What's it like to have low intelligence?

I'm not asking you to reflect on me or why I asked the question - genuinely interested.

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fucking awesome. everything is entertaining

hit iz ell mun. Mi an mi boi Jamal cunt cop wit d bullis ut schol

You enjoy pepe and blame the Jews for everything

The more you watch, the more I learn.

Best shit ever, you don't have to ponder serious shit or bother yourself with boring crap.


There exist a vast percentage of our population that is far more intelligent that you OP. So in retrospect ask your self this question, "What does it feel to be me?"

139 IQ

I only did pee pee bottle once back during Wrath of the Lich King.

Turn on msnbc and take a look.

You think right-wing politics produce anything of value

id like to knwo my iq too

It's pretty shiity. Anyone can fuck with you and your only defense is forbidden by law. My life is in the hands of the mightier and I can only hope they have mercy for me.

Have you ever stayed awake for days at a time, and felt really groggy and kind of couldn't be bothered to think too hard about anything? And whenever you try to focus on something for too long you sort of lose your train of thought? That's what it's like. Except you don't feel drowsy, so you just think it's normal and you consider yourself to be of average intelligence.

Go to your local church and you'll find out.

What's more stupid: Expecting a stupid person to be aware of their own stupidity to the point where they can describe it, or being OP?


You think you are always right. You think everyone else is out to get you. You argue with everyone all the time because you cant just let something go. You are the hardest worker and everyone else is lazy, no matter what anyone thinks. Its okay when you do it. Its not okay when someone else does it.

I think that sums it up.

Or your mosque Muhammed

>be ugly and stupid Scandinavian
It's like being an orc that went to high school in Rivendell.

There are muslims in the US than the UK though...

right, and the majority of rape in Sweden are committed by white men :^)

Why shouldnt we live in a class driven society where your class is based on your intelligence, and i dont mean just iq, i mean a grand total of arithmatic, science, social aquity, and critical thinking

There are more muslims in the US than the UK. I just checked.

Whiter than you muhammed Al 56%

We do. Economic aparthide.


I cannot tell how it is since I dont know it would be had I have been born not a brainlet.

Deal with it. The US is the worst place in the west.

T. Mutt that believes the world is 6000 years old.

Ya but its not set in law, people are able to get into the wlite by chance or by knowing the right people

What im saying is that we should live in a siciety where the only divider is your total intelligence and character. Individuals on the higher end of the spectrum have more roghts and privaleges to services and goods than those lower

You dont think money accomplishes this efficiently and in a way that the masses accept?

No, individuals such as paris himton should tell you the opossite is true

Im saying they should score you based on a lot of factors, some more important than others. Money would be a factor, but only a small one since even a bum can come into money by winning the lottery

Because other attributes are just as valuable or more valuable for having a good life. Socrates and Plato already discussed this over 2000 years ago.

After getting a concussion I found that my vocabulary had shrunk and I forgot things.

I previously had an IQ 125-130.

I can confirm OP is dumb

Im not discounting that, in fact, i think raw iq is way over rated, especially in face of critical thinking abilities.

Im saying those should also be considered, and then split into classes based on that

Lots of the problems today is that retard entertainers play to the lowest brow crowd, empowering them into thinking they are above everyone else, to the point where they think they should own power.

I have no idea what my iq is probably average. So feels meh brah

I was the same for a bit, but if you are vigilant you can oversome it just have to b on your toes more often.

>basring your intelligence on an internet test

>right in the feels
That pretty much is average intelligence though ..

>1 post by this id

i live near some idiots, they are happy nu-males who believe everything the media throws at them.

They live on unemployment benefits and drink away their remaining braincells every fucking weekend.

same music, same parties, same fucking people
god i hate their shit music and their fucking puking in my bushes!
Fuck i hate them!!!

>Im saying those should also be considered, and then split into classes based on that
>Lots of the problems today is that retard entertainers play to the lowest brow crowd, empowering them into thinking they are above everyone else, to the point where they think they should own power.
As long as we have an economic system based on profit that is never going away. People want bread and circuses, there is demand for it, so there will always be supply. There is no incentive for capitalists to keep everything high brow, that would reduce their client base, and therefore, profit.

smoke weed

The online mensa test is not a clickbait IQ test you dolt.

I completely agree, im simply saying i wish it werent that way

I know a guy who fits this definition. Ironically he wants to learn and tries to listen. He has started to listen to my friends and I about genetic/race realism and is coming to the conclusion that he will never be able to get a good white collar job no matter how hard he tries. He trusts people way too much because he has no other choice, he can't make new opportunities for himself.

It's a sad story.

It's still not a real IQ test.
An IQ test takes hours to take and comprises several different tests. The one you've linked is a cheap copy of a spatial intelligence test from a real IQ test.

Its still an online test to promote you to pay for the real thing.

How could anyone honestly base something like intelligence or critical thinking on a browser based test that knows nothing about you?


You know how they say ignorance is bliss?

Yeah, pretty much exactly like that. If nothing else, at least you tend to be happier.

R-right, haha. Of course.

This is literally just based on spatial IQ you stupid nigger

t. low iq nigger

All that matters

>claims high IQ
>doesn't have the capability to understand reason and evidence
Sure thing, Juan Tyrone Martinez.

North Korea is an option

Rights are rights. There is no reason that a right should be limited to one group of people or another.

What you describe about inheritance is an outlier. More people will fall through the cracks due to government fuck ups and intelligence test cheating than ever manage to get through off of inheritance.

>but... buh... this online TEST said im SMARTER THAN YOU!!!!


>ITT: brainlets who can't score over 110 on the test they're bashing

brainlet detected

What's a white collar job? And what race is he?

"Critical thinking" is the white man's "street smart".

People with high IQ can think critically. Those tests track problem solving ability and are intended to be tests you cannot prepare for.

None of that matters because you can make up for critical thinking with research or hiring a specialist. Those people can have lower critical thinking and raw IQ, but they have the right set of experience to get the job done.

You have obviously never worked in any sort of technology based industry

I have to accept new interns and fellows for the company i work for. We develop ARM based microcontrollers and systems.

I cant tell you hoe many times ive accepted a 3.8 or 4.0 just to get the most worthless worker that doesnt know which end of a soldering iron to hold. In my years of doing this the 2.5-3.5 student almost always dominate their higher gpa piers in almost every respect.

This is a common colloquialism that you could look up.

He is Irish.

What's colloquialism?

>people with high iq can think critically

Absolutely false. The way our education system is set up and how is selects "intelligent" individuals cares more about remembering equations and numbers than understanding the deeper relationships between all the subjects.

I said a little bit about it in this post

I've scored the same on that exact test, but unlike you, I'm not dumb enough to take it seriously.
How insecure are you that you need a meme internet test to make you feel superior to people you've never met?

They arnt happier. They spend their whole lives with other retards and they just try to mooch off and back stab each other. When they are not doing this they are confused as to why quality people want nothing to do with them. Oh and blaming anyone but themselves for their problems.

I think that has more to do with gradegrubbing brownnosers than 'practical intelligence,' though I tend to see most people with a practical mindset take grades a bit less seriously.

You should see the political arguments I get in with women and niggers. Trust me m8, the majority of the global population isn't sentient.

The education system doesn't select for IQ dumbass.

I am superior.

You will also be happy to know that plenty of those students who do well in school all have a penchant for fictional literature. They end up in shit majors and don't have good jobs. The system works.

GPA: 4.0
>English 101
>College Algebra
>Intro to Walking & Talking
>Gender & Communication

GPA: 2.8
>Differential Equations
>Thermodynamics I and II
>Digital Signal Processing
>Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms

We are talking about it in the context of a society that divides classes, there is no way you can indiviually screen every person.

Also you wouldnt believe how many teachers think they select intelligent kids.

I've always been a slow person. It takes me longer to pick up concepts in my classes. When people are trying to explain something to me I normally have to think about it for a rlly long amount of time before I understand what they're saying. A lot of ppl call me ditzy or say I'm stupid behind my back but I can make it through life by spending a lot of my free time catching up. Feels bad man

Did you even read my post? I select interns for ARM based microcontroller development and systems. You think im accepting fucking english majors?

Holy shit, Friar Doughnut! I didn't know you played during Wrath too.

One of the most ironic statements someone can make in my opinion. The utterance of which usually signals that the person is extremely insecure.

lmao internet IQ test proves you're subnormal

>What is a joke?
Calm down holy shit. My point is that GPA is a garbage metric.

Emerald Dream can't RP for shit.

Sup Forums.org/pol/


You propably are the most qualified person to answer OP's question itt. Proper IQ tests need to be calibrated, it costs a lot of money and nobody is giving them away for free. You can't take an actual IQ test on the internet. If you are confident, get yourself tested for real, it costs only about 10 dolars in my country.
Source: I asked a mensa psychologist after my test.

Compare yourself to a person who is much smarter than you. There ya go.

Unless you are talking African levels. Then it's just living moment to moment. All the shit in your life doesn't bother you much because you don't think about it much. Like a dog.

What have you achieved that is exceptional?

You don't have any contact with the teachers. They don't care about intelligence and never have. They select students that make their jobs easy. Kids who always turn in work that is neat and with good penmanship always get the boost. If you are known for producing easy to read quality they will give you full credit without reading or penalizing your errors. This is triage and is natural for humans crunched on time to do.

You might be talking about one thing, but I am addressing only your assertion that IQ isn't a good metric, in favor of the white people street smarts of "critical thinking".

Not everything is about you champ. You were complaining about academics receiving positive results in the real world, I was assuring you that this doesnt consistently happen, and that their academic background often fucks them.

>What's it like to have low intelligence?


>What have you achieved that is exceptional?
I got highwarlord in vanilla wow

I know so many leftists like this

At least I know there's so many people even close to me who are smarter than I am, and that I don't have all the answers

The fact you played horde tells me you're not a complete faggot. What race and class?

And you're a very lone guy, sad!

Orc warlock. I used to rocket boot in and out warsong gultch, then pop a switfness potion, then amulet while sacrificing my OP voidwalker, using conglag/incinerate to just pick em off left and right. It just wasn't right, man.

Don't know, you tell me
It is, you never raped before you virgin non-rapist?

I was making a point about % of population to show the retarded potato farmer that even though America got a higher number of muslims than the UK, the US is not as muslim as the UK, it went over his head tho.

Go take a progressive matrix IQ test and wait until you get one that you one that it hard for you to do.Then show it to a smarter person and watch them perceive it more quickly. Best way to feel dumb is to be with more intelligent people for a while. Doesn't mean that they will know everything, they might even be better at arguing a falsehood, but you'll get a chance to see a quicker brain in action.
Pic related in that it's a progressive matrix, not saying it's difficult, but needed an image.

Yeah i don't think there is any evidence that critical thinking is a separate thing from general intelligence. When measurements become so highly correlated that they are not separate, then you realize you are measuring the same thing. You're just using words for concepts you ASSUME are different, but the evidence says otherwise.

From what i seen i has more to do with how the dicationsystem evaluates students. You can get a good gpa by simply having a really good memory and shitting it back up on exams. The lower gpa kids, in my experience, dont have that liberty do they must internalize the actual deeper meaning of the subject matter.

Lower gpa kids, those with better critical thinking skills, are way better at reacting to new situations with information they havent seen before than the high goa kids that can just remember shit.