How do i stop hating women?

How do i stop hating women?

I've been indoctrinated by /r9k/ and now feel an irrational hatred for them.

Become a woman

It's not irrational, it's just inconvenient to you.

Be honest with yourself and look at how equally awful men can also be.

I know that feel, user. I've been wronged in each of my personal relationships with women. I've given up after what I think was number 7. I just want to believe that not all women are this bad, but I've seen it happen to me and my friends now. Shit's fucked.

Why do you want to stop hating them?

This honestly. Men are vile in a different way that only women truly understand.

You don't, you just accept the fact the you'll have to be the only grown up in a family and that you will carry all the responsibility, always.

Find some pride in that, that makes it easier.

True Canadian Patriot here.

Become indifferant to them. Dont love them or hate them. Just see them as a vassal for creating your children.

you dont, for the most part they are terrible people. Doesnt mean you can still find a nice one, but its rare obviously

Yeah it was so vile that men built all of this everything, so you don't have to die in your late 20s under animal hide anymore. See, misogyny, true misogyny, is always rooted in the realization that women are absolutely useless beyond their childbirthing faculty. They are walking incubators, and our endorphin dumps hardwired into us when there were no more than several thousand of us world wide during ice ages wants desperately to see them as something more than that, and our repeated attempts ever since to uplift women as something more than that, has met with repeated catastrophes. It's a failed experiment, and to watch the world slip and fall all over the evidence of it while pretending it's not happening is a maddening experience. Women are literally at the epicenter of yet another civilizational collapse. Again. The spark that ignites a fire that burns to ashes generations of the work of men, through which women and men will suffer alike, no less.

But some guy pumped and dumped you so men are uniquely vile.

>liver told it wants equality with kidneys
> liver believes it
> so you hate liver

sounds like a good plan user. enjoy the rest of your life

My policy - which is quite to fuck their asses.

Generally - and if you can pull it off - get a blowjob and TELL THAT STUPID WHORE THE WHOLE POINT SHE SUCKING YOU OFF AND GETTING YOUR DICK SOAKING is because you're going to stick it right up her ass.

Jesus, you fucking millenial faggots are hopeless. Don't have the FIRST CLUE what you're doing.

>...oh well....duh black man.

I hate all of you pussy fuckers.

If the man's world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman's is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives? No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man's world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.

- mein fuhrer

Notice how the "small world" revolves entirely around child rearing, the sole faculty for which women have any value whatsoever. It will always come back to that. You can dress it up to win elections and you can drape finery to get laid all you want, but it will always come back to that. It stands to reason then, that women should forcibly be kept confined to the areas of life built for them to pursue the responsibilities they require, and no more.

Like livestock. Which is typically more loyal than women.

-Stop hating people youdon't know.
-Stop thinking that the action of an individual should be blamed on an other individual
-Do not preset what constitute a good or a bad person in an imaginary frame with no real reference, but instead learn to know individually each person for what they are and take what you can learn of their past into account, but do not make excuse for them either
-Accept that each person is an human being who is inherently flawed, just like you are.

It alo work for stopping hatting men and stopping being racist too.

i am pretty sure women partaken in all you listed. you are describing humanity, there, not just men.

Did it ever occur to you that you were a fag?

that dudes a pedophile, isn't he?

Why would you listen to a bunch of gook losers?

Show some fucking manliness, you faggot.

Does liking women sexually preclude me from hating them for their actions?

If you hate woman for the sole reasons of a rambling virgin in his 40s then you have to sort yourself out. It's really not that bad out there. It only gets bad when you are stupid.

logical and righteous

Hatred for them is natural.

>hating the dog that eats the food you left out

You assume women have a greater deal of agency than they do. If you let go of that idea, hating them becomes irrational. Disdain is a much better word.

It's not irrational

Women or thots?

I understand hating thots. I'm a woman and I hate them too. They don't understand the concept of honour. It's disgusting how they use men as sex toys.

I guess you just have to remind yourself that it's only degenerate women who go out of their way to fight with their partner.

Get out more and talk to normal women

Don't ask Sup Forums

Sigh. Really, cunt? Don't make us say it.

>I've been indoctrinated by /r9k/ and now feel an irrational hatred for them.

You're probably better off this way. You can never actually love a woman because love doesn't exist, we're simply driven by a biological need to fuck as many females as humanly possible to spread our seed across as many fertile wombs as we can before we die.

If you think you've ever been in love, ask yourself if you would have stayed with her if she packed on eighty pounds and stopped shaving. We're shallow. We're lustful. It's just how the male/female dynamic works and it's the way nature wanted it to work. We objectify them so that we can become sexually aroused by them which is essential for fucking them which is in turn essential for impregnating them and keeping our species alive.

Once you learn to stop emotionalizing and personalizing these lustful, wanton feelings you have for females, you'll never convince yourself that being in a relationship with a woman is a good idea. We're fundamentally different and we're incapable of truly understanding one another.

Now, I'm not saying it's normal or healthy to hate women, but if it's keeping you away from women, then at the end of the day, it's a good thing.

You should hate them. They are nasty, spiteful creatures that are extremely cruel to other women, but still want men to respect them, even though women don't respect women, but they throw tantrums if you don't respect them, knowing full well that they despise men that respect them, and that they want a man that doesn't care what they think.

The main female political movement in the world is women demanding the "right" to murder children when where and how they choose. Anyone who isn't disgusted by this is well conditioned slave.

Why would we discard ugly fat women if the point was to spread as much seed as possible

It is supposed to be common knowledge that women suck and are inferior to men and should be subservient to men, women are supposed to be raised to self hate and know that they are inferior trash otherwise gender relations don't work.

If there´s one group of people on earth that hates women the most it´s other women.

Stop thinking about them

Thing is, they are capable of putting their animosity to the side of the group can serve their own interests.

>if the group


That's not a combover. It's a side part.

Stop wanting them to be like men. They're not.

Shit movie.

Yes, and if there are no problems they create them


Go outside and stop visiting internet echochambers. I'm assuming you also had a dysfunctional family and a bad mom, but that can't be fixed. Try not to hate all of them.
