Race is important but the real future war will be humans verses the elites and their cyborg minions seeking to enslave...

Race is important but the real future war will be humans verses the elites and their cyborg minions seeking to enslave us.

The first major step in this direction was the proliferation of smart phones which allowed them to indirectly influence the population continually on a mass scale. Soon we will start seeing cyborgs, initially it will be soldiers who lost limbs but the technology will be normalized and forced on the population via the capitalist system which will require it to stay competitive.

The technology will continue to integrate until your thoughts and actions will be able to be directly controlled and you will be simply an extension of the the system. Humanity, life itself will no longer exist except in a twisted form akin to Halflife.

The Terran uprising is coming, user.

A simple question exists and that is, should you use technology or not?

Being aware of reality, being aware of the nature of it should you take part in or not? In a fantasy one could simply disconnect from society but this won't work as there is no real way to perpetually insulate yourself from the rest of the world, your children will simply carry the burden.

Your ability to create change requires you to be inserted into the system and have a degree of mastery over it.

This was Teds fatal flaw, while his work was made widespread via his bombings, he would have been more succesfull through other means and in some sense he could have done more as someone in the fields he knew would create the monsters we will see.

If there is enough collective demand, we can build a cyborg counter-army.

You could just take the black pill and see that even if 99% of humanity went back to primitivism, the transhumanists would continue anyway and crush the 99% with the obscene asymmetry of power.

The only strategy is to use technology against itself, and not retreat to primitivism.

You won't have that option.

The only options I see in the future are the development of a Strong AI(a god) which could act as a guard guiding and preserving humanity or genetic engineering to make people strong enough to exist without machine integration.

Genetic engineering will create the same problems(loss of self, loss of identity, loss of humanity), perhaps this will be the final form of the elites foot soldiers.

Ultimately I would choose genetic engineering over machine integration but regardless neither are good.

The fucking Unabomber was right.

Unless you are religious, there isn't any real strong reason to want to protect the 'human identity'. So start with that. There is nothing sacred about the 'human form' and people will gradually move away from it, inevitably.

It is also impossible to predict the types of technology, the future and the choices this will present for people.

Only a radically reactionary and traditionalist worldview would be able to motivate people to resist certain technological changes. And even then they will have to use technology to have a chance of redirecting it.

There is no future for humanity, sorry user.

>initially it will be soldiers who lost limbs
Thinking this hasn't happened already with advanced biotech.

It appears so.


They will cease being people in my eyes.

>There is nothing sacred about the 'human form' and people will gradually move away from it, inevitably.

idk about that, if we move away from the human form we will cease to be human. Its a total rejection of darwinian evolution. Its no longer survival of the fittest its survival of the arbitrary and abstract

humans are flawed and as such can't be trusted to pick and chose ideals and ideal forms. only natural evolution can do that if we are to truly be random and continue producing sexually and randomly

Then there's no problem.

end of humanity seems like a tiny snafu, the Dinos lasted for 300 million years you telling me homo sapiens can't last 1 million?

It's just evolution, senpai. Deal with it.


AI and automation are overestimated.

Automation definitely isn't, but strong AI is the biggest meme of the 21st century.

What is it that makes you think it's inevitable? I see this fatalistic view a lot, but nobody seems to realize that the only thing we need to do to keep something "inevitable" like AI uprising from happening is to not deliberately cause it to happen.

By the way, the entire tranny movement has simply been another vector by the elites to prime the population for these changes.

In addition notice how the platform of the left has shifted to one focusing on a seperation between self and biology/history(trannys, no borders, no discrimination based upon history or biology). It's an attempt to seperate the person from their human exsistence.

Also the entire individualist movement simply plays into the globalist collective since no one actually exists alone, it's simply an absurd position.

What's going on is a clear attack on everything which defines us, an attempt to break down what we are in order to get us to accept their plan.

Deliberation has nothing to do with it. I suppose inevitable was too strong a word. But given trends and historical precedent of change it seems like humans are going to pass away, in the ultimate sense, unless you want to believe in humans divine nature.

AI isn't the problem, in fact AI could be the solution. The problem is that technology will take the human out of humanity and a select few will be in control.

Almost every succesfull movement of the last 60 years has revolved around integration into a single mass collective. First race, then sex, culture, borders. Integration with machines is next as the population is further brainwashed into seperating itself from its biological form.

>Deliberation has nothing to do with it.

But it does. It's not like preventing people from carrying out muggings or other street crime, where anybody can just do it. It takes resources and expertise (a lot of which we don't have but that doesn't really matter for this) to do things like genetically modify people or develop true artificial intelligence. That high barrier for entry is our saving grace - nobody can just do it without someone else taking notice who has a vested interest in stopping them.

And before you say that I've got no way of knowing that, take a look at the way nuclear proliferation has shaken out. Only a handful of states have the resources to build and maintain nuclear arsenals, and they do their damnedest to keep others from doing it as well as they scale back or even completely retire their own stockpiles. Or look at chemical weapons, where stockpiles have been almost completely dismantled and R&D has been stopped for decades. Hell, it's literally illegal in the United States as of a few years ago to make germline modifications to human embryos. The will for curtailing dangerous technologies is very real, and it can be turned into legislation if it needs to be.

A lot of discoveries have also been made unintentionally. You could are that after a discovery is made, people need to choose to pursue it, but I disagree. Once you are aware of a discovery, intentional or unintentional, it is really hard NOT to pursue. People don't realy have a choice, and you have to resist the knowledge and pursuit of it over and over. Someone will crack, especially when there are advantages to do so.

I'm not inherently against AI but one could follow the ideas in Dune and go full Butlerian Jihad. Would require charisma the world hasnt seen since WW2 though.

I think AI can't be safely harnessed for exactly the reasons you're talking about. It would maybe solve some problems, but we don't NEED it to solve those problems and it will probably enable too many others to justify.

If it was something that anyone could pursue, then maybe, but again this is something that'd require a team of scientists and probably 10's of millions of dollars to get working properly. Some people might want to try it, but there are enough people who don't want anyone to try it to force them not to by keeping them from getting the resources they need. Just like you can't just buy enriched uranium now, in the future you won't be able to buy biochemical lab equipment, at least not without massive oversight.

Someone will always fill the niche of using technology for purely selfish or even evil reasons
You niggers should read some old soros writings

>implying people aren't the "cyborgs" they've always sought to use as their physical golems

Mechanization has made man into the Jews meat puppets, and there are no better puppets than minorities and the dissolutioned. When the time comes to pull the plug, they are going to throw every nigger, spic, rice nigger, jew and muslim at us at the same time hoping it will work.