Ashkenazi Jews - The Smartest Race

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Pipe down half blood, we all know you've intermixed with filthy Sephardis.

The only True Ashkenazis fled the shithole dictatorship that is Israel.

Show us a pic of your sisters khazar milkers you little bitch

>IQ on par with arabs
>use jew usury to get test answers to SAT tests in the 60's 70's and 80's.
>Tutor only jew kids into memorizing test answers and acing the tests
You are borderline retarded. Your so called intelligence that you're so proud of is a lie. As is your religion and your people.
You disgust us.

Our women have self respect. unlike your whores.

>The only True Ashkenazis fled the shithole dictatorship that is Israel.

Sure they do Shlomo...

Uh, porn is filled with khazar whores. What are you talking about retard?

Now let's see your sisters big ol khazar milkers, faggot.

>Ashkenazis are smart

verbal IQ does not equal all metrics such as spatial awareness. the articles stating ashkenazi has high 115 IQ were referring to verbal IQ only.

#fake news

Thats why jews control the media, entertainment industry, banks etc?
thats why jews are 35% nobel prize winners in science and economics?
i mean, lets we are crooks, still, we have to be fucking smart as hell crooks to achieve this kind of domination you dumb faggot.

Nice LARP thread, I also believe that famously inbred and meek people are genetically superior.

too much for the master race

56% reporting. What is my bidden, my master?

>Thats why jews control the media, entertainment industry, banks etc?
>thats why jews are 35% nobel prize winners in science and economics?

Oh man, it's like you predicted what this scheming kike would say.

Khazars aren't jews you stupid faggot

Jews control everything because they are born cheaters in a system created by born truthers and people who generally want others to succeed.
Jews infiltrated this system and hired only other jews.
A jew will go out of his way to harm a goyim if he is not pro jew and doesn't hire jews.
This is not intelligence. This is just usury. The only thing you kikes are good at. You know how to lie.
>35% Nobel prize winners
HAHAHAHAHA, like the fucking nobel prize has meant anything since jews have begun to win prizes there. Even einstein your most intelligent jew stole his formulas from belgium and french mathematicians and copied them so much that the nobel prize comittee was not allowed to give him the prize for relativity and had to give it to him for something completely fucking irrelevant.

You people are born parasites. Trying to compete with Gods true chosen. The Christian. And we are far beyond you in intelligence, strength and skill.

The only thing that keeps you from being crushed under foot is that we CHOOSE not to. And at a whim we could change our minds.

You really are a pathetic race of nothings. No wonder God abandoned you.


stop portraying the jews as semigods they arent , nepothism is the reason why they has reached so much power ,yes they are very smart but like a tipical upper class european at best

nice lack of source

nah kike, being sociopath manufactured trough circumcision, rooted in filthy talmud portraying yourself as a wolf from protocols of zion or whaterver doesnt make you smart, master or predator. it means you are just trash parasite who made being a trash parasite an ideology and religion

Who do we serve?

nepotism is intelligence and general virtue now. You go cainanites.

Lol. The Askenazi contributions to science and math are higher in relative metrics than Europeans. The actual IQ of the Ashkenazi is 111. Much greater than the 100 of Europeans.
The following site has metrics substantiating this ALONG with sources.

Theres a reason why universities put quotas on Jews, like they do Asians now.

Dude stfu. What Einstein did was create a model of physics. His model explained physics phenomena better than his predecessors. And Einstein wasnt the smartest jew. That goes to Jacobi.

You pathetic dumbfucks love to use IQ tests and books like "The Bell Curve" in order to prove your superiority over blacks and other races. but when it comes to fact that jews are most successful because of their 115 IQ average, you deny it with stupid excuses. You use the same BLM idiot rants over white people.
Even jared taylor the founder of the alt-right said that ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ than any other race.

Get lost lying bitches.

>doesn't refute any points made
>doesn't address the facts
>posts some shite presentation from a synagogue as evidence without any corroborated studies linked
C'mon Chaim.
>He still doesn't refute the fact that einstein did not receive the nobel prize for relativity because he fucking stole it
You seem a bit mad little wimp. :)

Why do Sup Forumsacks behave the way they accuse Jews of acting, i.e. being lying manipulators?

Simple. Jews have high verbal IQ > Many jews in the media > Most jews are liberals > Major Butthurt for stromfags.

Why are you using BLM meme flag you piece of shit. lets see the country your from dont be ashamed.

Why are you not posting your slutty sisters big fat khazar milkers?

Those digits and all these Jew/Israel threads tonight are proving Israel fired the missile at Hawaii from a secret sub.
USS Liberty X10

Suck my dick and call me Cowboy.

>Many jews in the media
what is nepotism at best, evil corruption at worst?

Your sisters khazar milkers right now, bitch!

Isn't that what niggers say about whites?

>>Many Blacks in the Nba
what is nepotism at best, evil corruption at worst?

>jews are good at running things goyim!!!
>huge financial crashes
>worst poverty in living history
>an elite religiously motivated to brown the lower classes into an easy to control sub race
>huge social upheaval and the destruction of jobs, manufacturing and communities that had existed for hundreds of years
Yeah you guys are just like NBA super stars who are just good at the sport xD
Ever heard the term proof is in the pudding...

wimp :)


Is that the sabbath dinner that your whore mom cooked?

you are fucking retard none is denying that but jews would need at least a iq 140 to correlate withir succes and their numbers,what fucking retards you are only proving my point of your succes nepotism pure nepotism

no kikes just love to dabble in poo, they cant resist it
