New Master Race...Wide Shoulders, small waist, big chest, Big shulders, big penis!!!

The master Race, is no longer, race/color's literally genetic based.

any 4channer, who doesnt fit this criteria, needs to kill themselves or just join the enemy....its simple as that.

You people are the scum of the people are hoping to fit in with us, but its over, u phaggots, are not genetically equal as us.

fedor never had a small waist
wide clavicles but not big shoulders

There are a lot of slavic dudes with Fedor body type.

Fedor never tapped to stikes, like faggot American British people did

Sure let's do this but no blacks jews etc

>Dan Henderson says NO!

If Fedor is so great, why did he never fight in UFC?

minimum jacket chest size?

>If Fedor is so great, why did he never fight in UFC?

Because the UFC is for pussies like u, u fucking causal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>meanwhile posts the opposite
American education is not simply bad, its dangerous.

Because UFC rules are boring as shit. In Pride you could soccer kick a downed opponent right in his fucking face and would let you beat a motherfucker near death before they called the fight. Japs did not give one single shit.

obviously he couldn't stand real competition

Why not just allow guns as well

He won against multiple UFC champions including Sylvia, Nogueira, Coleman, and Hunt.

I can't see what flag you have but I can already tell it's a shitposthole

Yes when they were washed up and fighting in the minor leagues

Don't strain yourself

is 42R chest size and 5.5 inch penis good enough

He beat Nogueira when he was an active UFC champ. He beat Sylvia less than a year after he lost his belt.

Fedor is the Stephen Curry of MMA. Extremely overhyped and only able to win championships against weak opponents with help from the referees