How white is white? Define white

Is somebody who is 95% white enough?

Where do we draw the line? How white is white? Is somebody that's one percent Native white? Three percent, five percent?

Which ancestries are "white" anyway?

Other urls found in this thread:

100% white no exceptions

anything above 50% is white

someone with a fair complexion who is at least two thirds european and doesn’t behave like a nigger

If skin does not look like shit, you're probably white.

Leftists are the ONLY people concerned with whiteness.

Precisely this. This is why all slavs and finns will have to be exterminated.

Everbody knows what a white person looks like.

Weird how nobody knows what a white person is when white people want to fight for their own interests but then they do know when it comes to thing like white privilege and affirmative action.

Swedes are the only white people.

>hello fellow whites!

You're stupid

Is lawrence fishburn white?

if you're european you're white

something like pale skin and 90%+ European ancestry

you must have at least 6 white great grandparents and never slept with a non white

not necessarily true, slavs are pretty much niggers for example

85% but it's a bit flexible

Purity is a meme. Arbitrary percentages are meanignless in this context.

If somebody looks white, then most of the time they *are* white. For certain cases, a DNA test may be neccessary (i.e. Ashkenazi Jews), but in most scenarios we can reliably judge somebody's race from their appearence.

>w-what do you mean I'm not white, user? everyone thought I was whtie before the DNA test!

Nice forehead.

>anything above 50% is white
you mean above 56% right?
t. shareblue shill

75 % maybe?


I don't know what white is, but I know it when I see it.

Hey. It was good enough for the Supreme Court in Jacobellis vs. Ohio.

Community standards.

Nordicism or bust. If you have to ask you'll never know.

Fucking jew

Do not post in anti-white threads.
Do not reply to anti-white posts.

If you genetic cluster with europeans,then you are white. But man by looking to a person you can see, you just need to know european phenotypes, from nordic,to atlantic, alpinoid, mediterranean or dinaric.

This is a liberal subversion tactic used to bait out the one drop rule. You are making a fallacy here called Loki's wager.

A half turk would cluster with europeans more closely than finns.

This thread again

When will we return to talking about interesting topics that matter

damn, you cant really tell.

>p-please user, I'm w-white! look at my eye and skin color!

>Is somebody who is 95% white enough?
>Where do we draw the line? How white is white? Is somebody that's one percent Native white? Three percent, five percent?
>Which ancestries are "white" anyway?

White is important for the preservation of heritage and unique phenotypes but it certainly should not be the only consideration. Dysgenics among whites is more prevalent than ever.

Show Alpine Aryans.

>Define white
Laurence Fishburne

Fuck off spain isn't white

are albanians white?
are bosnians white?
what about eastern europeans & slavs?
what about someone who is 75% white?

I doubt it. And still by his phenotype it will be still noticeable the non euro features

dude stfu. the rules of pol say do not make is X white thread. gtfo no one cares and if youre asking youre not fucking white you beaner fuck

Mixed race people generally fall in the middle of the straight line connecting their two ethnic groups together.

Shalom Jews

because there are no definite boundaries between blue and purple then neither of them exist and we should never use the descriptions blue or purple

Liberal logic everyone.

>Is somebody who is 95% white enough?
Not one drop of nonwhite blood. Not a single fucking drop.

Uhhhh puddles?

yeah, but getting a little mongoloidy
that's pretty much white unless you're mixed with a non-white dominating gene (blacks etc.)


5572 is right

Back to /r/RoastMe

Sup Forums doesn't even share a common understanding of the word "race" let alone of a vaguely understood one like "whiteness"

as far as I'm concerned, "race" is about an ideal of phenotype
if we take the Nordid conception as a synonym for "white" as puts it for instance, then "whites" in Europe are rather few and mostly concentrated in Scandinavia and NW Europe

You have to be 18+ to post here

So Richard Spencer isn't white?

He's like 94% white with Asian and African heritage.

Is somebody who is 95% black enough?

Where do we draw the line? How black is black? Is somebody that's one percent Native black? Three percent, five percent?

Which ancestries are "black" anyway?

if your skin is white, you are white. Only exception: albino niggers and gipsy.

Asking these questions qualify you as nonwhite.New destination Haiti.You can think about these autistic problems with your new friends.

>as far as I'm concerned
Who cares

We came from Africans so literally nobody is 100% white, though

You forgot jews.

>he didn't take the forhead-pill

put some little round glasses on him and OY VEY

someone cared enough to give me a free (You)

Nice vpn sargoy

If you were founding a white ethnostate, it would be open to anyone who thinks they're white.
Non-whites would be deterred by default, long before the borders are declared and papers issued etc.
The only real issue here would be (fellow white people) trying to fuck shit up.

I would cum in that.

Blue or green eyes. White skin. Any hair color except ginger is acceptable.

Brown or black eyes = not white

It's easier to say what isn't white than what is white.
If it's obviously any race other than white, it's not white.
If it's nothing but white, then it is white.

When it comes to mixes some seem to require more white to pass as white.

Ultimately there's generally correlation between visual signs and all the other factors that matter on a collective level so that alone can be a decent indicator without the need for straight up gen percent testing.

"anyone that thinks they're white"

It's not really a white ethnostate then, thered have to be an agreed on % of white European DNA from specific regions as a qualification

So percentage of European DNA does not matter, nor does region of Europe or having non white DNA. You're just classifying people by looks?

You have to be 100% white and I don't how this is an issue. Most Europeans are 100%. Most Europeans don;t have 10% lack or Indian or whatever.

America is the only place in which you will find mixed.

What's not white then?

Anyone 7/8 white was considered white to Hitler, and marriage was legit if the mixed race person (jews included) was 3/4 and the spouse was all white.

Look at her nose and nostrils thought

A lot of europeans, especially eastern europeans, have jewish admixture.

I'm 97% white and 3% asian,am I white enough for your standards?
Anything that is >90% white is acceptable for me,100% whiteness isn't wide ranging among Europeans.

Darn, I guess pewdipie isn't white. Look at those sami nostrils!

Try again shill.
go learn about european phenotypes,by your delusional description 3/4 of the europeans would'nt be white.

Yeah look at this white girl

My stupid sister left coaster said there was a nigger in the woodpile sometime in our heritage. I sent her results. No response. White is subjective but I'd say 0 percent Africa and you're good to go.

He's male though

Ideally, yes.
But no, if it ever happens, it will be too chaotic for dna tests.
It will be tied to the nation/region that makes the first move, and the purity test based on that home nation.

There is no such thing as White enough

Hitler and Dr Menegle had it figured out.

Likewise, the USCG already publishes good tide tables.

West and Northern don't. They have never been mixed and the mixing that occurred from war/invasion was with fellow whites.

Saxons, Normans, Frisians, Vikings, Celts can all be traced back to the beaker culture. They are the same people. When the Saxons met the Celts in England they had only been separated by around 2000 years and apart from the culture, were racially the same people.

The people that are not descendants of the beaker culture were the Romans who had little impact racially on the British Isles.

Slavs are also not from the beaker culture.

Visually you can even see this, most Western/Northern Euros if they don't talk look the same. Slavs stand out.

The other group that is not from the beaker culture are the Fins.

Lot of Southern Europeans, Finnish, and Slavic people have black, Arab, Indian, or mongoloid DNA, even the French. So what's really white?

It really boils down to non mixed people from Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Scotland, Wales, England, and Ireland, but even the Irish are considered non-white and British in general have Iberian and Southern European DNA to an extent, so are they even white? Do north French/spanish/Italians count? Southerners are naturally darker even if they're of European descent, and then we have to consider even within these countries what traits are white? Blonde hair and blue eyes only? Or are brown hair/green eyes allowed? Is brown/black hair and hazel/brown eyes white, or blue eyes and black hair, or any other variation? Then we have to take into account the fact that darkies can have blonde, blue eyed babies that are "white" too.

...and...what if they're genetically two thirds european, have a fair complexion and a severe case of nigger facial structure?

No. You are mixed. Why is this so hard to understand?

Anything less than 1% is noise in those tests.

They are not descended from the beaker culture. I don't class those groups as white.

the point is 100% with respect to what? Europe hasn't been relatively homogeneous since the stone age, every region has its own peculiar genepool due to various newcomers arriving in the last 10k years and settling/mixing to different degrees

and before you claim sites like 23&me can give you a 100% European score, those tests are simply telling you that your DNA is mostly similar to the peoples currently living in the area of Europe in all its diversity, they don't have a magical 100% ""European"" sample to compare your DNA to

some of the oldest formed genepools in Europe, namely peoples like Sardinians or Basques, are quite different from people from Poland or Sweden and I doubt they would just feel at home in a supposed "white" ethnostate

Also Swiss and Austrians could be considered white, and again, is Celtic white? They are generally darker. Or just germanics? Even then, do we only count the whitest germanics - Nordics? Are Slavs white,
This also

Totally legit to Hitler. He could be alot more mixed and still be a German Reich citizen. Search Nuremberg race laws.

100% white ONLY

Oh and I forgot

>100% whiteness isn't wide ranging among Europeans.

Is this called a static pulled out of your ass? Most Western/Northern are 100% white and have not even had the opportunity to mix within the last few thousand years.

This is an obvious tactic

>heh, well you are all mixed anyway so should accepted mixed people

Yeah no.

100% compared to the elements predominant in European people
for instance a "95% white dude" with 5% indian/nigger blood wont be white,ever
this is a thing only americans came up with, they themselves created the one drop rule but now the tables have turned and they realise they are all mongrels, so they need a coping mechanism and thus invent shit like "80% white is enough!" etc

I hate to tell you, but you have african DNA and are disqualified according to the one drop rule.

You have to descended from the baker culture.

Anglos are, celts, Scandinavians, French, German, Dutch etc.

>see flag

Italians are not.

Probably I have a skin whiter than yours and I'm not even Northern European.
Anything that is >90% white is good,everything else is stupidity,Europe was invaded by lots of Asians,Turks did the same in South Europe.
I'm pure,>95%white is probably the average among Europeans.

laurence fishburne

t. NAmutt that has never seen a Spaniard