So you guys are saying it is not just a meme. You really are racist?


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Sup Forumsis a board of peace. There’ll be none of that naughty racism here.



no this board is a satirical ecuadorian basket weaving forum

Welfare prevents evolution by not removing bad genes. Same reason I think we shouldn't treat diabetes.

lurk moar fag

yup and a proud democrat too.

Yes. I unironically want shitskins to perish.

Race doesn't matter much to me. There are shitty people from each race etc etc.

I unironically am a racist. Mostly to blacks, Arab and poo muslims

They are low iq, useless, destructive to society

op is a niggerfaggot

When I tell people I'm racist, they either don't believe me, or they say I'm not racist because I won't tell a black person that I am/won't call a black person a nigger, to the black person's face. I really don't get this line of reasoning, either I end up in a fight with the black person, or they'll just ignore me, not matter the outcome, I'll still be racist. It seems that alot of my libtard friends/family try to convince themselves that I'm not racist. Does this happen to you guys when you reveal your power level?

>t. rajinder chang

Oh I'm full-blown racist.

I'm a liberal and live in the north where I have a few token black friends. I can tell you that based on my token black and Mexican friends, we should accept way more blacks and mexicans. But just keep them in the south. As long as the vote for their white liberal saviors, but stay a healthy distance away from me, I love them.

Wez all be kikes, niggers, spics and chinks larping az da white bois. No racism be here.

The only reason we support abortion is to remove negro children. We like to Jew the Jew.

There is nothing wrong with racism.
You're racist too.
We admit and control it.
You hide and are controlled by it.

Africa and Mexico far enough away from you? Because that’s far enough away from me and my desired solution.

Depends who you ask. MLK would say no. Every modern SJW would say yes.


im saying there are differences between races akin to behavioral difference in dog breeds which are considered the same species but look different

genetic similarity arguments fall short on being able to dispute this. crime rate statistics globally and standardized test scores in america (because of differences between states academic standards and a reliable pattern emerging) as well as international average iqs indicate your not all the same thing

if your to dumb to get that then your probably a halfnig at best and at worst your just tyrome. halfnigs get a -3 int penalty instead of tyromes -15

Not far enough for me tbqh

Yeah. You must be living in some white suburban neighbourhood with minimal minorities not to be.

T. Reddit

What made you believe in equality in the first place? The mob of screeching leftists who would punish you if you happened to be racists?

You can say 2+2 is not equal to 4, and you'll find no one to screech at you, because there is no truth being repressed when people teach you that 2+2 = 4, because unlike for the doctrine of "equality in all people and races", there is no political agenda.

So yes, I am a racist.

Nope, we're not racist, we think everyone should own one.

Nature is racist.

People react differently depending of their circumnstances.

Not every person of a certain race it's a cartoon or an statistic.

Bell curve barely takes aproximates and generalizations but individuals are far more complex and relations depend on the state of society.


It's not racism to live by facts... Whites are the superior race with Asians coming in a close second.


OP obviously has never been around niggers in his life. I can drop him off a few places and pick up his dead, ass raped body in the morning.

Yes I hate jews and blacks and mexicans and commas and muslims and middle-easterners and communists and white women. I come to pol to read world news that isn't tainted by jewish controlled media and to increase my hatred of inferior races



You niggers acting is not just a prank bro. You really are retarded?

I'm actually a victim of anti-white racism. My name is Trent btw


No, they believe me.

I actually talked to The College Board last week, this data is out of date.

>Whites are superior y'all.
>ignoring all the problems your superior people allowed to grow
>oh and Asians, who are smarter, close second.

eat dog cunts nigger scum

Not an argument

This always makes me KeK

Fuck niggers.

that monkey should be murdered for trying to bite that qt girl

It wasn't an argument, it was an answer to a question....

I think that's because you're kinda scrawny and you're surrounded by brainwashed women who consider niggers master race for some reason.

I love how completely unsubtle his comics are it's insane, just label evrythign "you get it the jews are stuffing america with multicultrism XD"

I was talking about the dream... I had a dream that niggers built something beautiful and didn't use drugs on the property.

Yes unfortunately.

For some reason I always have it in mind head that Sup Forums isn't really racist. Like if we all met together for a beer or something, the white dudes will be drinking with the blacks, the asians with the jews. We'd all be laughing and throwing around racial slurs.

Although I may (probably) be completely wrong, I'll never forget the memories of us being assholes to each other


There's many more differences than just looks between say pugs and border collies. Dog breeds are quite different in a lot of ways.

Memes are racist

Racist would imply that I hate a race or a person because of their race.
I don't. I respect all races and people of races as members of a unique group in charge of their own destiny and possessing unique biological and social differences.
I do however dislike the idea of being around certain races, especially of those that have interests that clash with mine and my race's.


No we believe in equality amongst men!

>Although I may (probably) be completely wrong
you kinda are

Super racist. Asian girls are bae. Yellow plague.

Sage and report all off topic and troll threads.
Couldn't even have gotten a unique pic OP? Piece of lazy shit.

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".

You're just saying that because I'm White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You misunderstand. That's exactly what would happen, and the racism is real.

Reverse racism isn't a thing! Did you know that?

"Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country." - Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France

"Anti-racists" talk to us about two things:

1. How White people are inherently evil, how they are responsible for their ancestors misdeeds, and how White people don't actually exist. All of this leading to the direction of a world without White children - genocide.

2. How they're not anti-White.

Who do you think you are kidding?

That's why we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Pretty good description

you are wrong, I try to avoid as much contact with shitskins as possible, I have a better time with my Folk, I live in a libtard state so when I wasn't redpilled and younger I lived around a partially shitskin area, it sucked, they were loud ignorant and smelled bad, even though area was upper middle class, you can thank obama for the diversity in that area

Also i dont want other cultures and races to suck...but they do


Yeah I was ironic. They always say reverse rasism isn't a thing. But they hate whites.

Trayvon Ooga Booga Martin

Sup Forums is satire

