The goyim know!!!
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It's like fucking pottery!

The article is about how the gym know, because the gym know.

You couldn't make this shit up!


Look at me

We the Jews now

>linguistic appropriation




I wondered how long it would take a Jew to realize this. A little too late though.

Also has anyone else become proud to be a goy? Wealth, race, sex and religion might divide us but at the end of the day we are all goys and we all have the same enemy.

>I can’t believe these goy are upset that we refer to them as inferior beings who should serve us

>blaming white supremacists instead of neonazis

Interesting trick, trying to convince the world they're not white

Ironically everything he said/implied was not true is fucking true


Yeah, I mean, wtf? This is some next level double-plus-good shit going on.

>if I spam this pic the filthy goys will forget!

You're losing your edge rabbi

Theres actually more potential for success in this group of nerds than in the entire country of Mexico

Is this satire? Please tell me this is satire. Did a Jew really just make a fucking "the goyim know" article about how the goyim know?


The Forward along with Haaretz produces some of the funniest shit ever.

Headline should have been, "Shut It Down".


I'm sure they'll call for censorship. :^)

>our sinister plot for worldwide domination

>mfw the Jews are the paranoid conspiracy theorists of our time


Nice flag fag


To be fair they have owned the world for a few decades, possibly a century.

We took pepe and made it into a hate symbol, and now we're doing the same with Jewish culture.

accept this time we are right.

Let's get ahead of the game and claim anti-parasite because the goyim do know and your time is very much up if you choose to continue. Cease and desist or you are going to wish the Lolocaust happened.

We're breaking the conditioning!


The thing I like about the Jews is that if you were to actually say to one that Jews run Hollywood, the media, etc., they would unequivocally agree with you. They just can't have that shit in writing.

This article, really does make me think

> Many of us have grown up using words like goy, shiksa, sheigetz, and shvartza as part of our Ashkenazic Jewish lexicon. To see these words for what they are, and how they have been used to dismiss entire groups of people, might make us feel as though we are losing part of the language that helps define us. And right now, for many, there is a genuine need to retain anything that defines us.

Who knew what had been considered to be a funny meme was actually this effective on them. I say go ahead, rip apart everything that they are. God knows they don't deserve an identity.


>Defining goys is part of our time identity
Fuck kikes.

>so hey, you guys know how we are all taught since childhood that non-jews are inferior beings...

>when we all have a common enemy
>its globalism
>fighting against globalism unites the world and ironically brings about globalism
>oy vey

> Working together in separate nations and separate developments is globalism

Still >not knowing that they must have bet both ways and ultimately what we do doesn't matter

oy vey, the Jew is onto us

I bet there are still people here that think that it's all just an elaborate meme. This isn't just a meme goys, this is real life and ((they)) rule it.

Sometimes i'm wondering if they want the white man to go berserk so they can have their 1 billion population needed for their NWO.

What they want in the short term will always be a mystery.
What they want in the long term is power and control

>call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

/pol still does not understand the difference between Jew/Hebrew and Semite. That it is a Semite collusion laid down in Sumeria, and continued in the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires. The future of humanity can be human, or one of human capital, the choice is yours.

I wonder if this is how they feel when they find out that the goyim know.

This needs to be edited to be the angry one.

>linguistic appropriation

How dare you filthy goyim make fun of us gods chosen people ! its like another holocaust... my grandmother was gassed 6 times when she was 8 years old, she managed to escape by stealing hitlers luger and shooting the chamber's guard in the face, sadly she died 1 year later in the holocauster ! not only that but the lower half of my grandfather was turned into soap and we were forced to wash ourselves with it, the other half was turned into a lampshade !!!

i simply can't believe how could the goyim be so heartless and forget about all the atrocities committed by the evil white nazis !

We did it reddit!

Is it this easy to make a change? Get memed on I guess

jews are all control freak pychopaths who feel terror every waking moment unless they are in complete control of everything around them.

imagine being so insecure you have to try and take over the world

>We did it reddit!

go back to re*Dit.

>all part of our sinister plot

Is this an open admission of guilt?

Good mentorship would set them straight up to become successful. There's a lot of low hanging fruit that they can work on to begin with.

Jewish kvetching is the moist wonderful sight a man can experience. Well maybe after the Holocaust.

>What? You mean to say we are not allowed to say in public that we want to kill the goyim? ANNODA...

> Many of us have grown up using words like kike, oven-dodger, money-grubber, and hook-nosed cunt as part of our human being lexicon. To see these words for what they are, and how they have been used to dismiss entire groups of people, might make us feel as though we are losing part of the language that helps define us. And right now, for many, there is a genuine need to retain anything that defines us.



Literally 6 gorillion

This is the one and only time I'll consider a chankoro based.
But this chinegro right here is based as fuck.

>rabbi loosing his edge?
I pity his next circumcision!

Based for wanting to become the same as them? Chinks will be exterminated alongside them.

Just look at those filthy subhuman GOY animals that were made in human form to serve the Jews just like is written in the talmud.


>shocking example of linguistic appropriations

That's hilarious. We hijacked their slur.



modern crematoriums are designed to be respectful to the dead you stupid fuck.

be as disrespectful as you like, aside from chopping them up, a person will burn as fast as they burn and they wont burn no faster

We will unload their lies back at them, let the Chinamen join and we could righteously conquer them too.

>the respectfulness is determined by the speed with which the body is turned to ash

This crematorium?

>what crematorium?

That lack of Stalinist Revisionist Coloration tho

Read it in halberstrams voice

Really oys my vey


Got ya senpai


While it says yes the jews are in control, notice how they want to control us as well. Chinese, blacks, no fucking other race is better, they all strive to control everyone. This is why we must stand together.


Oy vey! Am I too late? Can we still shut it down?


it's like that one dude sucked the body mass away from four of them

i prefer gentile

>a shocking example of linguistic appropriation

Lmao, do these people have no self-awareness.


>Meme Flaggot

oy vey

They've been doing it for centuries.
They are white when it's convenient for them, and Jewish the rest of the time.