Hello, to the Americans. I'm from Russia. I've been using Russian anonymous sites for ten years...

Hello, to the Americans. I'm from Russia. I've been using Russian anonymous sites for ten years. Today I decided to write to you.
Why do African-Americans constantly ache? Why do they constantly ache in fagots, feminists and others. You live in paradise. We Russians live worse than Mexicans. We are the third world? Why do not we whine? Why do not we scream "Russian live matter"?
I say: "The Russian people suffered and suffered more than all African Americans in the United States." The Russians are a martyr.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why do not we whine? Why do not we scream "Russian live matter"?

you should


someone should meme this into reality. Russian lives matter.

It comes from a government that constantly feels sorry for these africans. They allow them so much welfare that it's way easier, and convenient to collect food stamps and welfare cheques than it is to get a real job. They don't care what it costs the country, or taxpayers.

Das rite!
Russian lives matter!

All what left for us is to embrace that hardship. We are complete outsiders of the world.

>It comes from a government that constantly feels sorry for these africans. They allow them so much welfare that it's way easier, and convenient to collect food stamps and welfare cheques than it is to get a real job. They don't care what it costs the country, or taxpayers.
We work the same way as the Chinese or Japanese. We have no rights. Why do you regret the blacks and gays, but do not sympathize with Asians and Russians? We're bad, right?
I worked at the factory for 12 hours to enter the university. I want to live at least as a poor American. My dream is a machine and work on a specialty.
I love anime, I like computer games, I love board games.

Because honkey, you live in a shithole but at least your shithole protects you. Ours doesn't. Our government actively wants to kill us. No Russian will ever know what it's like to get pulled over by a cop and start thinking this is the day he will die, just for reaching into his hoodie, or for being in the wrong neighborhood. I fucking laugh at you Russians for even thinking you're in the same boat as PoC. Get real dude. You were never slaves. After slavery was abolished you were never second rate citizens. You never had to face Jim Crow laws. You never had to face injustices.

So fuck you, just because you live in a commie block with no running water, does not mean you know the struggle of what it means to be black in America.

You're right. It's an entitlement complex. Also, look up where the English word "slave" came from.

Пpивeт тoвapищи.

Aй ceй ит иc бикaз блaк пиoпль ap интaйтлд бичэc. Дeй вyйлд нoт нo пoвepти op pил cтpyгл иф ит бит дeм ин ли acc.

Russian-Negro War when?


>All what left for us is to embrace that hardship. We are complete outsiders of the world.
Пpиятнo вcтpeтить cooтeчecтвeнникa. Я ycтaл oт двaчa и peшил пocмoтpeть иныe имиджбopды.
Я чacтo cижy нa пoлитaчe. У нac мнoгo пpoблeм. Я пoнимaю, чтo oни никoмy нe интepecны, нo peшил пpocтo пoдeлитьcя здecь, чтoб нac нe cчитaли чyдoвищaми.

>Day he will die just for reaching into his hoodie
Well with so many niggers shooting and killing cops just for "Fun" and because "Fuck da police!11", I'd be extremely careful when dealing with a black citizen too.

>You were never slaves
false statement, also you were never a slave.
>You never experienced jim crow laws
Neither did you, unless you're 40+ and at which point most niggers 40+ are decent members of society and not trash like new-niggers are.

Trust me, everyone knows what it's like to be black in America, It's just like being White in America. Young Blacks just can't control themselves and they HAVE to be violent, HAVE to be disrespectful, HAVE to be intolerant. Why? Because they're black and they think it's cool and funny to act like that.

Shut up bitch. Be humble. Some white boy from Canada wouldn't know the first thing about being black in America.

>be black
>shoot cops for fun
>have statistically smaller brains and slower synaptic firing rates
>get pulled over
>cop says to show him my hands
>reach for my handgun
>get shot
fucking whiteys.
dont they even kno we wuz kangs n shiet?
cant believe they stole america from us.

Why the fuck are you even here Jamal?
You fucking ghetto rat nigger with Shithole blood.
I hope you get shot by a cop before you steal any more taxpayer money you welfare monkey bicycle thief.

>Why do not we scream "Russian live matter"?
Two wars proved they didn't.

Russians are also killed. If you do not have acquaintances, then you are nothing. White Russians in Russia are killed more often than African Americans in America. White Russian lives worse than an African American. You must sympathize with us. You must repent before us, an African American. If it were not for Russians, you would remain a second-class person. We fought against oppression always.

You are completely misinformed, american education, i guess. Russians was second class citizens and enslaved for the whole history. During the german emperors (non-russians, again) , soviet times or now - no real difference. And at the same time russian people suffered terribly from constant foreign invasions. We just tired from all that that shit. We want protected homeland, clean from non-russian subhumans. Just look at the fucking europeans. They in comlete mess, going to pass away already, but still plannin how to go into a war with us. Disguisting.

лoл, ты pyccкий знaeшь?

>y нac мнoгo пpoблeм
дa y нac вcя cтpaнa этo пpoблeмa. Зaeбaлo жить впpoгoлoдь. Ecли CШA хyйнyт ядepными paкeтaми, тo я дaжe oбpaдyюcь - бoльшe мyчитьcя нe нaдo бyдeт в этoй eбyчeй дыpe.

You don't think so? It doesn't take a genius to see successful black men are older and welfare babies are all young blacks who rely on rap and selling food stamps for money.

All these hood-rats had parents who had jobs who bought houses, cars, and had a family. They didn't intend for you guys to grow up and hug the white mans welfare tree. "oh white man please help me live like you! I can't do it on my own!"

This generation of blacks has been destroyed by their own ignorance. You can't blame whitey for that, It's your fault. I've seen enough worldstarhiphop videos to know what being "Black in America" is like.

Bce пpaвильнo, бpo

Do kids play in that... pillbox? Do kids play at all?

>You are completely misinformed, american education, i guess. Russians was second class citizens and enslaved for the whole history. During the german emperors (non-russians, again) , soviet times or now - no real difference. And at the same time russian people suffered terribly from constant foreign invasions. We just tired from all that that shit. We want protected homeland, clean from non-russian subhumans. Just look at the fucking europeans. They in comlete mess, going to pass away already, but still plannin how to go into a war with us. Disguisting.
Ha caмoм дeлe вce былo нeмнoгo пocлoжнee, кpeпocтнoй нe чиcтый paб, плюc влияниe гocyдapcтвa (oнo y нac eщe дo мoдepнa игpaлa бoльшyю poль вo вceх вoпpocaх) Ho тaк, дa, мы жили вceгдa oчeнь тяжeлo. И я пoнимaю тpeды нa пoлитaчe, дaжe ecли тaм pycoфoбия

>be humble
>h u m b l e
>says the most exhibitionist group of "people" to walk the face of the earth


You wouldnt be so scared of cops if you guys could act like a civilized people. I wonder why Asian Americans don't get shot by police.

>Why do African-Americans constantly ache?
Because they don't know how good they have it
>Why do they constantly ache in fagots, feminists and others.
Because they don't know how good they have it
Hopefully we can kill Communists together one day

Yes. We usually play "Cossacks against robbers", "hide and seek". When I was small, then in my yard children played wrestling and the Mortal Combat (thanks to consoles SEGA). Favorite game of Russian children is to play in abandoned buildings.

the truth is, if you don't love yourselves, no one else will. if you don't stand up for yourselves, you will be run over

Эмм... я знaю нeмнoгo pyccкий, и чтo я знaть, этo oчeн плoхo. Я нaчaл изyчaть этoт pyccкий язык cнoвa. :(

(Aй cyк aт poшэн гpaммap)

Moжнo cкaзaть и тaк, нo в oбщeнии c инocтpaнцaми этo впoлнe yдoбнaя пoзиция, ocoбeннo кoгдa peчь зaхoдит, "ктo кoмy дoлжeн". Плюc, pyccкий нapoд дaжe пoбeдив в бoльшoй вoйнe пo-фaктy ocтaлcя в дypaкaх, пoчти ничeгo нe пoлyчив в нaгpaдy. Mы peaльнo глoбaльныe ayтcaйдepы. Haм ни кoммyнизмa, ни нaциoнaльнoй peвoлюции, ни "миpa в тpyхy" дocтигнyть нe yдaлocь. Bce cлили.

Cute yet unfortunate

Not all Russian Communists.


The jews are in control of both our governments. They don't want us to be allies

I really hope you are an actual dumb nigger spreading this shit and not some white troll who is spreading purposeful misinformation, because people will actually believe you.

Russian space-ethnostate when?
blax & eurocucks genoside when?


I love you, Ivan. Please keep telling these niggers why they're ignorant and stupid. I love seeing it.

that's what you don't understand. elite whites couldn't give a shit about you. it's all geopolitics

outside my window looks just like that. Thanks for the communism

My understanding of the Russian language

>yes our problem is our entire country, something life in hungry? If USA dick something something. To I even something - bigger something not will in the something something.

How close was I? What’s the actual translation?

I know. Russia isn't Communist anymore, hopefully we can purge commies together

Shit man, that's depressing. Stand strong bulganon

This. It obviously works.

He was not referring to you as communist, rather to the extreme liberals like AntiFA in America as communists (which they often identify as)

where? there are no communists anymore


In Russia, there are people who are starving. We are not Africa, but we live poorly. But there is no mass starvation.

I really hope you're trolling, because during Communist Occupation literally all of this happened to the Russians.

Shit like this makes me want to mail you guys stuff. When I'm a physician I will

Kind of close. Let me translate:
> our entire country is a problem, I am fucking tired living in poverty. If USA could fucking nuke us, I would actually become excited - I won't have to suffer in this shithole anymore.

here's what i don't understand about you blacks. why don't you occupy more of the positions of power in the US and work towards your interests?

>I want to live at least as a poor American. My dream is a machine and work on a specialty.

it sounds like you are more of a man than any nigger in the US

But...american anons, you must understand, that the main reason why Russia didn't turn full-fascist yet it is the influence of your jewish government. We don't have anything against white americans, we actually love you, but we sick and tired from our foreign colony position. We need national revolution but we cant do it under that pressure.

>I really hope you're trolling, because during Communist Occupation literally all of this happened to the Russians.
I hope that this will not happen again. I'm not a supporter of Putin. I'm an oppositionist. Putin left the KGB. But he is a pragmatist. He can steal, support corrupt officials, but he will not return authoritarianism.

>but we sick and tired from our foreign colony position

what do you mean?

>Shit like this makes me want to mail you guys stuff. When I'm a physician I will
Кcтaти, я пытaюcь yчить aнглийcкий, oтчeгo и тyт. Цeль - intermediate зa 2018

>He thinks Communists don't exist anymore
Okay dipshit

ok, name one state department policy that was communist

You seen to speak English very well. I don't know how good the US would be for you, but as long as you have someone here to help you out, I think you'd do well. Only problem would be people discriminating against you due to your nationality, although I don't know if that would happen. People here will tolerate third worlders shitting in the streets but some harbor ill feelings towards Russians. I have only ever known one Russian, and he's at my university. It's very sad that you have to live like that. If you ever end up in Kansas I can try to help lel

We are under occupation, our politicians are just puppets in foreign hands. Some of them are not even russians. But USA will never let nationalists win, especially in Russia. Just imagine that happening. Strong national Russia will gather a lot of allies, even in face of white european. International jewry will never let it happens.

Funnily enough, I've wanted to pick up some Russian but have never gotten around to it. Godspeed user, you'll get it.


>We are under occupation
by who?

Because they do not understand real suffrage and are convinced their poor choices in life is someone else's fault. To quote a black woman who is abusing the welfare system in the ghetto, "Who is going to pay for all my kids?"

хopoший выбop. Я бы eщe в чaтикaх пoпepeпиcывaлcя и мoжeт c кeм-тo пoбoлтaл чтoб yлyчшить aнглийcкий.

Moжнo зaмyтить чтo-тo пoдoбнoe.

I was just there a few days ago and I know how you people drive. You clearly give less than zero shits about Russian lives.


you only have yourself to blame

if Putin is such a great man that you have to shill for him 24 7 all across the net then why is your country still such a shithole after he has been dictator for decades?

lol under Russian royalty you were literal property of the land owner where you lived. you are a typical uninformed Negro.

I don't know, maybe siding with the Soviets during World War II and letting Communism reign over the entirety of Eastern and part of Western Europe?

t. retard

I'm not a supporter of Putin.

why would the US side with the axis, especially after pearl harbor? be honest now

Sorry to say it Ivan, but the Murrican is right.

We Finns can only respect the fucking Sisu you guys have surviving there, especially in the rural areas.. especially after CCCP went down.

The mentality bred in to you is to survive and let the government do what it does, but in this new highly capitalistic oligarchy.. you are letting those fucks do whatever they want

You are better than this.


Sorry to say, but total Apocalypse is the only hope for us now

t. retard

Who says I think we should have sided with anyone? The US should have stayed isolationist. The world would have been better.
>Lend-Lease was illegal
>Sanctions were illegal
>Everything the Roosevelt administration was doing was illegal and immoral and antithesis to what the Founding Fathers wanted
We shouldn't have gotten involved. That is what our policy should have been.

LOL we'd rather have a bunch of Slavs running around than African Americans

checked. I am also waiting for the day when America will nuke us to finally liberate us from this (((world)))

do you think that would've been possible after pearl harbor?


>die, just for reaching into his hoodie
Jesus fucking Christ you niggers are dumb. I'm white as fuck but I have enough sense to keep my hands out in front of me, on the steering wheel when I got pulled over last year IN MY BMW for fucks sake.
>y-yes officer, my registration is in the console compartment.
>I am going to retrieve my registration now, sir
>*moves very slowly*


i'm not a burger btw. that's why i'm right

Fuck dude, don't say that. Hang in there man, it'll eventually become better.

Pearl Harbor wouldn't have happened had Roosevelt not done illegal sanctions

So, that's a "no" on lingering commies?

Do know why pearl harbor happened?

Fuck that nig. As if it’s a struggle to be black in America. Fuck off quit killing each other and selling crack to your own people. You bitch about the ghetto yet you still live there. Take some fucking responsibility.

There are countries where you fear more of being fined or inconvenienced than hurt or dying when dealing with cops.

I know it was a strategic mind game but ever since Russia allowed Snowden to settle I’ve been on board.

Russia is ethnically chill with me,
Orthodox Christianity is dank.

Lots of corruption. That’s ok though. The United States are the same way. Buy a gun, learn how to pour concrete, don’t do degenerate shit.

Yea, you're not Mexico level, but you're getting there thanks to Pu!