Is Christianity the most redpilled religion of all time??

that's a serious question..

>absolutely BTFO jews on every level
>says Jews are "of their father the devil"
>says Jews are "the synagogue of Satan"
>will punish the Jews hardcore in the end-times
>wants all of the nations to remain separated
>created different nations and races for his pleasure -- do not mock the Lord by destroying them
>warns about Satan uniting all of humanity and creating a globalist one-world government
>absolutely BTFO faggots and sodomites
>"marry a woman of your own seed"
>literally ANYONE can get saved and go to heaven easily, just by believing in Jesus!!
>"women, be faithful to your husbands, be chaste, obedient and keepers at home"

come home white man!

I want to suck christ chans toes, cunt and asshole.

Fuck off sodomite.

Well that wasn’t very christian of you.


>worshipping a brown kike on a stick
Don't tell me he was white. No historian believed Jesus looked like any kind of European
The first christians were brown jews, and so would jesus be if he existed

>Christ happens to come in a particular place on earth


Don't get so hung up on the details.
It's the message that is important.

>absolutely BTFO jews on every level

What are you even talking about? The only Jews that are saved are the ones who believed in Jesus. The others are cursed and under God's wrath. Even Paul talked about how there was a small "remnant" of Jews that actually were saved, but 99% of them rejected Jesus and the Bible is really clear that they collectively rejected and murdered him.

Sven, I like you, defend your country please





Fuck you, op, and your imaginary friends

And Catholics wanna tell us that the Catholic church "has never changed and we are eternal in our doctrine". Ugh.


Yo, listen - Real talk man. This is not a game.

Do not go to this churches anymore. They steal your money, they sell drugs. The only church that is of God, is the Seven churches in Asia. Those are the only churches that have God, and it shows - Hold on, hold on, hold on...

I am Allah.

There's no reason why. God sells drugs, God do all kinds of things.

If you can't tell me what holy means, OH-BUSHATABOHOTA-GHBOSHATA - You can't tell me what that means!

I'm building a church called THE SEVEN.

My church is gon' be on FIRE. So I'm asking you to stop supporting those churches, and support me.

>worshipping the god of jews
>wprshipping an actual jew
No, thank you.
Yeah, and the message is shit. Being strong and succesful is bad, the low and worthless are good. Real good message there.

Christianity needs to be retconned lets make Jesus a greek man instead of a kike who died for our sins and has no relation to fucking jews.

I mean its religion so its all make believe so it doesnt matter

>Jesus was a kike

>the good news is shit
"It is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness unto the Greeks, but to us that are saved it's the power of God."

>most redpilled religion of all time
Jesus allowing in millions of niggers and shitskins into our countries...

That's a filthy lie. It's Satan that's filling us with foreigners and non-whites and Muslims. The only reason we're being filled with Muslims and non-whites is that we're living in fornication. The Bible says that if we live in fornication and hate God as a country, then "a stranger will eat from your table and enjoy the fruits of your labor". We're being punished for being ungodly heathens.

>literally anyone can get saved by believing in Jesus
i dont have the exact quote but i was once told that demons believe in Jesus and they didn't get saved you have to use gods gift to make the world better before you die

No, the exact quote is "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble" and it's from James 2:19.

The devil only believes that "there is one God". That doesn't get you saved. You get saved by believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.