Country of immigrants

How did this "country of immigrants" shit start? It's a poison that has seeped into every nook and cranny of America, Canada, Australia, even the fucking UK fell for this Kool aid.

Bunch of fucking foreigners swamp our home, outnumber us, and then rewrite our values to be a "nation of immigrants". Fuck that shit, the Know Nothing party should have won and restricted immigration way back before the civil war.

I wonder which (((immigrants))) rewrote your history.

It is a country of immigrants though. The quality of immigrants differs, that’s the problem. Nobody would complain if only Europeans immigrated to the US.

True, but imo we should have tried to remain as homogenous as possible. The people whose ancestors were here before 1776 would be the ideal majority, should compromise at least 85% of the population. Europe is super diverse and Italian and Scottish immigrants will have different values, which is bad for the nation since diversity leads to chaos.

I agree about the negative effect of negative diversity, but don’t forget that Europeans assimilate pretty well. As long as the immigration rate is low, those Scots and Italians would have the time to fully integrate into the American society to the point that the only thing Scottish or Italian about them is the last name. Cannot say the same about various kinds of shitskins: those would take numerous generations to fully assimilate culturally, let alone physically (e.g. skin color, assimilation only achievable through race mixing).

>negative diversity
Excessive diversity*

No. We’re a country of settlers.

Except they went through a legal process to become American citizens.
You may be seeing the wisdom of this in your everyday life, or know someone who wishes it to be so?

Fair enough. British, Irish immigrants would be the easiest due to our shared heritage. French immigrants should also have special access due to Lafayette and all. Germans are okay too, being hardworking and having von Steuben. The rest of Europeans would have to go through a basic exam, health check up, IQ test and be allowed in. Africans and Arabs banned entirely.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

>It is a country of immigrants though.
The smartest people in England said "fuck this shit, I'm outa here" and came over here and created the greatest country in the history of the world. I smoke pot though so I might be wrong.

Fucking wonderful results that gave us, huh

Give me your elite, we want the best who will raise the average IQ and won't rape our women.

I quite like the results. We ended up the greatest nation in the world.

Yeah dude, the 18 million or so people of colonial british descent that existed at the start of the civil war, that built a country out the wilderness, just disappeared!

Like all misinformation campaigns start... from lies from the Left.

and then when you fucked it up they moved to Canada and created something superior still.


With higher crime rates (guess from which demographics), insane college students, massive debt (national and at a personal level for many), crumbling infrastructure and a shit government?

I'm in Alaska. Why the fuck would I go down there.

to escape republicanism folly

Oh boy, looks like someone fell for the meme

In the 60s.
Pretty much all the shit laws in America can be traced back to the 60s.


>How did this "country of immigrants" shit start?
The moment you immigrants started outnumbering the indigenous tribes.

Republicanism gave us no gun/knife laws, legal weed, and a PFD check every year.

>How did this "country of immigrants" shit start?

how the fuck do you think it started?


But now we only let niggers and Muslims in. White people can not come here

The original settlers created the country. Just because some stone age savages were sitting on the dirt before doesn't mean they made the nation.
We speak English and use common law for a reason.

You're right, the natives didn't make the nation. Immigrants did. Hence we are a nation of immigrants. Is that so hard?

It's a country of immigrants until it fits the narrative that we're a country of conquerors, or a country of racists, or a country of greed, or a country of fatties, or a country of idiots....

See, you can't extol being a country of immigrants then turn around and say we're a country of racists because if this is true then immigrants = racists and it gives me another reason to oppose immigration.

That is how the country works, dumb ass. America is not a country of a people, but a country of an entity.

The immigrants who immigrated to a wilderness you mean. Big difference between that and immigrating to an established nation

We are a nation of citizenz. I did not immigrate here. I was born here motherfucker.

Why is that difference relevant? When people claim we are a country of immigrants, you have already admitted they are correct. OP was objecting to this term.

pic fucking related !!!!

>It is a country of immigrants though

That's a funny way to spell settlers

>The land was mostly unsettled and undeveloped

Big difference between then and now froganon