Do you bigots even consider the ramifications of your actions and those of your orange goon...

Do you bigots even consider the ramifications of your actions and those of your orange goon? This man is just trying to raise his #proudshitholer baby.

should've left it in Africa

go back to his birthplace then.

its amazing how even tiny black children often look angry


Not smiling in photos is apparently genetic.

This reminds of that polish joke where the pole comes home holding a piece of dog shit and tells his wife to come and see what he almost stepped in.

fuck you and your nigger kid.

Why is he your son then?

uhh what?

inb4 his wife is white

well if it's so great there why'd you bring him to the states?

Little shitholer looks like Gary Coleman

yeah im sure he was dying to raise his wifes kid. get fucked


>Media say shithole, spic, top, nigger, chick over and over on prime time TV.
>Trump never said shithole
Do these dipshits ever consider the ramifications of their actions and those of their puppeteers?


Every time no exceptions. Sup Forums is always right.

Ya beat me to it, goy.

This, if he truly loves his child and his birthplace was so great then why didn't they move there to raise him instead of bringing the niglet here.


Here, let me borrow your black babby for a sec, so I can act like a white cuck.

>my wife's son's birthplace

That baby is clearly going to grow up a criminal, you can tell by it's facial expression and skin color.

>You thinkin of deportin me cracka?

niglets lol

Which one do we gas first?



Do you faggots even try anymore?

Looks like another sad case in the background.

>Those stupid goyim will never know.

Tips nose.

What are the chances of cramming that niglet back into its mother's shithole from whence it came?

the airplane oxygen mask protocol should work

No one cares what cucked faggots think


Why do all cucks have small noses?

Anyone else ever noticed this? They are either Jews or small nosed whites. Could be the Nordic DNA

Anglos have small, stubby noses too. Personally, my nose is very long.

We need to impeach the President because he said something I don't like, guys.

>lolsclub dot com

They seem to genuinely believe that saying nice things is how we make the world perfect and saying rude things creates suffering and strife. True insanity.

Need help with what?

Removing a turd from its designated shithole