Every time I try to talk about Consumerism on Sup Forums I get called a communist even though this shit is leading to...

Every time I try to talk about Consumerism on Sup Forums I get called a communist even though this shit is leading to the built-in obsoletion that has turned our American dream into cheap Chinese crap.
Consumerism is what supports the Jews, it's what supports the downgrade in our quality of life and nation, and it's being applied to every single industry in our country from journalism to entertainment.
Hitler would have been absolutely disgusted with this, and the fact anyone on Sup Forums could possibly argue in its favor is stark proof that the board is just a shitty psy-op to turn away anyone moderately more intelligent than the cattle that fuel this nation away from the patch.

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Don't forget that you use up all resources on planet earth for a new smartphone every year while we could use that lithium to colonize space.

Don't look at me.

I barely upgrade my phone, in fact I haven't bought a new phone since 2007. I got two phones from my work.

It's funny how my siblings who are basically jobless need to always have the newest fucking iPhone.

the ultimate solution to getting people to work together and raise up a society?

consumerism I agree, is bullshit. It is a mechanism to MOVE money so the flow can be exploited. But everyone has something to sell. I'm not sure I have an answer.


unless everyone had stake in what they built, so at the end of their work, they own land.

which is essentially just consumerism, but once, and for land only.

it's not only that
50 years ago stuff were made to last but now companies make sure stuff break down so you have to keep buying. The whole keynesian view of the economy makes sure we use up all the resources the are on earth.


damn is he okay?

He'll be alright, he just needs stitches

because this makes people feel that they are better than the next guy
i consume more than you, i have more than you = i'm better than you in every way

The edge is strong with this one.


Also I shouldn’t be so desensitised to this shit at my age. Why can I just stare at it without cringing?


It's just a flesh wound.

> Hitler
> Jews

What the actual fuck?
> americans' don't even know what the 'american dream' is

It's just meat

Instead of complaining about manipulation of the masses, how about you start a business and exploit them as well with similar tactics like a normal capitalist would?

>how about make the problem worse

Consumerism is destroying humanity.

Planned obselesance and the model of infinite growth are not only wasting valuable human resources. But creating an excess of garbage people and physical garbage that is cluttering up the human race and stunting scientific progress.

Just imagine how much it would hurt if someone squeezed some lemon juice into his wounds

A society organized around the production of commodities can't support a real culture. Culture can't be commodified so it's discarded. Consumerism is the closest you'll get, a plastic mockery of the real thing. If we killed every single Jew today our culture would continue swirling the drain unless we get rid of this horrible mindset.

We need to trim the fat of human societies.
Our birth rate needs to drop by at least 80%.

A small highly educated and motivated humanity would serve our purposes far greater then the large unwieldy mass of ingrates.


I don't dislike the masses, but I pity them. Their lives are not meaningful in the sense that they are not contributing to anything greater then themselves except greater economy. Which does not mean a better economy.

Accumulation of wealth serves no purpose if you don't do something useful with that wealth!

Yes consumerism is the death of culture. I always knew that in theory but I only really saw it this most recent Halloween.

The festival where people buy costumes and adults buy alcohol for themselves and candy for children.

I thought about the cultural history of hallows eve. It is the start of the celtic new year. A time when this world and the next are closest and the living can communicate with the dead.

The time of year when all is decay and death. The trees loose their leaves, the harvest is finished and the mammals go into hibernation.

Superstitions aside, the cultural symbolic meaning of the festival has been lost. It has been watered down into a celebration of consumerism and degeneracy.

>our birth rate

*shitskin birth rate
Last I checked America's only population problem was with niggers and spics.

Sounds like you'd like Part 1 of "Century of Self".

Yes, African and Muslim nations do have the most problematic birthrates.

And I don't see any humane way to abate them.

Obviously all the methods of population reduction are inhumane.

A politically manuverd artificial war for the purpose of population reduction is the easiest option. Releasing a toxin or something into the water supply to sterilize people is another.

The there is also china's one child policy but that is a lot harder because it requires an all powerful state.

I have thought about the final solution once humanities population has been reduced to an effective size.

Each person owns exactly one birth. The first child birth a woman has is hers, the second would be her husbands. If the couple wants more children they need to ask other people for the rights to their birth. (Could be given or bought, although buying it makes it a commodity lol)

Of course not everyone wants kids so this shouldn't be a problem. There should also be an age cutoff so that old people don't hold onto their births past the age that they are capable of effectively raising children.

An additional motivation to have children would be that all your possessions are inherited by the product of your(successful non retarded) birth. Whether you signed it off to another couple or not.

This doesn't stop people from gifting away their worldly possessions to others before they die. But it at least ensures old lonely rich people do have someone in the future to look to. To have an investment in should they so choose it.

Traditionalists would worry about what this would do to the nuclear family. I don't think it would effect the nuclear family much at all. It would just regulate the sucession of the human race which at the present day is unregulated and disorganized. Families would still be the supported method of raising offspring, with one registered male and one registered female on the official records as caregivers.


>Instead of complaining about manipulation of the masses, how about you do it instead

This is a side effect of no god, no family, no identity and no confidence. Nothing more important than keeping up with the trends, some people actually feel pressured to do so and like some have said spending money on frivolous shit.