Is Kirito a well written character?

Is Kirito a well written character?

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Yes No


What? No. Not even remotely. What on earth makes you think that he is? He's been King of the bland MC Gary Sue for a while now.

You're an ignorant sheep if you think this.

I dont know who kirito is but that picture isnt him its Gary Stu.

Currently curious how Abridged S2 will be.

Moshi-moshi. Baito desu.

part time job?

Yes, this is where old men can bid your mother's cum.

Can you repeat the question

If you consider a generic try-hard gamer that's obviously way too overpowered (hell, he basically even beat the creator and an admin which both were even cheating) a "well written character"...probably?

No, he's a 14yo's power trip with the personality of a brick wall.

Haruyuki is better.

Abridged one is.

Idk but he's a cute trap so that's enough for me

About as well-written as what's on my tp after I've wiped my ass after a hard shit.

>reddit shows

that sword looks like a penis

t. blind fanatic

Kirito has the characterization of what 9 year olds think of their action figures.

Alright, that one stung.

I gave my action figures flaws and complex characterization when I was ten.

Even my action figures have more depth and personality than this pathetic excuse of a character.

would even 10 year old me like this? i don't even know anymore

yes, better than Guts atleast.


both generic edgelords, one is just younger and a manlet


I sense bait in this one becasue i don't think there anybody blind enough to call kirito a well written character

As a litterature fag, that's a no

of course not. what kind of retard do you have to be to ask that. are you only pretending to be retarded or something?

Yes, people are just butthutt about his popularity and parroting digibro/mothers basement who only make Sao vids for views

>Gary Stu
Name one time when Kirito himself actually won anything.

Protip: You can't, because he never did.

You're not the boss of me now

Yes he is a well written Chad.
No wonder weeks hate him

The soloed bosses all the fucking time. Like he killed a Minotaur boss thing off screen for some shitty item.

In my opinion hero of a harem kind of anime should have this specific traits like: be a nice guy, be quite dumb, underestimated. Why is that? MC need to fit the level of an average anime watcher. If we look at Kirito we see he is kinda smart, doesn't have problems with taking out enemies and every chick loves him even if he's not a "nice guy". Also he is a pussy so I guess all these traits combined are pretty much annoying af.

Progressive Kirito actually is, surprisingly.

Kirito is purposefully a bland and shallow character so that 12 year old boys watching the show can project themselves onto him and think it's the coolest anime ever.

>He killed an unimportant boss in which there is literally 100.
>Around the time he grinded hard in order to be over-leveled so he could solo a field-boss that literally nobody else cared enough about to even be present for the fight.
Ok but did he ever do anything important? He was the highest level character for like 1 week and he didn't do anything game changing before he fell off again.

Also I misread and didn't see
>All the time
You're stupid, he only ever solo'd the field boss. Ever other boss fight he did in a party, whether he liked it or not. The "soloing" you're trying to claim he did was just him recklessly jumping in to continue the fight after the party decided to back off. The bosses were already almost dead anyway. It is slightly impressive that he could finish off the rest of the HP alone, but it's not even close to a good reason to go autismo and say he's a Gary Stu for.

Maybe the abridged version of him is but not the original version.

Kirito's whole character actually makes a lot more sense when you understand the traditional concept of yamato damashii:

what about the time he ass pulled when fighting game dev-kun.

Indeed, the mangaka finally made kirito into a snarky nerd who just prefers solidarity instead of a
supposedly "tragic" misunderstood edgelord as he appeared to be in the anime

The abridged version is also great