Sup Forums's opinion on weed? I've seen a lot of conflicting stuff. One side says marijuana leads to degeneracy...

Sup Forums's opinion on weed? I've seen a lot of conflicting stuff. One side says marijuana leads to degeneracy, while I have spoken to people who have said that weed allowed them to be redpilled.

My opinion: Weed smokers are digusting

My opinion on weed is your mother will die in her sleep tonight even if you reply to this post.

Stoners are massive faggots, and they need to kill themselves.

it's both. just don't smoke too much and if you've never smoked before, it's best to avoid ever getting into it.

be honest with urself as to whether it's causing problems for u and cut down/ quit accordingly.

make sure you try to do other productive things. will help offset weeds negative effects if ur incapable of stopping. exercise

There's fuckloads of productive people and degenerates that smoke. The plant has shit to do with degeneracy.

It's nice. I'd love for legalization to come already. Until then I don't really smoke due to my job.

Herb, at the end of a day, is relaxing.

Weed is good, I don’t smoke it really

that looks like soil in a skin

Remember to put sage in the options field

The human mind needs to be anesthetized, it is a dangerous thing. Have you tried opiates?

t. Myron Shekelstein

I know someone who had troubles with epilepsy all throughout his life but a small bit of marijuana every day and he hasn't really had issues with it.
I have a family friend who got back problems requiring surgery and he would get intense migraines all the time that would essentially paralyze him. Marijuana would ease his back pains and prevent migraines.
I don't partake but don't really care if others smoke. The dude weed lmao mentality is retarded as shit hough


the brain has cannabinoid receptors
cannabis has cannabinoids
the degeneration comes from doing nothing productive but some people react differently and go on creative binges to
also breast milk has cannabinoids, will they ban tits next?


Same as alcohol, if you have a toke after work or on the weekends sometimes while relaxing it's fine. If you are inebriated all waking hours of everyday you are a degenerate shit.

It's for degenerates, but the government shouldn't stop you from doing it. You should have willpower and motivation to not even be interested in smoking weed.

Aspirin causes infertility according to latest research... We already know it causes liver damage. I'd rather "smoke weed every day" than take asprin every day.

Now post the Alcohol equivilant to this guy

nice trips
consuming it would have a better effect as the thc gets changed in the liver whereas smoking bypasses this part

>20 doses

It really depends on the end user.
I can take it or leave it, haven't smoked in over a week. I have a few ounces on hand too.


Got some high tolerance there Australia

Theres fuckloads of functional alcoholics who manage to be productive and successful. That doesnt prove that alcohol is harmless, it just proves that functional addicts exist.

Keep weed controlled and taxing it is a better option than throwing billions per year to keep it illegal it.

i have no tolerance, but i needed 300mg+ to even feel anything when i visited america and tried some legal edibles.

Fuck anything going on it this thread, there is no reason anyone should ever smoke weed that looks that shitty. where the fuck do you even find weed that brown anymore. I have literally gotten weed from bums who stole it out of dumpsters that didn't look that bad

You're just one of those rare dudes then, most no tolerance folks would be unable to stand after 20mg

Marijuana has been a part of my life in many capacities since I was a kid. My experience as a user and following the course of the lives of other users has lead me to conclude that it's a significant net negative to society and I'm an advocate for increasing persecution of the drug in all capacities (users, dealers, distributors, growers).

That something exists and can be obtained is not grounds for its legalization. Marijuana is a socially, mentally and physically destructive drug.

It's too late for us here in Canada, having one of the world's most retarded electorates and a low T liberal populist as leader, but hopefully the disease of social degeneracy doesn't spread further west.

weed is what helps many people gain awareness of the jew and so (((they)) downvote it as much as possible

Same thing as booze. Becoming an alcoholic is degenerate. Having it responsibly is fine

The biggest threat weed poses is that it tends to make people okay with being mediocre. Stoners are typically the sorts who live in a shitty apartment working shitty jobs and theyre just totally mellow with that. They dont really try harder to be better. They just kinda consume. Pop culture, shitty junk food, shitty movies, shitty media, shitty politics. They just graze on all of it. It stunts thier ability to excel.

Yeah, just like cigarettes or alcohol theres those people who seem to be capable of only indulging a bit and not going overboard. But pretending that the potential for trouble isnt there is stupid.

The problem with weed is the same problem with any intoxicant. The only way to figure out if you can handle your usage or not is to use, and if you cant you just fucked yourself. The smartest move is to live without and derive pleasure from things which are healthy like achievement, gaining knowledge, expieriencing new things, and self improvement.

its different with smoking, i shared a hash laced spliff with my sister in vegas and we were fucken zooted.

kill yourself, you retarded faggot

Weed was instrumental for me to unlearn a bunch of bullshit. Screw the losers who bash others for lighting up.

They probably just lied to you about the content of the edibles to drive up prices. Even so called "legal" THC products arent really very well regulated here. A dispensary can pretty much say whatever they want about the product since even in places where its "legal" its still not really legal persae, just not prosecuted by state authorities.

It's a plant material that, through government and media meddling, has become a meme where none existed 100 years ago.

Ban government and media.

PS: LSD, psilocin, meth, and MDPV are better shit.

Also, nug porn.


it's time to go back


>people in Norway
>knowing anything
Europoids amuse me. The only drug you lolcows have experience with is MDMA(aka Bitch-Meth).


>meme flag

like pottery

What's the longest you've ever spun out for?


If you're dumb enough to kill yourself with drugs so be it. The government shouldn't have to babysit the fucking retards who decide to do so.

Im fine with it if you smoke privately and not in public where I can smell it.

weed is okay but people
>go overboard with it
>think it "cures" stuff.
it doesn't.
>spend all their money on it
>get psychologically addicted to it
>make smoking weed some faggy collectivist culture you're supposed to be a part of

weed is okay but it can turn you into a huge faggot. just don't hang out with stoners. they're losers who will never accomplish anything. best to try it once, get really high and then stay away unless you absolutely love it.
pretty much the same advice i have for any drug and i've done basically everything.

My friends in high school became stoners the final year and became insufferable.

>Okay let's study
>lights up
>can't focus for shit
>"dude I can stop anytime"
>Constantly talks about how he wants to get high
>Smells like shit 24/7 and is never self aware about it.
>point how he fucking reeks and is going to get us into shit with his parents
>lmao dude relax, here toke on this.

Fuck you and anyone who let's a drug control their life. You want toke up on the weekends go ahead, but the moment it becomes a defining point of your life than you're a fuck up. 90% of people have no fucking self control and can't moderate its use and end up becoming deadbeat potheads.

I ate a 10mg edible this morning like 12 hours ago and I'm still fucking high. Zero tolerance here.

It's another avenue for vice. A lot of people are going to be stoned instead of being productive.

I hate that goddamned son of a bitch. His face is so fucking ugly and he's so goddamned stupid it makes me not even want to smoke if I see him.

It will always be better than taking opiates and lining Dr. Sheklebergs pockets with goybucks.

Debate me senpai

>weed allowed them to be redpilled
Yep, I would have remained a liberal cunt had I never explored the realm of hallucinogens.

I've grown up with weed, started smoking when I was a young teenager and on into mid-twenties. For a while I stopped but the past few years I've started again but not nearly as often as when I was younger. I find that it is indeed something you can abuse by using it too much (i.e., daily). However, when used sparingly (every months or years), it can really help you gain some perspective on life and push you over mental hurdles. I also use it to relax sometimes when nothing else works.

Im a jailer, and what amuses me is how every single fuckin stoner ever thinks he's a fuckin lawyer. They quote nonexistent laws, are utterly convinced they cant be charged if they refuse to sign the fingerprint cards, and each and every single one every time will tell you "thats not mine!"

Oh really? You just accidentally tripped and fell into a car filled with 320 pounds of weed huh? Seriously. Since fuckin when has the "its not mine" defense fuckin ever worked for ANYONE?

Fuckin morons smoked themselves retarded. Last week state troopers brought me a guy who got caught with 180 pounds of weed. He was moving it into washington. FUCKING WHY? Weed is LEGAL in washington, why travel to goddamned montana where its a felony to move that much weed when you live in a state where its not illegal to have it? The fact that weed makes people so unbearably stupid is reason enough why it should be illegal.

Im a death penatly pro lifer who spits on most liberal ideas

I like to bun weed tho

Most stoners are left wing hippies tho. I hate stoner culture. If youre gonna smoke do it at home and after work. I hate people who base their existance around a hit. My countrys gonna fuck up legalization and then ill probably phase it out.

You're probably a lot more likely to kill yourself than I am. Probably because I've a significantly higher quality life that doesn't have me bitterly telling people to off themselves online as an anonymous tough guy?

Don't kill yourself. I'd prefer you suffered through to the very end, you weak fucking halfwit.

I'm neutral and think it ought to be treated and regulated like alcohol. I personally do not indulge. I don't understand the petty moralizing about its legality. I like stoners as much as like drunkards.

All who smoke weed will be gased.
Nufriends learn to put "sage" in the options field. That way your reply does not bump these shit tier threads that pop up every fucking day.

weed makes dumb people dumber and smart people insufferable "deep" cunts. People who think that a more subtle version of hamming your skull opens up insight into the universe are generally impossible to be around.

I'm high right now

>usa legalizing faster than DUDEWEEDMAN lmao land
never understood how that happened

I'm trying to quit, again. I was off it for 8 months in 2017. I start to become somewhat autistic in social situations when I quit, pot helps me blend in with normies.




>Nufriends learn to put "sage" in the options field. That way your reply does not bump these shit tier threads that pop up every fucking day.

>addresses nufags
>assumes they know what "bump" means


I'm the other way around, I become socially inept if I smoke. I really don't any more because I become awkward and paranoid, and if I get a little drunk I become much more talkative and normie like. When I get too drunk it's literally pic related



> :^)

be a good goy and inhale your estrogen

Because in the US, states can make their own laws, and our public is by and large tired of the drug war.

It comes down to cool vs. uncool, and uncool(Jeff Sessions, Mormons, sXe) never beats cool.

>opinion on weed
that joint is gonna be shit
not enough weed for the paper


>Just take this heroine pill goy!


>Muscle spassim and problem sleeping?

>take some heroin pills goy!!

>weed is bad for you btw

If you absolutely HAVE to smoke weed, go to a park. I mean a real park, like a section of dense forest cordoned off, and not a dog lawn and a toddler slide outside your house. The problem with weed is that most people today toke heroic doses and then play videogames or watch TV, people don't even listen to music anymore. That's what makes you lazy and apathetic, you're literally using a psychadelic to rexflex-train yoursefl to consume passive entertainment.

Put on a Hawkwind album on your player and go outside, take a walk in the woods. It's a completely different experience.

Alt righter brainlets will never understand the idea of expanding your mind. It's helped me to see many things in a different way and write some dank music. Can be a negative with too much repeated use though


>NO, NO ,NO goy

>You want heroin pills instead, trust (((me)))

-t. jeff sessions

have you much experience in psychedelics friend

if you can overcome the delusions of profoundness and be alone in nature without dying it's quite eye opening

Now you wanna talk about TRASH.
How people can be convinced to abuse a class of drugs that make you puke, give you constipation, kill all sense of joy and excitement in life, and can readily kill you, is beyond my comprehension.
Utterly worthless high.

Then again, I'm a tweaker.

>stop smokig pot goyims

>take these pills that I get a kick back from instead

>t. doctor scholomobergenstien

>'m a tweaker

It's great, love to get high and watch videos of Communists getting wrecked. It just makes things seem funnier and it speeds up your metabolism so you want to eat afterwards.

Go fast or gtfo, my friend.
So much that makes us who we are as humans is based around speed and pushing the limits.
Speed as a drug is no different. It pushes the mind and body to the brink and can take you places where nothing else can.

It can also break you into pieces and make you know the devil like nothing else can as well. That's part of the gamble.

CBD has some promising medical potential when it comes to pain and epilepsy. I don't know if there's anything to gain from THC though, other than the high and increased risk of psychosis and other mental problems. Most likely isn't as bad as alcohol. Should be illegal but more research needs to be done.

its great

>Take some opiates white goy!

>Also marijuana is bad for your health fyi

its just as degenerate as alcohol, but in a totally different way

Dont you know it cures amputated limbs and AIDS? Havent you seen any kikebook memes bud?




I know it cures anxiety and depression.
Inb4 no goy take SSRIs and highly addictive benzos.


Weed is bad for you

Alcohol will fuck up your organs and mind when consumed in high amounts regularly. There's not much research about cannabis but it seems to not fuck up your organs, even when smoked, but could fuck up your mind really badly.

So I'd say smoking pot is less degenerate in countries where it's legal to do so. Smoking it illegally is obviously more degenerate in societal perspective.

Son, CBD makes ibuprofen obsolete.
That's the #1 reason weed is still illegal. Advil is null and void once weed stops being illegal. That's not an exaggeration either. Advil is on borrowed time. Pfizer's cash cow is about to die. And they do NOT like it.

Story time on edibles, 100% true

>Dont smoke at all, so no real tolerance
>Eat 70mg edible (California)
>Done it a bunch, no biggy.
>Feeling high as fuck I take a nap
>Wake up to the smell of dinner cooking
>Mom says "good timing, its ready!"
>Im VERY groggy, still super high on edible
>As Im plating my food I get dizzy/nausia.
>Pass out WHILE plating my food
>Food was in the pan, I passed out OVER it
>Im unconscious over a hot stove
>Mom pulls me off
>2nd/3rd degree burns everywhere
>Pass out 2 more times on way to couch.
>Uninsured due to Obamacare sucking
>1.5 days in Hospital
>$6700 bill from a $3 edible

You have a problem sleeping? Hmmmm....maybe these heroin pills will fix you up!!!!

>No, no, no. You dont want a medical license goy!!!

>Just take this pill! :^)

I like to smoke pot for 1 my migraine and 2 for my sleep problems.
My legal choices are, advils and such and sleeping pills.
Say whatever you want but sleeping pills destroy you. That shit is poison you wake up like you're about to die every time and it's not even the doctors tell you to not do it every day

It will only fuck up your mind if you have a family history of mental illness, then again psychoactive compounds are showing promising benefits for people with schizophrenia.


>You have a problem sleeping? Hmmmm....maybe these heroin pills will fix you up!!!!

>No, no, no. You dont want a medical license goy!!!

>Just take this pill! :^)