Chelsea Manning is running for Senate. What are your thoughts pol? He could be president one day

Chelsea Manning is running for Senate. What are your thoughts pol? He could be president one day.

And on that day America will officially declare itself a shithole
lets hope that day never comes

What a fucking surprise. Just because you're famous and trans doesn't mean you have to run for Congress. Plus, Brianna Wu did it first.

Doesn't he have a felony?

She's so cute, man. She's pretty redpilled about shit so hell yeah give her a chance.

This thing CLEARLY has issues.

Manchurian candidate

Day of the rake when?

No syrup niggers allowed in this thread. Please fuck off leaf.


drumpf worshipping bigot

That sounds like a good idea.
Chelsea will free Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

oh wow, the wealthy don't pay taxes. i did not know this.



She is stunning.

It's like electing someone who calls himself Superman or something. Just completely wearing a mental illness on their sleeve, yet everyone pretends they're not crazy.

The instant we start electing insane people is the instant this society becomes unsalvageable.

Filthy rich Jeffrey Epstein, like others, do all they can to avoid taxes.
Jeffrey based his company on a small 70 acre island so he didn't have to pay taxes.

Why are any of you against this? Let the monsters they created take over their own party.

Was this girl ever identified?

Oprah / Chelsea 2020

It isnt

I'm not with it when it comes to tweeting and emojis but that seems like a sloppy use of them.

Her body was burnt beyond recognition.

its what plants crave

Although, I'm glad that she exposed American war crimes, nobody is ever going to trust her after what she did. Just look at her Twitter...emojis in every tweet. Saying #fuckcops and shit...which as a Marylandfag, I know it will appeal to the niggers in Baltimore and PG county, but they're not going to vote.
It will just be like Hillary 2016 all over again and Maryland will go even redder.

he needs help for his mental illness
fyi *
dick chopping doesnt fix mental illness

One tranny to rule them all?

>we should make them
Couldn't even make himself live like a man.