Societal taboos, what purpose do they serve?

Societal taboos, what purpose do they serve?

Is it some form of bait for the evolutionarily unfit?

neck yourself

no u


Seriously though, I think societies having taboos is fine. It's one of the things that makes us interesting.

The pic I posted is me being edgy. Pedophilia affects our kids' ability to function in our society, so it's not a good thing.

Please kys. I said please

Day of the rake pls.

What if its consensual?

you are legitimately retarded and you dont even know it

It still messes with their adult sex life.

Who are you to decide that, tho? Are they messed up because they werent denied an experience denied to you?

Nope Nope Nope, Children can't consent, even if they say yes and want to have sex it's still not consent because the law says so.

Even so children aren't even hot anyways, no one wants to fuck a fresh, tight, unused underage pussy. Women naturally look attractive the moment they turn 18.

Men going back to the stone age would never have fucked a kid, NEVER. It's unnatural and NOT NORMAL.

Biology says they're ready sooner, but only weirdos prefer them underdeveloped.

Because they are always a total inversion of the natural order, and therefore is it always justified to chastise to the greatest extent those who practice them.

Bible thumpers are pedophiles. There's a verse in the Bible where (((Moses))) commands the ancient Israelis to kill and rape children.

They are ready by the time they hit 13. I guess due to (((certain groups of people))) they raised the age of consent so we reproduce at a slower rate compared with those nigger countries


You can’t get laid so you try to fuck kiddies who can’t even think with an undeveloped brain?

I think all religions are stupid, why the fuck should shit that happened thousands of years ago affect the way we live our lives in this current timeline?

Fuck off dad

You sound like a pedophile, only people 18 years old are ready for sex, that's how it's been throughout all of history. Not that it matters anyway because fat losers like you wont be getting laid anytime soon anyway permavirgin.

HA, i'm just stating it as it is.
Given a century or two ago, the AOC was actually around 12-13 for a lot of western countries

Kill yourself faggot

They also treated women like shit.

That was back in more primitive times when humanity was more retarded than we are now stupid fuck. We know now that pedophilia is wrong and a crime. Chomo.

I think your anger is just you projecting. It shows you are insecure to even discuss such a thing so instead you get angry and call everyone a pedo.

Also we still live in primitive times, take a big fucking look at the world around you cunt, like go for a fucking night walk in Detroit if you think our countries aren't full of primitive people
Seriously how fucking ignorant can you be?

Control individual biological impulses for the betterment of the group.

Oh boo hoo cunt

So, their is generally a taboo against abusing animals. Why? Aren't animals incapable of resisting and don't hold the same ethical status as humans? Yet we still have a taboo against abusing animals because if the dog you have been beating for a year escapes into the neighborhood and stops killing children. Their is a similar effect for most other taboos. Any group of people who don't have taboos against certain degeneracies don't survive for the long term and pass on those beneficial taboos. Things like pedophilia reduce the long term productivity of the youth and cause groups of people who do this to be unable to pass on their genes.In doing so, taboos propagate themselves like other facets of group evolutionary dynamics.

TL;DR:taboos exist to keep people from hurting children and preserving the tribe.

Inhibition of the natural impulses (taboo) forms the foundations of civilized society.