Leftists are worried that the alt right are using facts to spread hate


Looks like the left are worse science deniers than the religious right.

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Archive, faggot

I thought reality was liberal, really makes you think

Read the first half of this and try not to wat.


>people are telling the truth and it must be stopped because feefees
Leftists in a nutshell

I enjoy that they can't just say that social science is doing it's job when used to attack men, but this is somehow illegitimate when using the same principles & construction.

>Political correctness is akchually CENSORSHIP
>liberalism is pushed by minorities for themselves
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jewd

Thank you for greentexting things that are true and proving you don't know how greentexting works, newfag




>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
Was it this one that got to you ?
Go meme something.

>Goes to his sons friends bar mitzvah

He must be one of those nu-Muslim reformists pro LGBT intersectionalists fags who would have been rightly hanged by ISIS for subverting Islam.

>social science

None of them got to me because they're all true. Go lurk for another year before posting, memeflag newfag

This. Checked.




Don't worry there are plenty of tall buildings in New York that haven't had planes flown into them.