What happens here?

What happens here?

Looks like a doggo

cute pupper

Human rights violations of refugees trying to immigrate (illegally) to Australia

Nigerland- stay clear away!

It's Christmas every day there. They've been stuck in a time loop for 230 years


>What happens here?
aka /thread
SAGE these threads, do not reply otherwise.

Everyone lives like bill murray in that movie?

men practice spreading their anuses open and then post the pictures on the innernet


That's where we send our dreamers.

Elves live and work there

Once a year they don't celebrate Christmas.

crabs, santa, and hilariously over the top "human rights" violations

You've stumbled across one of Santa's blacksites user. Any minute now a team of highly trained elf black ops operators are going to tactically breach your house via the chimney, black bag you, rendition you to Christmas island, and waterboard you with eggnog until you tell them what you know about Krampus

As long as we don't mention krampus 3 times we are good.

Riots and nigger beatings

>waterboarding with eggnog

sounds like my dream come true

Fuck off, we're full

None of your fucking beeswax cunt, fuck off

My country sold it to Australia

Spiders the size of dogs.

>Spiders the size of dogs.
Imported from Straya.