Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

I think Gretel is cute. Who else thinks Gretel is cute?

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How long until that Mitsuki becomes a doggo?


She's shit but at least she's not an ugly dyke-looking abomination like Suzy.

Good news! Gretel and Annete, along with one more Katia, will be the last cards for SF's 2nd SM event.

>that last part with Mitsuki
holy fuck, no wonder the bakayuki faggot just went "fuck this" and decided to go with the flow

What would you do for your very own Eishi?

care to share part 1?

thanks kind user

>By popular demand, I’m happy to present part two of Kimi ga Nozomu Muv-Luv! Apologies for the wait, but these longer subtitled videos do take a lot more time, so be sure to let me know if you’re enjoying this series, and I’ll try to crank them out more regularly!

Remember to leave comments and give likes, he clearly appreciates them.

I want to train Mitsuki into a good doggo!


stop spreading lies and edited pictures

having someone so pushy and insecure in a relationship is not healthy even for the most dense motherfucker in the universe
so Takeru did run away from that, right?


just look at that face

I want to have my own Sylwia.

I love this picture, and I'm not a Lisefag.

It is kind of what I feel like as myself.

If he ever comes here, let him know he gets blessings.

Made for rough fucking.

I want to Dien Bien Phu this girl.

Gretel is 3cute

Sums up my feelings about her in Haruka's route. Mitsuki keeps resorting to fucking Takayuki whenever she feels Takayuki is about to jump to Haruka, making Takayuki harder to choose between those two and hurting all three of them in the process. If she truly let him choose, all the mess can be minimized.

Hell, if she's not being selfish on her birthday where she knows that Haruka is waiting for Takayuki for their date when the accident happen, all the fuck ups can be avoided altogether, she'll be still swimming to olympics, Takayuki and Haruka enters university together and being a good couple, and Shinji do whatever the fuck he do.

How does one tame Marimo?

Fan of the Kimi ga Nozomue Eien anime here.

Is it a VN thing for the main characters to be so comically retarded? What's stopping Takeru from trying to rationally explain his situation to someone? Why does he just mindlessly believe Mitsuki accepted him as an anomaly? I can only pull so much of my hair out here.

>Takeru not being a moron

>Mitsuki keeps resorting to fucking Takayuki whenever she feels Takayuki is about to jump to Haruka
It's a good trick since she has such a seductive body.

So Takeru is going to have sex with Mitsuki now.

Ohh man.

More like rough hugging!

You don't. Dork. Well, she may have been tame the whole time.

Imagine if it was this guy instead of Takayuki.



This better not be rape.
The only one who should rape Anett is Farka


Where's the rest?

that's really fucking low


the drop rates for these cards sucks ass

Why is Theo so pale?

obviously not

He chimped out once already, but now he's been broken down. He'll fuck her now for sure.

if anything that's exactly that will cause him to snap the fuck out of his funk, figure what the fuck is going on and return everything to normal because dealing with the whole Haruka and Mitsuki thing is way too fucked, even for him

*rough ruffling of fluffy hair.

> that's exactly that will cause him to snap the fuck out of his funk
There is still 4 more parts though, so I'm sure he would at least meet Haruka and Akane first before going back to Takayuki and call him out, probably after telling him how Haruka and Mitsuki suffers and how could he just walk away from them.

>tfw futaba admins deleting ML threads

they know to kill mobage threads before it's too late

>losing me might be the best thing that ever happened to them

>takayuki shamelessly lying to keep takeru's life

this triggers me, what a fucking asshole

meanwhile the actual Takeru can't help but to feel bad not only for his life getting stolen, but also because how bad are faring 2 girls he doesn't even know due to said asshole

I feel bad for both Takayuki and Takeru but this is so much fun to watch. If you're reading this Evan: thanks for the translation, looking forward to the rest of this!

you're very welcome

You are a legend.

you are doing god's work


I love you. Beatrix loves you too.

i can prove it's me with leakz
look, who else would use the word dude with such reckless abandon

Leak a release date already. Keep up the good work.

Katia officially has more scenes as of now then the other SMs.

Honestly, this scene would have worked better with Lise instead of Katia.

Any seen can be improved by removing Katia.

If it really is you, good job man.

Really? I thought Katia had as many cards as Iris and Lise.

Theo: っ… ! ここは...
>ah … ! Here…

Theo: 目を覚ましたか... リィズ, 痛むところはないか?
>Are you awake… Lise, are you hurt?

Lise: お兄... ちゃん...?
>Onii… chan…?

Theo: ああ. リィズ. すまなかったな
>Ah, Lise. I’m so sorry

Lise: えっ...?

Theo: お前のことを, 敵だなんて呼んで...すまなかった. 許して欲しい
>For calling you, my enemy… I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

Lise: ………..

Theo: もう, 兄妹で戦う必要はない. これからは俺を守るから....
>So, you don’t have to fight with big brother anymore. I’ll protect you from now on ….

Lise: お兄ちゃん....?

リイズは, 周囲の気配を窺うように身構えている. 俺のことを... 革命軍の仕掛けた罠と, 疑っているのだろう.
>Lise is, keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings. On me… in case of a trap, set by the revolutionary army.

無理もない... こいつは今までずっと, 誰も信じることができずに生きてきたんだ.
>No wonder.. She has always had to live this way, without anyone she could believe in.

以前の俺もそうだった... いや, リィズは俺の味わった以上の地獄を生きたんだ.
>I was the same before… no, Lise has lived through far more hell than I’ve ever tasted.

Theo: 大丈夫だ, リィズ. ここはラーテノーからは離れた南部の山の中だ. 今は夜で... 周りに誰も隠れちゃいない
>Everything’s okay, Lise. We’re in the mountain in the southern part of Rathenau. Here in the night, no-one is hiding around.

Lise: ... どういうこと? お兄ちゃん...
>… What do you mean? Onii-chan…

We still need the nudes from this one!

Theo: ああ... ラーテノー市で, 俺は本気でお前を殺すつもりで撃墜した
>Ah.. In Rathenau, I had shot you down with the intention to kill

Lise: …..

Theo: だけど... 操縦席で気絶していたお前を もうー度殺すことはできなかった
>But… you had already fainted inside the cockpit, I could not go through with it.

Theo: 俺がやらなくても, 革命軍に捉えられれば必ず処刑される... そう考えたら, お前を連れて逃げるしかなかったよ
>But if I didn’t do it, if you were captured by the rebels you would surely be executed. When I figured so, I decided to escape with you

Lise: 逃げた... ?
>Escape… ?

Theo: ああ. お前をMiGー21の補助シー卜に乗せてな. 推進剤が切れたから乗り捨ててきたけど....
>Ah. I placed you in the MiG-21’s auxiliary seat. I left it behind once the propellant had run out…

Lise: 何言ってるの, お兄ちゃん....
そんなの, 無理だよ... 逃げられるわけない....
>What are you taking about, Onii-chan…
>Such a thing, its impossible… for me to escape…

Theo: リィズ…

Lise: 国家保安省から逃げるなんて....その上, 革命軍まで敵に回して? 絶対にできるわけがないよ....
>To escape from the Stasi… let alone the revolutionary army? Its not possible…

Lise: …. そうだ. 今からでも遅くないよ, 私を革命軍に引き渡して
>…Yet, it is not too late, for you to hand me over to the rebels

Theo: 何言ってるんだ, そんなことすればお前が
>What are you saying, for me to do that

Lise: だってそうすれば, せめてお兄ちゃんだけは生きらる!
>Because if so, then at least my big brother can live!


>Theo using his head
I thought age would never write such a thing, but do continue.

Lise: ね? 私の知ってる情報は全部, お兄ちゃんに話すよ... だから, 考えして
>Right? Whatever information I know, I’ll tell my big brother… so, think about it

Theo: リィズ…

そう訴えかけるリィズの瞳をみて, 俺は気づいてしまった. リィズは, 演技をしている.
>I look into her eyes as she makes her appeal, and I notice. Lise is, she’s acting.

自分を犠性にするように訴えかけながら, 周囲の気配を探ってる. 武器にるものを, 脱出経路を, 俺を人質にするチャンスを探してる...
>Even as she sacrifices herself, she’s very aware of her surroundings. An opportunity to make a weapon, all escape routes, maybe even taking a hostage…

それがリィズの身体に染み付いた習性なんだろう.... 誰...がこいつを, こんな風にしちまったんだ.
>This is the trained instinct that has been drilled into her body… Who… who was it, that made her like this.

いや... 俺も同じだ. かつての俺も, この通りの有様だったんだ...
>No… I am the same. In the past, I use to be like this too…

あいつらがいたから, 俺は変わることができた. 救われた.
>But because I was uprooted, I was able to change. I was saved.

だったら... リィズを救うのは, 俺の役目だ.
>Well then… to save Lise, is my responsibility.

Lise: ねえ, お兄ちゃん. 銃は持ってる? もし持ってるなら, 私をここで
>Hey, Onii-chan. Do you have a gun? If you do, well you already have me here

Theo: もういい. もういいんだ, リィズ
>Its alright. Its alright, Lise

Lise: っ…..

Theo: 情報なんかいらない... お前を売り渡さないと手に入らない安全も必要ない....
>I don’t need any information… nor do I need the kind of protection I’d receive from selling you out…

Lise: お兄ちゃん....


Theo: お前はこれまで十分に頑張ったんだ. だからもう, 無理をしなくていいんだ
>You have worked hard enough. So, you don’t need to push yourself anymore.

Theo: 今まで助けてやれなくてすまなかった. これからは, 俺がお前を助ける. ずっと傍にいる.
>I’m sorry I could not help you until now. Well from now on, I will take care of you. Forever be by your side.

Theo: だから... 国家保安省のことも革命軍のことも, 忘れちまえ
>So… as for both the stasi and the rebels, forget about them.

Theo: 俺に必要なのは, リィズ, お前だけなんだ
>What I need is, Lise, you are the only one

Lise: お兄ちゃんっ...

強く, リィズを抱きしめる. 言葉にしきれない思いを, そうするこことで伝えられるとでもいうように.
>Strongly, I embrace her. As if to convey the feelings that words alone cannot express.

Lise: 本当に... ? 本当に, 私を選んで... いいの... ? お兄ちゃん...
>Truly..? Truly, you choose me… right…? Onii-chan…

Theo: 馬鹿だな... 選ぶも何もあるかよ. ずっと昔から... 俺がー番大切なのは, お前なんだから...
>Dummy… there is nothing else to choose. Since long ago… you were always the most important thing…

Lise: うううっ.... ああっ... ああああああっ
>(uncontrollable sobbing)

感情の堰が切れたのか, リィズが大粒の涙を零す. あつい, あつい涙... 演技で流しているんじゃない, 本当の涙を...
>The emotional weir seems to have finally broken down, she’s crying hard. Hot tears… this is no acting either, she’s really crying…

End of part one.

>I thought age would never write such a thing, but do continue.
>Apologizing too.
Must be a dream then.

Goddamn it Theo, it was so easy yet it took so much in canon.

Probably. But Lise had always a path open for a happy end. Beato's was closed a long time ago.

It's not like Lise didn't have stiff competition from pic related or anything. So long as Iris was around, Lise wasn't going to take Theo's side.

What is this face trying to convey?

Happiness and pleasure conflicting with her Christian morals.


>with her Christian morals.
She has no such things, as she was a hypocrite from the start.

this is the most pointless insult anyone can give

This is my personal favorite though. She looks so sexually devious and in control.

>So long as Iris was around, Lise wasn't going to take Theo's side.
The love triangle was part of the conflict for her but you have to remember Lise had zero faith in the rebellion succeeding. To her Theo joining them was a deathwish.

Good Christian woman.

Also, hilarious that pic related fucks him in the same position.

>Goddamn it Theo, it was so easy yet it took so much in canon.
Its quite the cathartic scene.


>Theo not being a moron
>loving his based imouto


Do you think the Total Eclipse or Schwarzmarken VN will ever be translated?

Eventually. One for Schwarzmarken has been announced already.

Go ask Evan further up in the thread if you want a more definitive answer, but last I heard the plan for Schwarzesmarken's VN was after photonmelodies and photonflowers are released to put out a demo to gauge interest. If that goes well there would be another kickstarter to get funds for a translation of Kouketsu no Monshou and Martyrs.




>Anal Idol
>Not Taiga
I'm miffed about this.


Oooh nice, she even has a drool string.

Anette a cute!

That dress is very lewd. Or it's the figure.

Evan-kun, Evan-kun! Now that we know you're here, can you tell Kouki to use some of the money they got to translate, and even finish (with multiple routes) TE like they were supposed to!?

He needs to know before he spends it ALL on cars. I want, NEED my fucking Stella route dammit.

Just a reminder

Best doggo around

Theo and Lise will have an amazing bed-shaking, cum-blasting, baby-making wedding night, won't they?

I think she would not be satisfied with only a night. Maybe a week.