Don Lemon instantly regrets Interview with MLK Jr. nephew when he DOESN'T agree Trump is racist

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when did trump say that africa is a country? is that nignog trying to sound smart by pretending trump said something stupid?

i already can't stand both ot them in the first 10 sec of the video

Don Lemon is a mixture of low IQ and MK Ultra it's a pretty tough combination to sit through.

he didn't, this is CNN


>Repeatedly calling Trump a genius, live on CNN

5/5 Troll. Well played nephew

maybe cause Trump and MLK have same stance on illegals.

“Before he died, King had been a big backer of Cesar Chavez, the late-Sixties farmworkers’ organizer and one of the earliest campaigners against open borders. Right after King’s death, Reverend Ralph Abernathy, his replacement as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, marched with Chavez in a protest against illegal immigration over its suppressive effects on wages and its weakening of unions"

That nigger aint half bad.

Don LemonParty is a fucking faggot

The guy has a point but it is just painful listening to both of them speak

lemon and cuomo are having some kind of secret competition to be the dumbest man on television

Lol Lemon is trying hard to not know exactly what he means

"Gay, black and stupid is no way to go though life, son."

I couldn't get through all that nigger logic. It's painful to listen to niggers pretending to be smart.

Also too many people are too brainlet to understand the nuance of his point.


Don lemon: we didn’t call Trump a racist

Moments earlier
Don Lemon: It’s our job a journalists to call the president a racist.

Fuck that faggot



both are niggers

CNN has abandoned news, they now only do panels and interviews to discuss how much of a crazy racist bigot Trump is.

I like how "shithole" is now becoming a normalized phrase (i.e. no longer much of an expletive) all thanks to rumor and impotent rage. Imagine how many little kids will soon casually throw that word around like it's nothing.

Lemon was awarded worst journalist of the year for good reason.

>when did trump say that africa is a country?
He didn’t
Niggers are dumb and liars

context be damned

I laughed, also nice digits.

Can don lemon get anymore arrogant and more full of shit than he is, he talked down to the guest and most annoying he did what all the left does they pull this little guilt trip and spin talking point around tell you your wrong straight to your face in this shrewd juvenile way just because you don't believe in the same things they do

Yeah, the nephew is an uncle tom trying to get some publicity.


Why are they pretending that Trump thinks that Africa is a country? Is this some kinda of "gotcha" strawman that they've put up or did he really call Africa a country?
>unitenional racism
>It's hard to sit here and call him a racist
>We're trying to educate him about his racism
>He's not listening, he keeps doubling down on it
>He's a 2018 racist
Double kek, people who don't know they're racist my ass. Fuck this nigger.

But mooommmmm I dont wanna go to Timmys houseee, its a shitholeeeee moommmm

They are strawmanning the fuck out of Trumps already alleged statement.

Yeah I was waiting for that guy to tell don to just shut the fuck up and quit whining for 2 seconds.

>Trump said Africa is a country?
No, it's another retarded like of shit from leftists. I've been accused of it too.

If you say good things about Africa, then it's ok to use "Africa" to signify all of Africa.

But if you say BAD things about Africa you have to list each individual country that you are talking about, otherwise just saying "Africa" somehow means that you think Africa is a country.

>Me a year ago
Africa is such a shithole

Leftist: OMG you uneducated redneck, Africa is not a country

Me: no shit, it is a continent made up of shithole countries

Leftist: I can't believe you didn't know Africa isn't a country

>almost every statement taken out of context
Either way, none of what he said is false.

He's also a faggot.

Being a fag probably affected him even more

People like Don Lemon hurt the black community 1000x more than jerrycurl king over there. You have to admit something is wrong to start moving forward as a people. All the blacks that get offended when another black finally admits it are the definition of crabs in a bucket. Don Lemon is sitting there blowing denial out his loose asshole as if just because some nigerian oil barons can afford to educate their kids here and just because he wears a fancy suit everyday there is no problem.

>liberals don't want immigrants sent back to shit holes because they are shit holes
>call a shit hole a shit hole
>be labeled ignorant


watch Don apologize to CNN viewers after the commercial break saying he didn't invite the nephew on


Taking something out of context, and using that false context to declare the statement racist, makes it a false statement.

If you say you prefer apples to oranges, and I declare that it's racist to prefer apples, it would be FALSE for me to say that you made a racist statement.

You are supporting the leftist idea that EVERYTHING is racist if you say so.


This. If the black community would just listen to and model themselves after Larry Elder, they would be infinitely better off.

McCain's the one who said Africa is a country

Looks like a last minute effort to be the front runner in the Fakies

>Martin Luther King Jr. the 3rd
>Jr. the 3rd
>the 3rd

When I said none of what he said is false, I was referring to Trump's statements. For example, "some Mexican immigrants are racists" was taken out of context, yet it is still factually correct.


tfw this will be an annual event for the next 7 years

god im so tired of non-whites. I just fucking hope the far right takes over and kick them all

geeezzz, what a crappy news station.
you Americans get this from mainstream media?

>There is a guest that is actually interesting.
>Doesn't take the racism bait.
>interviewer spends next 15 minutes trying to convince the guest that Trump is racist.
>guest doesn't get opportunity to voice his own opinions

Is he growing a afro?

Also, why does MLK's son speak like a nigger?

just a reminder don lemon is over 50, still gets shit faced and tries to make out with his co-host for newyears.

The ones that think it was "her turn" get their news from CNN and believe it 100%

Lol wow

Sorry to the viewers for unsuccessfully shilling to you

Jesus...this shit reminds me of when they forced a ton of nigger teachers on us in public school in Arkansas. It was tough to sit there as a kid and listen to some uppity nigger stutter over words and over emphasize talking points because they're too goddamned stupid to get their point across clearly without resorting to theatrics. Sometimes I wonder how I ever turned out even mildly intelligent having sat through 12 years of mostly nigger teachers.

Booker T Washington>>>>> Malcolm X >> MLK >>>>>WEB DuBois

>that man

I thought he knew his family and stuff. Why so unfamiliar now?

>President Obama not born in the U.S.
Race has nothing to do with this.
>Some mexian immigrants are "rapists"
They didn't even try to make this sound bad, what the fuck.
>Calls for "shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S"
Muslims are not a race.
>Attacks on U.S. judge with Mexican heritage
Trump said that the judge might be treating him infairly because of his Mexican heritage. Whether it's racism by definition or not is quite irrelevant, what matters is if it is true
>"Very fine people" among white smupremacists
Nobody can be stupid enough to disagree, right?
>Uses term "Pocahontas"
Wasn't he quoting somebody?
>NYT: Nigerians will never "go back to their huts"
Never said that
>NYT: Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS"
Never said that
>Source: African countries are "shithole"
They are tho

In summary, Trump is not a racist.

The most surreal thing in the world is a negress with a college degree

>when did trump say that africa is a country?
He didn’t
Niggers are dumb and liars


>Some Mexican immigrants are "rapists"
No shit dumbass

Don Lemon makes money off of uninformed blacks to keep them thinking they're still in chains.

>uses term "Pocahontas"
What a fucking disgusting display of credibility ruining propaganda. Making fun of a sunburn in 3 seconds of the sun white skinned, blonde haired, and blue eyes bimbo who larps as a native american for the affirmative action points makes you a racist? What is wrong with these mentally ill people?

Le based black man

t. kikemutt.

The sad thing is MLK's nephew was being completely reasonable and not rushing to judgement, Don says he's exploiting MLK's name then immediately after the break APOLOGIZES to his viewers for bringing him on....

If anyone can't see through that they're hopeless.

>if you say something stupid, you said something stupid, you're not stupid
>if you say something mean, you said something mean, you're not mean
>if you do something annoying, you did something annoying, you're not annoying
>if you say something racist, you are racist

pc culture

that's not no no no that's

yea, there was point about Trump being an unconscious racist from lemon. That is dangerous territory boys, they may get out the magnets for him.


mlk is a perfect example of what deepstate commies do to their figure heads who decide they want to work for the people

fuck the pharisees desu

Left af here.

Don Lemon is a fucking retard; was born and will die that way.


I am so sick of this nigger



>Left af here.


Thanks CNN, I learned something new today.

don lemon is so fucking stupid he can't even follow a simple line of logic.
>white ppl don't like discussing race issues because they feel that their ideas are dismissed out of hand as racist
>"but I have white friends and I don't think they are racist!"
not the fucking point you retard. thanks wasting everyone's time because everything has to be explained to you slowly and multiple times



I love Don lemon. best anchor cnn could have. He makes anyone with even a shred of critical thinking realize very quickly how much of a biased piece of shit he and his network are.

Does Lemon realize he's having the opposite of his intended effect?

>Martin Luther King

If this is all because Trump said "Shithole countries" I fail to see any arguments on why said countries aren't shitholes.

i agree, don should be awarded some form of tenure

When did news anchors become so fuckin opinionated and dominate the conversation?

And that would be great advice, except
>knowing his father

You're close. He's 1/3 Low IQ, 1/3 MK Ultra, 1/3 faggot.

It's no secret, user.

>I got to go
I surprised they didn't cut him off
>Oy vey, that sucks goyim

But man what an annoying voice he had, he's just one of those guys you want to hit in the face for no other reason that he simply annoys you

Thanks for posting.

Cnn is a soap, a controlled soap, claiming cnn is news is completely retarded.

Take back your mind, turn that shit off.

>Has nothing to do with race
>Mexican isn't a race
>Muslims aren't a race
>Mexican isn't a race
>Actually believing everyone in Charlottesville was a white supremacist
>Has nothing to do with race
>NYT are paid to lie, zero evidence he said this
>NYT are paid to lie, zero evidence he said this
>Again, zero evidence although he would be correct and everybody knows it

Can you believe there's people out there that religiously watch and believe everything on CNN?

This is how liberals argue. Any comment about a particular person can be exploded as a generalization that applies to that whole group.

Literally none of those comments are racist. They also inexplicably discount the times Trump stated in no uncertain terms his feelings on the topic of race, because "nuh uh that doesn't count."

I'm starting to wonder if the reason they do it is because they think we're stupid enough to believe it, or whether they themselves are stupid enough not to know the difference.

>using sex as payment means that you were raped

Word for word what I was going to post, tanks


>The beginning of the interview focuses on Africa being a continent and not a country.
This is how dumb CNN deems its public

The Hollywood #MeToo whores were willingly sleeping their way up the career ladder but they still call it rape. Same thing, different situations.

>"we wouldn't have invited him on if we knew he'd challenge the narrative"
fucking wew