What's the target audience of this show?

What's the target audience of this show?

Masochistic autistic degenerates?

People who want women to beat the shit out of them


People who like to pretend they like swordsmanship?

People who enjoy BRILLIANT fight scenes.



Pleople who like fun

I wish the show had someone read out the attacks names like in Otokojuko.


the fight animation is terrible and the fights themselves are boring so

not really sure what the point asides from the dime a dozen harem

Dork lovers.

I liked the first few episodes but it's going down-hill now, not sure if i will continue watching.

Me. Fucking love how much it turns my brain into mush.

Best girl's arc next episode.

everytime i see this I cant help having a smile on my face. they're lolis that are playing imagination with real swords. its cute.



People who bought the SAO replica swords.

Bearloli > Oni = Miko > Green > France



I concluded that the main reason I'm watching it is that it has enough interesting things involved such as girls, swords, martial arts, and a slimy voiced MC that the actual content and the substance of the episodes doesn't matter.
That and Green.

People who loves freedom, cute girls. and autistic fights

and Ikoman as delinquent

It's like a toned down Fatalpulse story.

Were this an actual hentai, Desiree-tan would be the MC instead.

Is long black-haired girl the best girl?

This is quite an apt description.

I know. It's why watching the show gives me a massive boner.

People with amazing taste in OPs

People who like really, really bad animation.