/ptg/ President Trump General - MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN EDITION


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #45 1/15/18
>Pres Trump leaving WPalm Beach FL for DC 1/15/18
>VP Pence laying wreath @MLK Jr Memorial 1/15/18
>Proj Veritas - Twitter looks at your DMs 1/15/18
>Pres Trump remarks before dinner @Mar-A-Lago 1/14/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in W Palm Beach 1/12/18
>Pres Trump leaving DC 1/12/18
>Pres Trump @Walter Reed for annual physical 1/12/18
youtu.be/4RPkSJRh00c (departing)
youtu.be/eY7PO-4ARH0 (arriving)
>Pres Trump signs MLK Jr Day Proclamation 1/12/18
>SoS T-Rex @148th Civil Service Orientation Class 1/12/18
>SoS T-Rex meets w/Saudi FM al Jubeir 1/12/18
>WH Video: VP Pence @Nellis AFB 1/12/18
>This Week @State 1/12/18
>DoD Press Brief (Gen Dunford/Dana White) 1/11/18
>Pres Trump leads Prison Reform Roundtable 1/11/18
>VP Pence @Grand Opening of AFWERX Vegas 1/11/18
>VP Pence @Nellis AFB 1/11/18
>SoS T-Rex meets NOR FM Soreide 1/11/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, TreasSec Mnuchin) 1/11/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Reminder that Sen.. Flake is a holocaust denier who thinks Stalin is worse than Hitler.

somebody should write down every fucking scandal so we can force the next democrat president through all of them


Have we survived the assault of sexy awoos?

No lewds! There are young AWOOs in this thread

96 more minutes.


This is from the NYT

>companies are hiring people with criminal records, disabilities or prolonged bouts of joblessness.
>there are signs of wage growth starting to show
>companies are hiring straight out of prisons because they need workers
>increase in postings open to people without experience.
>unemployment rates have fallen sharply in recent years for people with disabilities or without a high school diploma
>participation rate for workers aged 25 to 54 hit a seven-year high in December.
>unemployment for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in November, the lowest rate on record
>warehouse workers: “If someone applies for a job and you don’t get to them within 24 hours, that person will already have taken another job.”
>household incomes have risen rapidly in the past two years, with the strongest gains coming for those in the poorest families.
>more people switching jobs, and getting bigger bumps in pay for doing so.

IDK if I can support Drumpf anymore, he's employing too many neets and ex felons.

So DACA is kill because of the whole shithole thing?


uhh, so he's /ourguy/ now?

Those guys are heroes, especially the one user. Wew! I barely made it

I'm not sure I can resist. They're just so hot...

> ex-felons
Fine. If they act out in any way, most parole boards will clap them in irons soon enough. Unless they're in Massachusetts or California, those people are turning parole upside down.

This may unironically be the hardest promise for Trump to fulfill.


It was kill from the start, the shithole thing was am attempt to distract from the fact that they were never willing to offer a real deal.

It was never alive. Trump played these suckers good.


>trekkies on /tg/ are KANGZ posting about the new series
>one of them posted a six gorillion joke about the Bajorans recently
We're winning the culture war.

Are we going to get a styx tribute

Good news, everyone, this "Temple of Doom" extra won't be attending the State of the Union address.




>56 Awloods
>only open folder to post from time to time, never to browse

The ABSOLUTE state of Megyn




>they think they're buying more time by going for a rousing millionth round of crying DRUMPF IS RAYCISS
Surely it'll work this time because that's how they've chosen to spend MLK day.


Seattle went something like 85% for Hillary.


Heh, minority leader has a double entendre now.


*breathes in*

I'm not sure about "winning"; the Left thought they had "won" after stamping out avenues of dissent. However, the Left can't meme now because jokes and humor always work for the counter-culture.

Don't even get worked up about "punching up" and "punching down," it's just not fun at all to be making jokes for "the Man" to feel good about himself. It's like going onstage and saying "WHAAAT is the DEEeeaal about Yoplait Yogurt(tm) and their 17 fun flavors?!"

It's not engaging. You're not sharing an "in joke." You're not being subversive. Humor relies on all three. KANGS, 6 gorillion, "RIP Harambe" on a message board for a deceased black person do all of the above.

I am entertained by the thought that went Hillary but wasn't 100% Hillary, is basically hell for every Hillary voter who's now paranoid about who among their friends/family voted for "literally Hitler."

Good morning /ptg/

Oh, I know. They won't shut up about "DRUMMMPF." I may as well have never left the Bay. It's atrocious.



Waddle doodle

Is it possible for you faggots to go ONE thread without AWOO?

Hello lux

Absolutely not.

Would you be willing to concede DACA to the Democrats if it meant that Trump got literally every other deal he wanted passed even those not related to immigration i.e. healthcare, less gun control, welfare reform and other issues

What do you think?


good morning

God bless President Trump.

In fairness, Sup Forums in general is getting a redpill tinge. We can't pat ourselves on the back.

Honestly I'd give DACA for the wall, Chain migration and lottery kill, and no public fighting over the budget (a real budget deal, not another CR for the rest of 7 years)

oh my god

that would be silly

Let's be honest. None of them are attending because they hope a Designate Survivor scenario goes down. As if it did the DNC wouldn't immediately be suspect because.


God no. These fuckers have been hanging around in limbo for 20+ years.


This faggot's been around for over 30 and crying because the law finally won. Years and years of second chances, extensions, and gimmies and he's finally leaving, now he's screaming like a stuck pig.

Fuck it. Fuck them. If race war comes, I won't feel a fucking thing for them.

big if true

No. The law says they have to go back. Every logical American is sick of being taken advantage of.

Hello Luxy
And you as well, my Leafy friend

That happens and the DNC will literally be hanging from trees. People would grab their guns and drive to D.C. They would have to flee the country if the wanted to survive.


> Garcia had been facing an order of removal from immigration courts since 2009, but under the previous administration, he had been given stays of removal. But because of the Trump administration's immigration crackdown, Garcia was ordered in November to return to Mexico. His supporters say he has no criminal record — not even a traffic ticket — and pays taxes every year.


Christ Almighty, reading this again just made me fucking furious.

can someone shop the eastern times on this one ?

Hello friend



Anybody who followed the travesty of Kate Steinle's case doesn't care how many doors get kicked in, "families separated" and so on. Get them out or average people will start.

>Hollywood tattoed on neck
How cute, they put the adress of the owner in case they lost him

What do you have to do to get Trump at your wedding? Would jeb! come if you invited him? When I get married I'm going to invite both and try to make it awkward.

It's not "kill" because "shithole" was a tempest in a teapot. Durbin wasn't ever going to sign off on anything less than "chain migration" staying in place. Listen to his bleating about "chain migration" sounding like slavery:


> Do your realize how PAINFUL that term is to so many people? African-Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains. When you speak about chain migration, it hurts them personally.

He's LITERALLY trying to silence Trump from speaking about Chain Migration and using the term based on a facile connection "chain - chain-links in cuffs" that no one had previously reported. Based on the imagined feelings of a demographic that Trump is supposed to be SO VERY WORRIED ABOUT constantly.

When has a black person ever made the connection? How have they ever voiced concerns about "chain migration" as being a racist spectre? No, no, Durbin was hoping to meme this into reality.

> Trump responded, "Oh, that's a good line"

And Trump saw it for what it fucking was.

Here's a crazy idea: let's stop caring about offending people who aren't even actual citizens and start caring about those who are and don't want garbage in their country. Revolutionary, I know!

Anyone in this thread know if Trump appealed that San Francisco judge's unconstitutional ruling yet?

But that's just it. Durbin was trying to meme that black people were offended by chain migration, opening the chance for Democrats to replace it with their new sanitized term - "family reunification." Black people are established Americans! You don't want to upset them unnecessarily when talking about the brown people! Never you mind that the term we want to use will make it far easier to trick people into letting in so many non-American brown people!

Durbin is the worst. Just the fucking worst.

t. Originally an Illinoisfag; seriously worse than half the politicians I have to deal with in Washington state.

This is excellent and exactly why he was elected. Can democrats even put togehter a coherent argument as to why this is a bad thing? I'd like to see them try.


Jesus Christ, just found this.


He's willing to stick words in a dead man's mouth. He's fully capable and willing of doing the same to sitting Presidents.

>t. Originally an Illinoisfag; seriously worse than half the politicians I have to deal with in Washington state.
You've never lived in New York.

Oh, fuck, you have "Fuck 'Em" Chuck Schumer.

Pretty sure when black people see shit like this it just pisses them off. Blacks and Mexicans hate each other.

t. I went to high school in Southern California and there were literally race fights on campus.

so did Trump sign for Melania too or has she just copied his siganture style?

Good morning.

Lisa is great, always enjoy seeing her on Outnumbered.

Someone edit this replacing the four words with "The Holocaust never happened"

>He's willing to stick words in a dead man's mouth
Honestly can we move beyond the cuckservative circle jerking of MLK? The dude was a communist who fucked around on his wife. Just because he identified as an R and what have you doesn't absolve him of his bullshit and what he's caused in his aftermath. RINOs and the far-left just trot him out at this point to try to silence anything pro-white Americana.


A race war between the blacks and mexicans would barely last 5 minutes seeing how much mexicans outnumbered the blacks in my area growing up. Would be more entertaining than the high school football game though.

DACA wasn't happening in January.

I'd do DACA for a fully funded Wall and a fix to the lottery that gives white Europeans a chance to come

RIght? Even better when she fights with Tarlov


She's got a lot of spunk, and dumbass Tarlov doesn't stand a chance.

Is this real?

Its not happening in February either.


When a gator kills a baby no one calls it a radical
'Cause it's obvious that all of them are dangerous animals
The handwriting has been on the wall, clear and legible
Now we got a muzzy turning fruits into vegetables

It was a great night, it was a Homocaust
Bona fide homocide, 50 lives lost
No Pulse, just Blood on the Dance Floor
Now the fags are more butthurt than before

Look here, a muslim walks into a bar
And orders shots for everybody, hardy har har
And he should've killed more but he was not a straight shooter
Almost makes you wanna cry like that bitch Anderson Cooper

It's a tragedy, too many faggots got away
So instead of Islam they're gonna die from AIDS
If survivors wanna feel guilty, that's their prerogative
But I really hope they all remain HIV positive

The majority of victims were spics
Taking loads in the face, but this time not from dicks
Some had trouble deciding which bathroom to hide in
They weren't sure if their gender matched the one they died in

Listen, all you see are lies on tv
But you know you can believe it if you hear it from me
False claims, false flags on the internet too
And the mouthpiece behind it all is guess who? The jew

You can't trust the mainstream media
Undeniable, they're less reliable than Wikipedia
The dude was a troll and libs took the bait
Now it's gun control in a police state

He said he was ISIS but ISIS never heard of him
He said he had no problem with niggers while he murdered them
He said he was hetero with semen in his farts
It's the sjw culture tearing itself apart

That's right, 49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

The libtards are having a hard time with this
They wanna blame Whitey but it's hard to miss
That the shooter was a muslim and a faggot at that
And like most mass shooters he was a democrat

Oh, no, I'm not a fan of MLK at all. I still respect the dead's views as theirs, not mine. "Well if X were alive today, he'd totally agree with me!" is symptomatic of heavy moral decay. I see Durbin as a giant rotten tooth, just begging for a root canal by recall. He won't get one because Chicago's so far-gone they believe every word.

Of course