" (1970, updated 1990) by Alija Izetbegovic, President of Bosnia, to see what a Bosnia run by Muslims would be like, and why Bosnian Serbs are fighting. Consider the main tenet of Mr. Izetbegovic's doctrine: "There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political institutions."

A good amount of the Muslims that Serbs killed came from Osama training camps. Most people don't get how absolutely weird and off brand it was for America to back radical Islamists over Orthodox Christians but what the Fuck thanks Clinton I'm sure there was nothing in it for you


If you honestly think the Yugoslav wars were about religion and not ethnicity, you're a fucking brainlet. The stronk Crusader Christian Serb defenders were paramilitaries formed from literal criminals, thieves, murderers released from prison. The Bosniak jihadis were alcohol drinkers and pork sausage eaters. Nobody gave a fuck about religion when the shit hit the fan. It was all about last names and ethnic tensions. People used religion as a way to fan the flames, sure, but these people did not fight one another because of it.

This. It was white people killing other white people. Serbians and anyone else who glorifies the genocide of the Bosnians are just as bad as jews.

Serbs are truly a subhuman bunch

Ethnicity?. I think the people in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia are all part of a south Slavic racial group and they all speak the same language. As far as I know, the only difference between them is their religion.

Serbs and Bosnians are barely white.

It was not a religiously motivated war. That's propaganda. It was a Nationalistic expansionist effort to establish Greater Serbia. If it was religiously motivated, there would be no reason to attack Croats.

Bosnians are genetically the same as Croats.

Can you answer this?. What is wrong with creating Greater Serbia?. Bosnia Serbs did not want to be divided from Serbia by an international border.

Hard to tell looking at some of them.

>mutts and westerncucks thinking "white" means anything here
they got what they deserved, refused all partition plans, tried to play both sides, imported pakis and mujahideens, even the "genocide" was a meme, they'd do the same if they could, so fuck them

Just as planned

i love it, lets do it....we were brothers once we can be brothers again

your people are the biggest subhumans they literally funded the ottomans just to hurt the Russian empire...disgusting
