Powerful. #Bluewall2018

Powerful. #Bluewall2018

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Go post in the other thread with literally the exact same image.

Self righteous whale and the people who follow him are dolts


It's funny because he's providing a solid argument about why non-White immigrants are awful because they vote based on things that don't have anything to do with the running of the host country they are in.


>immigrants voting

can the senators and congressmen record these calls and send them to us?

And non of you checked the phone number. The absolute state of nu/pol/

when does he leave to go back to his shithole country if it was so great?

People who post this shit we need laws to auto remove their citizenship for treason and boot them to the ocean.

this is why we must stop this shithole people = americans nonsense

>I have called to inform you that I'll be voting

You Americans are a smart bunch.

This seems awfully microagressive toward Native Americans.

Does she not realize that no one will be there to answer the phones until Tuesday? How could she forget about Martin Luther Nigger day?

Lets be honest. These people need to be killed.



Michael Moore too.

Oh they're available 24/7 and will respond pretty quick.

This is gonna blow up in their faces jut like nasty women did. "Were proud shitholers!" "We have shit opinions too!" Lol fuckin dummies.

C'mon lads, this is a golden opportunity.
Check the number
spread it and we get even more salt.

Except you're from Flint, Michael. And if you gave even the slightest fuck about people in Flint you wouldn't have let your liberal policies destroy it.

Why does he think most people in America are from shitholes? The overwhelming majority of people in America were born and raised in America. The Democrats attacking America and defending foreigners is going to backfire on them.

I wonder if Moore realizes he was just trolled into calling himself and a bunch of other people "shitholes"

What Michael Moore doesn't realize is that the people who came here did so because they wanted out of their shithole country and knew America had more opportunities. In other words, immigrants know they left shitholes.

there's a reason nobody likes you, switzerland

Micheal Moore is Canadian.

Because he and the other leftists hate America and want to see it destroyed. They don't care about brown people, they just hate that Whites are successful.

>citation needed

You don't even have space