WW2 Redpill Thread

Post all WW2 redpills you have. I want to compile them all into a PDF document and drop a massive redpill on everyone around me.

6 million jews died at death camps by nazis

Japan did nothing wrong

Hitler's dad was a jew


Rare flag

Just After Pearl Harbor.
Mystery dirigible airship over LA.
gets shot at by all of LA but doesnt go down.
Battle of LA. No UFO, it was Japs.
US thinks Japs spread Anthrax and innoculates troops with serum made from cadavers.
So many die from injections the US almost cant fight in the Pacific.
Battle of LA a Jap psyop that worked.

that never happened. 280k died from typhus and malnutrition caused by you getting britain involved to steal land you didnt own, and shutting down a prominent rival in globalism. that is including the 13k that died from typhus under british occupation. 6 million of you did vanish, to israel. you fucked russia, you fucked germany, and the rest of europe by proxy, and now you are fucking the middle east. the eternal kike, will never change. im not upset that you lied to me, im upset that i cant believe you anymore.


>burger education
who is morgenthau, do you even know?


Hitler was related to the rothschild family.
Google this


no sargon, i dont read your jews.

The biggest redpill that doesn't instantly cause people to switch off and think you a crank (like if you question the Holy Numbers of the Holocaust), and for which there is plentiful evidence, is what a piece of scumshit Churchill was, and the fact he covered up and hid from the British people that Hitler was making overtures for peace that included his complete withdrawal from Western Europe--and that Churchill replied to these overtures by deliberately targeting German civilians to inflame popular animus on both sides and prevent saner heads from making peace rather than destroying the continent and enslaving it to American and the Soviet Union.





anniversary of that is coming up. they have an event and everything.

Kalergi wasn't Jewish you cretin.

> drilled hole in someone's ass, then filled with air until he exploded




kalergi was half nip half white


fyi the switch off that people get is a pyschological term called "cognitive dissonance"


Can also bring up how the worst mass rape in modern history was perpetrated by the Allies, and especially the Communists at the end of the war. Tell of how German women killed themselves when they heard the Red Army coming to avoid being raped literally all day by hundreds of Soviet soldiers in a row. Bring up how this was overshadowed by the Holocaust and the communists never got punished for a crime worse than the current Hollywood scandal but most Westerners don't know about it. Ask if the German women should have a #metoo movement because they were victims of communist patriarchy. Drive a wedge between SJW and communism. And if they say `but it happened decades ago whats the point?` then they open themselves up to more rebuttals than I can list.
This should trigger the SJWs and Communists into a shitfight

Hehehe and we will rape the again!

The women of the conquered nations are the highest prize!
Raping them is the highest form of humiliation of the enemy and the highest expression of dominance!
Love me or hate me, it does not matter, for my words are undeniable.

:) same.
