You have 6...

You have 6.66 seconds to explain why a state is necessary to protect your rights when it is a body of humans who have been vested with the explicit authority to violate your rights in order to protect them.
(This is coming from an individualist-anarchist [ancap], not a fucking faggot ancom)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why should I?

Ancaps are fucking faggots, and don't even make sense.

You're like an agnostic to an atheist. Anyone that has any faith is no different to a believer.

>Ancaps are fucking faggots
Agreed but they're preferable to ancoms.

>Ancaps are fucking faggots, and don't even make sense.
Care to elaborate why we don't make sense? Your little agnostic-atheist analogy didn't really make sense to me.

Because you're a fucking lonely faggot neckbeard on 4chins with nothing better to do on a Saturday night than post on Sup Forums

My girlfriends dog is undergoing surgery and this is a way to pass the time until we hear if he'll make it. What is your excuse?

Also that meme is a prime example of the dunning-kruger effect
I'm an ancap, and I"m not for open borders in our current paradigm

Because a state will develop out of a non state; it's best it's on the terms of the population that wants liberty.

As soon as people group together they pick a leader and grant that leader more authority over the group's direction than any individual. Without a formal structure in place things boil down to military might makes right.

>girlfriend's dog

Read Leviathan.

but the state is by definition NOT on the terms of the population and rather on the terms of the people with the most money to bribe the politicians
You can set up the most ideal utopian state imaginable which has individual rights and property rights and anti-jew and anti-bribery policies or whatever you think is ideal, but it will always be coopted by those with the most material wealth, because it is a body which has been vested with more rights than the volk

That's true. But the best fighting chance is to develop the nation, and give rights to be able to overthrow it when the power over reaches. Otherwise, a conquering state with organized military power will come in and you are simply gambling that that state will work out better. Your philosophy only works if you can somehow eliminate man's territorialism and desire for power.

Ahhh, but such a scenario entails a lack of military defense over a given geographic region. Ancap argues that such a service could be provided on the open market, and it would be more effective due to the inherent benefits of decentralization and market competition.

Here are a few vidoes on law/defense in a stateless society.

Woops 3rd link should be:

also sorry for posting the other links mid-video. Restart from the beginning to get the full info.

Basically a person with a bit of faith, is no different than a person with all the faith. Agnostics are no different than the most devout gnostics, as they have the same proof, how they feel about it different, but it doesn't change the outcome.

To have faith capitalism is against anarchism. Anarchism being the belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.

To be for profit is against voluntary and cooperative basis. So basically it's just some weird form of business without regulation?

I mean ancap has moved onto libertarianism, realistically.

Either way, ancap is probably the path ancom is going to go. It's a transition policy at best. I don't see it happening anytime soon, but in the future. What else do you expect with more workforce being displaced by computers and technology, than ancom to take place.

People still need to live, even tho robots do work better. Can't feed and pay a growing population when labour forces are an outdated thing, and you can't roll back technology.

Showering isn't necessary I guess, I just do it because I'm not a nigger.

>To be for profit is against voluntary and cooperative basis.
What the flying jewel-encrusted fuck are you prattling about? How is profit opposed to voluntarism? Profit is merely reaping more material gain than was invested in the venture which spawned said material gain. If I offer to pay you x amount to mine gold for me, and you mine more gold that I invested in the equipment/salary for you to mine it, I made a profit and it was made via completely voluntary interaction.

>I mean ancap has moved onto libertarianism, realistically.
Ancap IS libertarianism... I just got into a Youtube argument with someone over this and I don't get why people don't understand this. Ancap is a sub-type of libertarianism. Any libertarian community, any Facebook group, any IRL gathering, will have ancaps in it, because we are libertarians. If anything, we are more consistent libertarians who follow the principles of libertarianism/free market economics to their logical conclusions more than minarchists do.

>People still need to live, even tho robots do work better. Can't feed and pay a growing population when labour forces are an outdated thing, and you can't roll back technology.
such luddite thinking has been around forever, and every single time it crops up it has been demolished. Improvements in technology and labor-saving devices do nothing but free up human labor for tasks it was previously unfathomed to be suited for. Technology and automation will either increase the productivity and therefore the salary of existing labor or pave the way for entirely new employment opportunities for those who are displaced.

Anarchy is not found for more than the blink of an eye.
The state focuses the power of its people.
A people with no state to protect them will fall to the power of a people who do.

Anarchists are retards and children with no ability to conceptualize and no understanding of history or reality.

>How is profit opposed to voluntarism?

For profit is not free of will, it's for profit. Like it's in the name. If your will wants profit, it is, but almost everyone dream job is not because of the profit. It's what they wanted to do there whole life.

>Ancap IS libertarianism...

>such luddite thinking
NO NO NO I am not anti-technology, the complete opposite, I am for the rapid advancement of technology, as that is the only way that ancom can be supported is through the englishment of technology. Basically, something like Star Trek society. Ancap might even be the path to ancom, but talking about the future of humanity, I don't see anything more advance than ancom, and no high ideology to want to progress to.

Ancap maybe the step to get there, maybe not for the entire planet, but as a species, over a long enough timeline there's no way anyone during the feudal ages could picture a world without a King. We live in a world we couldn't picture a world WITH a King.

Rights don't exist, only privileges.