Why should weed remain illegal?

Why should weed remain illegal?

I know Sup Forums loves to spout these """arguments""" but let me remind you that these are not valid reasons on why it should remain illegal:
>muh degeneracy
>"only losers smoke it"
>"only niggers smoke weed"
>muh (((politicians))) told me it's bad so it must be true
>"causes laziness"
>"Reefer Madness told me so"

Other urls found in this thread:


>>muh degeneracy
All laws are made under a moral justification. It is a proper role of government to criminalize use of narcotics, weed included.
At the same time, if weed is illegal alcohol should definitely. Prohibition was right, and it was commie foreign-sympathizers who got it repealed

Because watching stoners get pissed off is funny.

wrong stupid, if you have to regulate morality then you are already in hell

we just can't legalize weed now because it's a slippery slope that will end in legalizing harder drugs eventually, and the people are not ready for that. we are so weak we would indulge ourselves with our immediate demise. we are too weak for choices

Why is murder illegal?

The difference is that after a night of drinking, I can wake up and do my job without acting like a fuck-tard; "bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" dude. And let's be real, nobody is a moderate pothead, you either consume your life around that shit to the point of annoying the absolute shit out of everybody, or you try it once and never touch it again.
Plenty of people can drink a few beers/glasses of wine/night of shots, and go several months without touching it again.

Because legalising it would result in a financial loss for the state.

causes scromiting actually, which is screaming + vomiting from constant sustained cannabis use, this is only recently discovered as cannabis has only been legalized recently and has only occured in areas where it has been legalized

the long term effects of cannabis have not been documented on any relevant level and I am sure many undesirable side effects will come to light as the degenerates kill themselves with it

That's retarded logic, you should go over what you said again and try to comprehend your level of stupidity

Why do I bother coming to this board anymore

Stay mad, nigger. You know it's true.

I'm stoned right now and know quite a few people who use it recreationally in place of alcohol to avoid hangover. You still get the bud hangover the next day though, you've got to pick your poison. It's nice to have a choice.

>slippery slope
>*citation needed
By that logic crack should already be legal because harder drugs than dope are already available quite legally

Not the state, the people running the state

Out of everything Sup Forums has taught me I will forever disagree that alcohol is justifiably better than weed. Should be regulated the same. Get the kids off it and stop funding some of these drug dealers and maybe...force them to get a real job or starve? Let's not turn a blind eye to the private prison industry for free labor to our beloved mega corps.

Le Healthy Drug
You have to go back
Yes, weed is less destructive to the body than pot. But weed is not a medicine. It also is a cancer on society, which is why it has been banned since society existed

Go back to 3rd grade. Stop being a degenerate.

>Apart from the countries where its quite legal

because murder victims can't consent to it

>By that logic crack should already be legal because harder drugs than dope are already available quite legally
G'Day Mate That is the Stupidest Anti-Slippery Slope Argument I Have Ever Seen. Cheers Lad!

Smoking weed is nigger tier.
Vaporizing is the white way.
>healthier for lungs
>no lingering smells in clothes or environment
>saves plant material and by extensions money
>can more easily control the level of high
>can still make edibles from the vaped bud

yes goy, let (((politicians))) tell you what is moral and immoral.


Alcohol makes you violent and weed makes you lazy. Which is worse?



And the leaf successfully refutes the arguement!
(in his mind)



Alcohol doesn't make you violent and weed doesn't make you lazy. Alcohol just embraces your inner violentness and weed embraces your inner laziness.
Most stoners I know that are lazy were lazy long before they started smoking.

>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Is Addictive:

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

If alcohol is legal, then weed should at least be legal as well under the same regulations and restrictions.

Alcohol is objectively worse in terms of the social and health problems it brings about. Being for alcohol and against weed is like being against the ownership of semi-auto weapons, but also being pro rocket launcher ownership.

>Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

>Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

>Weed Causes Lung Damage:

>Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

>Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:


Weed doesn't do this to you:


Confirmed incel faggot, get that boomer propaganda the fuck off my board

Cannabis kills brain cells, makes you dumb and passive.
Quintessence of good goy

bet you fucking love zion too

weed is sort of like ghb in the sense it's easy to keep redosing because you don't feel like shit when it wears off. this leads to addiction of course, and weed addiction is pretty expensive when you build up a tolerance. especially if you live somewhere it's illegal

Seems legit. I gotta say I'm pro legalizing it but it should be used in moderation just like alcohol. Anyone who abuses it should be shunned by society. I've only smoked it 4 times over the course my life and it's only been on special occasions with friends; drinks slightly more often and generally at parties.

There's literally studies with information put right in front of you... You're being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant.

This is why

It does. Disprove all of it. (Pro tip, you can't.)

>T. Retard

This. Proof here

I used to smoke pot. It has contributed to my depression and anxiety. Pot makes you very fucking stupid and complacent. Thats about it. People who smoke pot everyday or even 2x a week are not engineers and Scientists. They are working dead end job and making silly life decisions.

stop abusing that fucking term, iv'e smoked more in the past year than you will in your life. weed is an addictive drug which impairs your memory and if you'd smoked everyday for years you would realize this.


>Cures Cancer
Stopped reading there.

Maybe people will take you seriously when you stop peddling this bullshit.

No user, bad user, just stop.
You know very well what youre doing

it usually takes decades of smoking packs a day to develop an obstructive lung disease, you cant really get away with smoking an ounce a day for your life like you can with cigarettes. but any kind of smoking will impede lung function if you're a moron if you deny this.

Even Snopes, the most liberal bias "fact checker," has mixed results when talking about this issue. It might actually be true.


it impairs your memory and motor skills, causes haze, but its not addictive really. you can quit without any serious consequences. Anti-depressants, sleep meds, benzos, alcohol, tobacco, opiates/opioids all cause horrible-potentially lethal withdrawals if one stops cold turkey. Of all the things that are illegal its one of the few that should never have been. Weyerhaueser, Hearst and other oligarchs made it illegal.

>all drugs should be decriminalized.

Fuck. Thats me. user I need help. How do I turn from a lazy brown man into a successful white man?

Maybe theyve forgotten it?

it is addictive though? how can you deny something that gives you a huge instant surge of dopamine isn't addictive?

Alcohol, video games, porn and all other drugs must be banned and their consumption must result in harsh punishment.

this, emphysema is a progressive disease that permanently scars and weakens the lung tissue, and any amount of smoking will start the process.

COPD is just a term used to describe the disease which is caused by decades of accumulated lung damage

I say let anybody put whatever stupid harmful shit they want into their own bodies. Legalising all but the most dangerous drugs can really provide a lot in taxes, aswell as defunding drug cartels as their drugs become cheaper with increased supply. Of course this would need an increase in police forces to keep everything safe

That is who was behind this non-sense of banning cannabis. Is documentary about it.

>9gag image
can you redditors please finally fuck off this website?

one thing iv'e noticed from chronic smoking is i'm constantly losing my train of thought & i cant multi task. for example if an idea pops into my head and i don't act on it immediately or repeat it to myself i'll forget about it in 10 seconds. i think it should be legal though because i have nothing going on in my life and need a cheap coping mechanism. it's expensive as fuck here so i'm probably just going to quit

You cannot buy a bottle of whiskey with 10 bottles of whiskey in it, but two visually identical edibles can differ by 1000 mg, which will put you in a mental hospital overnight. One brownie, numbskull.

This is why I wish Hitler had won the war.

Can you dumb stoner faggots fuck off with this bullshit. They are already taking cigarettes away. Next will be booze using these exact infographs.
Why do you even give a shit? You smoke it anyway

pretty much, chronic weed smokers in their 20's now will get their comeuppance when they're hooked up to a ventilator in their 50's

>Why do you even give a shit? You smoke it anyway

they just want cheaper and more available weed because they're addicted

look up "expectancy" and you will see alcohol does not actually make people violent. Also 'expectancy' applies to many other things than just alcohol. Wiki it.

Tbh weed death is only a matter of time as legalization progresses and the damn weed strength arms race continues

It's gonna reach a point where it's concentrated so high it might be within range of being able to be overdosed

I enjoy the taste.

>your firearms analogy

Here is how that analogy is wrong
>premise: person is against weapons
>semi-auto weapons are legal
>rocket launchers are weapons
>rocket launchers are illegal
>realistically semi-auto weapons will never be made illegal
>there is a realistic chance rocket launchers will be legalized
>there is a realistic chance that efforts to leagalize rocket launchers can be stopped
>you are against weapons
>you act pragmatically
>if acting pragmatically then it would be in the best interest to direct efforts into thwarting the legalization of rocket launchers to reduce net weapons. Rather than expending energy on attempting to overturn semi-auto which is not realistic.


Did you step into a nigger hood?
How is it the smell?
Then, did you notice how stupid and lazy the beings roaming da hood are?
So, are you promoting this poison for the white kids?
Go gas yourself schlomo.

I can enjoy a good drink of alcohol without the intent of getting intoxicated. You NEVER smonk weed for any purpose but to get high.
Injecting too much marijuanas can make you develop schizo tendencies. It smells fucking disgusting. Liberal retards who want to stop climate change conveniently ignore the fact that you're fucking SMOKING.

yeeee guys weed is totally not addictive, I've been smoking for 15 years every day but I can stop any time lmao. what do you mean do I have a job? welfare my bro lmao xD

Dude, potheads are fucking dumb emotionally stunted emotional crybabies.

Litterally no amount of logical reasoning or evidence put forth (as the science you linked to does) will change their mind.

It is their gooofy ass religion.

Seriously they just want their deviant shit behavior legitimized so their is less social shame.

They are kind of like fags in the 80s / 90s always pushing their gross behaviors to try to make it seem okay. Fags saying "AIDS is not a gay disease."

Everyone with half a brain knew damn well that AIDs was almost exclusively a disease that affected fags, IV druggies or the trash that had sex with them.

Yet retards just kept going along with the dumb ass meme that "faggotry is great and has absolutely no drawbacks"

Potheads are the fags of the 2010s.

If you have to go into a mental hospital after a strong weed brownie you're a weak brained faggot.

because you weed niggers ruined this country. now fuck off and die, every single one of you

this pretty much sums it up, one reason is extremely addictive because due to the method of administration it hits you instantly

>less social shame

weed smokers have no shame

pothead shit is so annoying.

They dont even realize how dumb their behavior is.

Example: guy i knew of worked at same job foe 10 years. All he had to do to almost double his salary was take a few trade classes at night (very simple ones).

But no, so retarded and lazy from pot he after ten years has not managed to do such and then on occasion will say "dude i wish i had more money, i dont make enought"

Well shit man all you had to do was sit in a class 2 hours a night on wednesday for 9 weeks twice a year and you would have doubled your pay.

Hell he could still do it but he is so damn amotivational on pot.

Ive seen this pattern many times, and it is ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS pothead behavior.

>It does. Disprove all of it. (Pro tip, you can't.)
I grabbed random articles from your gish gallop
>Adult frequency of marijuana use is not significantly associated with increased depression in adulthood.

>Although the general impression supported by many studies is that cannabis causes cognitive decline, particularly with long-term usage, some research suggests that this may not be the case.
>Surprisingly, a number of recent studies reported similar or even better cognitive functioning in cannabis using patients with schizophrenia compared to patients without co-morbid drug use.
>Adjusted for all confounders (alcohol and illicit drug use, education, family tension, place of upbringing), the associations were no longer statistically significant;

>cannabis exposure is neither necessary nor sufficient to “cause” a persistent psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia.

Every single one of these disagree with your causal assertions and conclusions and I won't really bother looking further into your claims.

weed causing schizophrenia symptoms is a myth, i wish i could get that high

your actually right, it probably does not have to do with shame much but rather just accessibility and falling prices and reduced fear of getting caught.

Are you gay my man?
The amount of people who occasionally smoke is so much higher than of those who are potheads. I know of 4 people in my school who smoke sometimes and they don't brag about it like little kids or idiots

Two visually identical bottles of alcohol can differ by a ton of alcohol content, dipshit.


Woah dude like weed and space and pot and the Joe Rogan podcast and shit? Far out dude.

Honestly man I'm not really religious, I just think it's like a big scam you know? I think everything is god bro.... if everyone would just smoke a fucking binger every now and then they would realize what i've realized about god, know what I mean dude?

WE should just like..... plant trees and shit. Fuck capitalism, and fukc Trump!


It should remain illegal until big corporations own and control the industry. Otherwise, liberal degenerates are able to produce wealth and invest in Democratic causes that fucking ruin everything, just so you faggots can get high and blow each other without getting a misdemeanor.

Stop by a dispensary in a state with legal weed and ask them if they voted for Trump. Then go to another and keep going until you find one. The funny thing is you won't.

If you support legal weed with private dispensaries, you support liberalism.

dude, they dont and there was way more voluminus studies and meta studies in the other post.

Just use intuition/BRO-Science for a sec for me. The idea that pot is not a good idea should just be obvious.

>Pot goes into brain and changes your thought patterns (makes you slow and 'relaxed')
>The brain learns how to do things with repeated exposure
>the brain repeteadly gets slowed and 'relaxed' (getting high)
>brain changes its standard ways after repeated exposure (just like learning)
>brain even when not high is more slow and 'relaxed' (i.e. fucking retarded)

Well there is no doubt or question in anyones mind that weed causes paranoia in some people.

Every pothead group always jokes about their 'one friend in the group' that gets 'freaked' everytime they 'post up'.

Schizophrenia and Parnoia are so closely related i dont understand how you dont see that there could be a possible link.

i dont deny it can induce symptoms resembling schizophrenia when your on it but not schizophrenia per se. just my opinion though, i know psychedelics can give you hppd which is basically when ur tripping 24/7 and its a bit like being a schizo with intrusive thoughts and what not but u dont lose your grasp on reality and hppd is exacerbated by smoking weed which i why i quit smoking. i honestly havent done much research into weed at all though, i just know it makes you a useless loser

>(makes you slow and 'relaxed')
Indicas slow you, sativas can lead to hyperfocus and allow some people like Gene Krupa to set speed records for drum solos.
Also thinking a mile a minute like someone on a cocaine binge is bad too, its better to think efficiently than race with thoughts that lead nowhere.

>I grabbed random articles from your gish gallop
And cherry picked heavily.

1st link:
>Finally, marijuana users who use the drug to cope with problems are more depressed than those who do not use to cope with problems.

2nd link:
>The general impression supported by many studies is that cannabis causes cognitive decline, particularly with long-term usage. Majority of studies have suggested a significant cognitive decline in cannabis abusers compared to non-abusers and healthy controls.[8–10] A report by Bartholomew et al.[11] suggested that cannabis use has a detrimental effect on prospective memory ability in young adults but users may not be aware of these deficits. Cannabis is known to produce substantial acute effects on human cognition and visuomotor skills. Many recent studies additionally revealed rather long-lasting effects on basic oculomotor control, especially after chronic use.
Majority of the studies mentioned prove harm of recreational use.

3rd link:
>RESULTS:Adjusted for sex and age, cannabis use at baseline was associated with an increased relative risk (RR) for depression and anxiety at follow-up, with RR=1.22 [1.06-1.42 Cl 95%] for depression and RR=1.38 [1.26-1.50 Cl 95%] for anxiety. Adjusted for all confounders (alcohol and illicit drug use, education, family tension, place of upbringing), the associations were no longer statistically significant; RR=0.99 [0.82-1.17 Cl 95%] for depression and RR=1.09 [0.98-1.20 Cl 95%] for anxiety. Age-adjusted, reporting depression or anxiety at baseline increased the risk of cannabis onset at follow-up three years later; RR=1.62 [1.28-2.03 CI 95%] and RR=1.63 [1.28-2.08 CI 95%] respectively. However, adjusted for other illicit drug use the associations were no longer statistically significant.

You don't like showing the wrong words do you hun ;)

I’m gonna quote my boy axl rose here, “ live and let die “

4th Link:
A link between cannabis intoxication and altered behavior including psychosis has long been recognized (27). In the 19th century, Moreau (de Tours) characterized transient hallucinations, paranoia, dissociative symptoms, thought disorganization and impairments in attention and memory reminiscent of psychotic symptoms seen in schizophrenia in the context of acute cannabis intoxication (reviewed in (28)). These phenomena have also been documented in numerous case-reports (reviewed in (28)) and estimated to occur in about 20%-50% of individuals who use cannabis.
And lets just ignore most all of these link to the studies they mention

>Every single one of these disagree with your causal assertions and conclusions and I won't really bother looking further into your claims.

>CONCLUSIONS: We found no longitudinal associations between cannabis use and incidence of depression/anxiety, or between depression/anxiety and later cannabis use onset.

I don't believe you understand how statistical significance works.

>all these fancy .gov sources

I opened a few of these and scrolled to the bottom.
>Cannabis use, and particularly heavy cannabis use, MAY be associated with an increased risk for developing depressive disorders. There is need for further longitudinal exploration of the association between cannabis use and developing depression, particularly taking into account cumulative exposure to cannabis and potentially significant confounding factors.

>MAY be

come on son

>RESULTS:Adjusted for sex and age, cannabis use at baseline was associated with an increased relative risk (RR) for depression and anxiety at follow-up, with RR=1.22 [1.06-1.42 Cl 95%] for depression and RR=1.38 [1.26-1.50 Cl 95%] for anxiety.

Yes, completely ignore the rest, ignore all the links and studies showing direct negative effects. Enjoy your weed.

I can see tobacco company's using your same arguments in a different time... Hmm.. "MAY cause caner, MAY..."


>>Finally, marijuana users who use the drug to cope with problems are more depressed than those who do not use to cope with problems.
That doesn't show it causes depression, both groups already have problems that have caused depression and that goes away when you adjust for other drug use like alcohol which is actually known to cause depression.

>Many recent studies additionally revealed rather long-lasting effects on basic oculomotor control, especially after chronic use.
>Cannabis has a negative impact on cognition; however, the current body of research literature does not provide evidence of significant, long-term effects due to cannabis use.
They are talking about memory problems while you are under the influence, not long term effects on cognition like you claim, you are the one making claims and ignoring most of the evidence while restating what they say to fit your agenda.

>You don't like showing the wrong words do you hun ;)
>the associations were no longer statistically significant
Unlike how you just ignore what you do show when it doesn't support your thesis.

It doesn't say it causes a permanent disorder like you imply it says while under an acute intoxication you can experience psychosis symptoms

anything which drains your dopamine reserves will make you depressed until your brain replenishes its supply, this is common sense

>here is need for further longitudinal exploration of the association between cannabis use and developing depression,

>>particularly taking into account cumulative exposure to cannabis and potentially significant confounding factors.

I do enjoy my weed, but that's got nothing to do with the fact you've cited a whole lot of very interesting papers that don't prove your stated points in the slightest.

And, even taking what they say, there is nothing to suggest any real problem that sensible legalization and age-restriction wouldn't deal with. The problem stated in those papers is all tied to starting young, using heavily and not taking breaks.

Who would have thunk that smoking daily from the age of 12 might have some negative cognitive effects?

>1st link:
>>Finally, marijuana users who use the drug to cope with problems are more depressed than those who do not use to cope with problems.

Obviously. If you use a substance to cope with depression, you will become more depressed. This is not unique to marijuana, this is the case with any substance.

>Who would have thunk that smoking daily from the age of 12 might have some negative cognitive effects?
They still say in the paper that can't even determine if those cognitive effects come from the smoking itself or the fact that they tend to avoid forced schooling and vocational training because of the legal issues.