Find me a worse character archetype than the "no fun allowed/straight man in a comedy show"

Find me a worse character archetype than the "no fun allowed/straight man in a comedy show"

Childhood is hating them
Adulthood is realizing they were always right

Senior-hood is realizing they're may be successful but finding out they have always felt empty



I remember when somebody made that post that the half of the anime when that guy disappeared is all his dreams that shit blew my mind

He was "the straight man" by that show's standards, but he still got into his own share of hijinks.

This one is a bad example of a bad character tho
The whole joke was he being too normal
>He even gets less and less screentime for being no fun

>ends with official couples
>LOL all a dream!
blueballed shippers everywhere

I don't mind them if they're entertaining. The problem is when they're not, no one watches the show for them.

They are like the "laughing track" made into a charater, telling you when you are supposed to laugh

I think that it works well, especially for Tadakuni. It makes the ridiculous shit that happens around him and his friends seem more funny due to the contrast. Also it's more laughing at him than laughing at what he does.

The genius loli character.

Always the worst in the show.

>Find me a worse OP archetype than the "no fun allowed/straight man in a forum"

Denser than a black hole harem protagonist.


You're out of loop user.

The "no fun allowed/straight man in a comedy show" archetype is great if properly handled, especially if they slowly become "fun allowed" as the series progresses. Hayama from Kodocha is an excellent example of this.

who is this cute girl?

A character who doesn't contribute anything to an industry yet has all the reason to complain about everything.

