You should sleep with at LEAST 25 guys before settling down, and I’ll tell you exactly why

Wow, this is powerful.

Other urls found in this thread:

Misery loves company

but statistically 5 of those guys will rape you

Anyone with more than 1 functioning brain cell should get away from any form of media suggesting "you should..."

I bet this roastie has a great marriage.

no hymen. no diamond

>Amanda (((Ross)))
Why is Sup Forums always fucking right



yaaasss queen slayyy

No thanks OP, I'm not gay.

My Ex-Gf slept with around 25 guys before she dated me. She also cheated on me. This is a lie.
Also didn't know her number was that high until months in.

Imagine if you turn the article around somehow. You'd get a human rights commission against you.

Have their cake and eat it to. This is synonymous with this type of woman.

>settling down
I loathe this phrase.
Do what you want, but don't pretend you can choose what type of person you want to be whenever you feel like it.

>Black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys.
I love how only le evil white race is lowercase, this is a detail but it shows a lot

>you should
>we can't stop talking about ______
>n reasons why you should ______
>OMG! ______
The average person is mindless

Boggles my almonds


Was about to post this very sentence

>Missy Elliot said it best when she sang, "Boys, boys, all types of boys, Black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys." And she didn't even explore the subsets of dick found within each race and nationality either! For example, I was once under the complete delusion that small dicks were "the best." I even wrote a whole babe article about it.
> Then one day I got wrecked by a member akin to a Chipotle burrito and immediately changed my tune. 25 is a number vast enough to try it all.
This is parody, right?


Serious question; is 25 a high number? I've slept with around 150 civilians and 200+ hookers so it feels a bit hypocritical of me to judge.

I've stopped doing it now because I'm tired of dodging relationships but besides bragging rights what relevance does numbers have?

Most of the women I've been with wanted a relationship from me so in my experience they tend toward commitment over casual sex.

No shit

Underrated af

Good thing that I'll marry a virgin!

You are a male roastie, nothing more.

Enjoy your everlasting loneliness.

Be a whore before, will be a whore after. If she’s getting railed by a football team then she’s gonna get bored with one dick. Trust.

>at least 250*

She was forced to edit that

> Finally, we come to our most important point. Having indiscriminate sex is really, really fun.
> Every time I think I want my flavor of the month to cuff me, I lock eyes with some hot, filthy-looking bearded dude at a dive bar and I remember: there are far, far better dicks ahead than the ones we leave behind.
What a nasty skank

Is this coming from a person with the ideology that demands you not sexualize people?

How dare you dispute this with facts, disgusting.

>1 post by this id

Shill thread, season well and send to hell.

Thass missogini !!!¡!!!¡

>can't go a month without fucking a new guy
>thinks she can settle down

wew, lass.

so everyone should have only one?

doesnt the average woman have 263 over a lifetime. think about it. how many men sleep around. there's bound to be some whores to go after them


>tfw young teenagers are reading this shit

We need to erase these pests before they corrupt the new generation

thats a dude yo

I dated two girls who fell for me and pressed for a serious relationship. I questioned them both and both had been roasties with 40+ partners. I dropped them both immediately.

After they get dumped, they wait longer and longer before they tell the truth to guys that come later then just lie and say they've only been with one or two guys before.

They know they are a complete turnoff with so many partners, but will not tell you once they learn how toxic their history is to a decent guy.

>Throughout history, it's been the bravest of souls who had to fight, die, and become immortalized for their beliefs. Joan of Arc, Gandhi, Jesus. And now me


Equality: When you judge a man by his performance in the sack.

That's right. They aren't sampling the buffet. They are showing you they want variety and will never give it up.

You don´t form chemical pair-bonds as strongly as women do, it´s evolution. Each time they "connect" aka sex and especially with cum inside her with a man, oxycotin creates a strong bond. Think of the things like how she loves you more, how she clings to you, how she becomesmore tender and caring from good fucking.

Each time this bond breaks, aka relationship or one-night-stand (less power but still) ends = oxycotin crash and brain recalibrates.

This happens 3+ big times or 8-10 weak times = no going back. No loyalty, pairbonding ability, bi-polar or borderline tendencies goes up, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, the list is endless.

Men have something similar but it is far more based in romance and fantasy. This sounds gay but men are more "romantic" than women, far more. Meaning you will think your bond is unbreakable, she is the only one for you, you want to spend even the worst moments with her, if she is weak you want to care for her etc. Plus the fantasies about your future family etc.

Besides the impossibility of pair bonding for a female with that many partners a female will instinctively compare every single person she's ever been with to you and if you're not #1 she will find a reason to eventually dump you. Even if she has zero better options at her now old age.

I've been with 46 women but I also never had any intention of settling down. The world is full of unhappy married roasties in their late 20s who throw themselves at any reasonably attractive male in their vicinity.

Absolutely not the average number of partners for men and women is like 6

Really jangles my neurons

>What if like, an uncut, left-curving dick is the one thing you need to orgasm but you'll never know it because the guy you've been dating since age 13 has a dick like a baby carrot? And then you'll get married and your hair will grey — as will your shriveled pubes — without ever understanding the pleasure of that initial put-in stroke from a huge dick. Is that really how you want to live your life?
This woman has never and will never experience love.

They don't even hide it anymore

We can't. It's women who should be slut-shaming skanks, it's them that have the most to lose when one of them throws her pussy around like candy, driving down the value of all pussy for every good girl that isn't a massive whore.


These articles only speak to the subset of girls who fuck any and everything with a dick.

There are a huge number of women who don't fuck around at all.

Whatever a woman tells you, triple it

i dont believe it. much like self cleaning vaginas. and douches are bad for you and etc etc. somebody asked recently what the soy equivalents for women are. those there are a few. another is piss/"squirting". who's to say men over represent and women under represent? how can that be true? not only are the numbers similar but they must be way higher for the maths to work. there are not 10K men vying for any pussy. let alone for every single one

Wew, she compared herself to Jesus and Gandhi in the second sentence. I don't need to read any more of this garbage.

that's a tranny

S-stop I'm getting triggered just reading that shit


and add 50

>second sentence in
>comparing herself to Joan of Arc, Jesus, and Ghandi

It does sound gay, but it's all true

boy she must really like pac-man

>0 partners
This is ideal, and worth giving a chance even if she doesn't have their life together yet.
>1-2 partners
Not ideal, but worth giving a chance if they have their life together, have solid goals, a career, educated, etc.
>3 or more partners
Do not go anywhere near this, they had 2 chances to do it right and they fucked up both times. They clearly learned nothing from the first 2 failures. There is no way you can have a happy long lasting marriage with this.


two men make truths? fack eh? should have used a woman and fallen the next time


I know the OP posted the archive version so as not to give clicks to "babe", but the comment section is worth the cringe if you feel like losing faith in humanity.

just a use an adblocker fheggits

Yeah she packed as much man in her as possible

0 partners is the best . i failed at locking down a virgin . i ll stay alone forever

Its compiled by medical surveys, obviously not fool proof but most people don’t have massive amounts of partners

As a flaming faggot that might shock you

We just need to burn it all to the ground

Serious now

>You've got to try every type to make an accurate decision. You try on shoes before you buy them. You ask the girl at the frozen yogurt shop for like, 50 little sample cups before deciding on a flavor. You test drive cars before driving them off the lot. So why wouldn't you make an equally informed decision before committing to one guy/dick? Do you even realize how many types there are out there in the world?

This is what this grey people want, man and women to be nothing more than instruments, race doesn´t matter, religion doesn´t matter, ideas don´t matter, they want to get rid of everything so they can consume humans like machines

She's not telling them exactly why. The real reason is to decrease their market value so they become less competition for the author of the article.

That entire article can be boiled down to, "sex with a big dick is better"

>an uncut, left-curving dick is the one thing you need to orgasm

Women can orgasm in multiple ways. There is clitoral orgasms (very common through cunnilingus/external vibrators/PIV sex in the right positions) and vaginal orgams (PIV sex, but hitting the g-spot).

My wife could only have clitoral orgasms when we first started having sex, then she used a dildo and found the part she needed to hit. Now she never masturbates and has a vaginal orgasm every time we have sex.

On top of this, cumming is 90% mental for a female. She has to be in the right mindset/comfortable to have an orgasm. Sounds like the author just gets off on new men, and it trying to take her subjective experience and project it onto all women.


I'd eat her ass. Post ass pics.

I see the leaf behind your flaggot

Begone degenerate

Is this actual mental illness or shitposting?

>"babe is for girls who don’t give a fuck"
not worth it

Or could be she regrets being a whore and tries to justify it in her head somehow. "25 dicks is normal right? I'm perfectly normal and in fact I'm so perfect that I should recommend other women to gobble up as many dicks as they can!"

wakka wakka

>that comment section

>f you're on some kind of contraception and always use a condom, why shouldn't you Samantha Jones it and consensually bone everyone you've ever encountered?

this is why contraceptives and condoms are a mistake . before whores were thinking ttrice before sleeping with a guy

Something about this information tells me that the super elite is hungry for WWIII. Remember to refuse to fight for roasites or Jews. Both will betray you, use you up and discard you like garbage.

just like you might knock self reported wang sizes and make fun of all that like you always do. i called you a whore first. you havent discussed anything like i did. lost. and now have secondarily repeated what i said and called me a whore this time. you need to be 18 to post here

>tfw gf has vaginal orgasms every time we have sex

truvada. 88.7% of you are pedos. 44% have anal

LOL 25 guys is the equivalent of being a virgin where im from. if i could find a girl who has only fucked 25 guys id marry her on the spot

I'll tell you why:
>misery loves company
underrated as fuck

What's worse: a typical roastie who is openly a whore, or a woman that pretends not to be a whore?

The pharmaceutical companies must be dying with laughter right now, injecting the next generation of Instagram/Twitter girls and telling them to strive to reach 25 on the cock carousel...

the CDC has reported at great length how STDs are going through the roof, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis are spreading like wildfire, even in nursing homes it is spreading

Just one...

>You ask the girl at the frozen yogurt shop for like, 50 little sample cups before deciding on a flavor.
I would never in a million years do this, I just pick something and go for it. I have also never experienced sexual anxiety.


A whore vs a lying whore hmmmmm tough one user

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

I feel like a retard. I'm 30, female and had less than 5.


Men and women are not fungible.