"Mark my words, the House is going to be rocked in the coming 72 hours. Tick Tock."

That was 750 hours ago. When THE FUCK is this happening actually going to happen, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


who is this chubby young man

Someone put shit in my pants!

>its a tick tock thread

It's gold if it's from the mouth of Luke Rozack

Some of these people need to get their watches serviced.

Alcee Hastings was exposed as one who was responsible for 220k in secret payouts to women. Reported today in NyT I believe

>within 72 hours
>over 720 hours have passed

what could he mean by this?

A huge bust of sex trafficers; many have fled the US but they are as fucked as the ones who stayed, there will be a huge H'wood and DC tie in. I expect to see some politicians shot in the back (Seth Rich did nothing wrong)


Still less cringy than drip drip threads.

Tick tock drip drip, this will be the end of Drumpf rerun

Like everything else damaging to leftists the media bosses will try to disallow high visibility scandalous "happenings" and instead try to slow play all the info the point that by the time the worst stuff is revealed, the interest simply isnt there. Theyve been trying it for 1 year+ with the concealment of FISA abuse / dirty cop DOJ and FBI tactics / Obama and Clinton corruption to some marginal success. Luckily the actual reality of their crimes is so gripping to people here that nothing is simply being "let go" in the age of Trump

>It's gonna happen any day now, guys!!!

When are the fucking happenings happening? Trump is drawing out the process to get more intel. He is a strategist. He lets ppl make bad moves to see the bigger network at work. But it is legit time to start dropping these faggots.


>muh tick tock
Usually I’d say congrats for pointy out that EVENTUALLY the 6 gorrilion dem scandals will blow open but Rosiak has never done this before and singlehandedly exposed the Awan case

Trump plays his trump card at the fake media awards. He owns the board now. They will bend the knee or get crushed



>15 Dec 2017

I just want my happening

Tick Tock

I thought more than 40 are not running again. Not good enough?

wat when who how


what % of these people will turn out to be jews I wonder


Added STRAIGHT to the filter.

Chuck Schumer. Cap this.

Yeah, I've never seen him play the hype game before - not that I pay particularly close attention - but he seems to be a careful reporter.


Ignore everything they say. It's all bullshit for attention and clicks. Stop reading their tweets and visiting their sites until they release something of consequence.

This is a great idea.

These tick tock faggots are never right. Just a bunch of attention whores. If it were up to me I would have anyone that ever tweeted "tick tock" rounded up and fed to crocodiles

24-72 hours!!!

Getting pretty sleepy with all these mypillow ads.

It's like Christmas has never stopped. The landscape is bubbling with revelations. Judgement is rumbling like thunder.

1. The MSM along with many others have been misleading the public for sometime now regarding the case of Imran Awan. Imran was employed by Debbie-Wassermann Shultz. The Jewish Zionist shill with direct ties to the Jewish mafia in Florida (recall she told the chief of police "there will be consequences). Check into DWS and here ties to Israel, it's not hard to see where she stand but more importantly who she works for.

2. Rahm Emmanuel paid the ISI for the release of Imran when Imran was employed by Rahm. Rahms father was a code breaker for the Mossad and Rahm himself had to be expelled from the WH by Bill Clinton for his ties to the Mossad.

3. Imran was a pawn of the CIA and the Mossad. The operation he was in involved black mailing many members of congress on the behalf of BiBi and Israel. The fucking Jews own congress in more ways than one.

4. Shills for Israel include Goodman and George Webb are attempting to deflect blame away from Israel. Imran and Huma were both agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an arm of the Saudi government as well as the Mossad. Look at Prince Alwaleed, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Saudi crackdown.

5. Jason Goodman has tried to taint evidence in both cases of Anthony Weiner and Imran Awan while George Webb has filed lawsuits to obstruct the case of Imran under the guise of transparency. Those listed here are known Mossad operatives.
