Team Medical Dragon

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Lots of interesting surgery stuff, but a LOT of medical politics. More politics than action, so enjoy it while it lasts.

a fucking awesome manga

Dr. Gary Stu.

On chapter 6 now, holy FUCK this is good.

>hospice care arc
I'm tearing up lads

A series that scanlators dropped

A great ride.

Scanlator's need to pick up the mangaka's newest work: Dai-3 no Gideon

A way better Dr.House, read Jin too if you want to read another medical manga later

scanlators need to finish TMD first.

I blame this manga and Black Jack for making me waste my youth in med school.

Shit was so awesome.

Fucking sucks how hard it is to get Black Jack in ENG (on bookshelf) these days

Just got done with "Give my regards to black jack" and I found that good too.

The show having Sawano before he got lazy

A manga that has interesting medical bits that is well researched and is mostly pointing out how fucked up hospital politics are

Main guy is too Mary Sue for me.

Not exactly that Mary Sue, considering he's used, albeit outdated, techniques that were used by other surgeons.

He's not exactly doing anything groundbreaking. He just happens to have the knowledge and experience to pull off the shit he does. And in the end he's right, the medical system is rotten. That combined with the pressure that handling lives entail ends up making of most doctors, either jerks who flaunt their correct diagnosis a la House or just plain corrupt assholes who see patients either as potential lawsuits or bags of money..

Mary Sueness is in the portrayal of a character and how the others react to him. A guy could be the most absolutely based GOAT surgeon and still not be a Sue depending on how he's written compared to other characters.

The criteria is, the writing shouldn't suck a character's dick that much.

Author was a medical student who got EXTREMELY butthurt by the japanese medical system, dropped out of school and became a manga author.
Basically this and

>tfw you got butthuttrted so much you go write the mango

Reaction faces

Surgery and Edo period Japan social hierarchy

This guy gets it.

Expect for the fanservice to disappear. There are some hot chicks in the series, but the author stops having the main character sex them up pretty quickly.


manga is critized the way japanese hospital works he died at a japanese hospital "from complications of liver cancer."

a preddy gud manga i guess


The author dying halfway through the serialization

Just read the first chapter
First of all that's a pneumothorax, not a chronic enphysema (what? she's too young to have one too). Also for an emergency detension you should go for the 2nd intercostal space and you should create a valve with a glove or something to create a one-directional valve after piercing the pleura

It mentions pneumo in my translation.
Have you not heard of catamenial pneumothorax in menstruating woman.

Forget about that, I too started it right now, my gripe is he reminds me of Halsted whose philosophy was to cut everything to treat.

You are right about Intercostal space and he should have tried occlusion bandaging.
Pericardiotomy for cardiac tamponade in modern era is very rare.

Live-action TV series has some early days badass Sawano tracks in it

Surgery, politics and doujins neverever


This manga looks fun, would you recommend?

Yah. Best award for scared, panicked, and smug faces.