Women must express ENTHUSIASTIC consent before you can fuck them

>This is probably a good time for us all to have a chat about the concept and importance of “enthusiastic consent.” If this isn’t a term you’ve heard before, it means deliberately and clearly agreeing to and participating in sexual activity.
>Francis tells SheKnows. “Enthusiasm as a standard of consent is meant to help clarify the places at which initiators unintentionally and sometimes unknowingly cross from sexual experience to sexual assault.”
>The fact that Ansari was “surprised and concerned” that Grace felt violated by his actions during their date reinforces the idea that our concept of consent needs some serious work.
>And while Ansari is being applauded for acknowledging that the night with Grace did happen as she said it did, he claims he thought the entire evening was consensual, and no part of his statement contained an actual apology.
>In fact, specifying that he was “surprised and concerned” to find out he and Grace were not on the same page shifts the blame back to her, making it sound like it was her fault for not being clearer about her sexual disinterest.
>Even if he did apologize for his behavior, we also can’t accept someone blatantly ignoring someone else’s signals to stop, then saying he’s sorry for it and getting away with the whole thing.
>Not only that, but only practicing no-means-no consent misses that relationships are not always balanced in privilege, in power — social, economic or physical — and in skill, Francis says, adding that people who feel disempowered in the moment or fear consequences later may not be able to ‘just say no.’”
>“Expecting all messages to be clear and direct in that way ignores the fact that these imbalances in relationships matter,” Francis explains. “It is not unusual for folks to give in or even say yes to participate because they feel coerced or otherwise compelled to do so — even if the other person is not intending to be coercive.”


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In the real world, you don't stick your dick in crazy.
These issues don't exist when you use your brain.

This is why you don't mess with 3DPD.

I bet it would be possible to accuse someone of rape even if he was lying down on the bed motionless through entire thing with his eyes closed in total silence.

is the enthusiastic consent meme just uggos wishing to feel desirable ?

what is this verbal diarrhea supposed to accomplish? what does this chick even want? sex contracts? I dont get it

>t. fatass author who has never gotten laid in her life.

>fuck women
>don't get accused of rape

It's nice not being a manlette

>In the real world, you don't stick your dick in crazy
yet in the real world most men do stick their dicks into crazy. a lot of men do. if not, most men do. women by design are crazy. two dominating hormones that fluctuate every week that alters behavior. causing women to be emotionally unstable and most women are not strong enough to control their damn emotions. let alone can be strong enough but choose not to because feminism.

No. It's women telling ugly guys that the era of women pitty fucking you is over. She's only saying this because aziz is ugly and weak. Niggers treat women way worse and they don't try to ruin them. Women don't want ugly guys getting them a little drunk just to trick them into fucking them. I've fucked a lot of ugly bitches drunk but I'm not a worthless woman so i don't feel bad enough about myself for it that I have to accuse them of rape to ruin their lives.

Women have no agency. They are much like children but without any potential. This is why they have always been treated as property and not equals.

>I had to serve him like a slave while he emotionally raped me with his indifference

Because he is a paki and didn't. Further the bitches career. The hollywood jews are going clean house of these bitches soon. Social justice is one thing but if it gets in the way of business and profits they act pretty quickly.

>even if the person is not intending to be coercive


You just can't win with these fucking roasties.

Wake me when they have to be presenting

>No getting your P69 Permission form filled in by a lady before you engage in copulation

>what does this chick even want?
>Even if he did apologize for his behavior, we also can’t accept someone blatantly ignoring someone else’s signals to stop, then saying he’s sorry for it and getting away with the whole thing.

Im beginning to think some of these feminists have literally never had sex

Most women are crazy and will betray you later if someone is convincing enough (see offers money while assuring that it is the right thing to do).
There have been legitimate feminist rants about being eye-raped. All you have to do is look at them.

brb buying stocks in VR and robotics companies.

OMG, it's so plausible it's fucking scary.

>>want to fuck?

>>girl breaks out into emphatic tap dance routine with fireworks going off behind her that spell "yes, i accept sex"

This is what they are talking about

Fuck Ansari, I'm glad he's getting rekt

What website is it from? I
Always rage when reading shit like this, but I'm beginning to think these sites only have about 20 unique visitors. I know no woman who actually thinks like this

I think this is a great idea.
>go to local bar
>hand out consexual sex documents
How can this be considered sexual harassment?
Hell better still just bring out a pile of these with your name filled in already and sit them beside you on the bar. You don’t even need to fucking approach women anymore. It’s brilliant.

Top post

If you don't video every single sex act you engage in, you're doing it wrong.

>trusting 3DPD
>when 2D will never betray you

The reason they are not accusing negros, is because negros will kill them and go to jail.

People will argue but this is the truth. If you're a desperate faggot just shoving your dick in any cute bitch you're playing a dangerous game that is not in your favor. I would say most women are fine and won't fuck your life up but all it takes is one and no matter how unjust it seems you have to accept that's the way it is and live your life accordingly until things change. If you're white or black you have to be even more careful because groups that hate your race will back anyone coming after you just to discredit you. It's a new world and men, especially those who don't have their heads in the sand, need to learn to navigate it until we fix it to.avoid ruining yourself.

Can we just take a second to laugh at this white slut who thought that getting drunk with a pooinloo was a good idea? She's lucky he didn't sodomize her with a plunger

And yet, yes can still mean no. You're fucked no matter what.

>engaging in sex with anyone but your wife

absolutely degenerate

Was she forced to send bobs and vagene?

>pays $20 to go see the last SJW
>wastes 3 hours of life. total regret.
>complain and refunded plus paid for hours wasted by movie theater even though I consented to the initial transaction.
>oh wait nothing ever works this way
>uppity movie wage slave tells me to get lost or he'll call security
In every day, in every way, women are practically shouting at the top of their lungs that they are not equals and need to be taken back to the legal status of a minor under the care of a male.

The more I do the self improvement meme, the more I see how messed up things are and what it's gonna be like when I start dating again.. I am tall, /fit/, ambitious and have chad physiognomy, but I haven't had sex in a long time due to really bad OCD/fear of getting STDs. I know an awkward phase is inevitable when I start trying to apply myself, but this consent shit is so strange. Not too many of the girls I was ever with gave me any verbal "yes" or "no" per say, some gave a lot more than that. Do I absolutely have to get video evidence or manipulate them into sending a text or signing a form or something that will hold up in court?

>having sex before or outside marriage

Don't bother with women until after either the great collapse, or the great fix.
Humans are like tomatoes, give them too much nourishment and they grow watery, give them just harsh enough conditions and they turn out sweet and full.

get a dog. screw an escort on saturdays.


>but he did succeed in telling my friends that we had had sex that night.
>no follow up
She fucked him.

>what does this chick even want?
Men to be psychic.

That all sounds more viable from a legal standpoint.

> Enthusiastic consent
That's my life philosophy.
Start off with the foreplay, tongue, fingers and then don't fuck her until she begs for the dick.

>Do I absolutely have to get video evidence or manipulate them into sending a text or signing a form or something that will hold up in court?
>give her contract
>she signs it, has sex
>regrets it later
>says she was forced to sign it under duress

>give them just harsh enough conditions
This is key for women and tomatoes. If the conditions are too harsh or they don't have enough of the key nutrients, they don't produce well.

No, it's uggos (both male & female) who aren't getting laid trying to make sure no one else is going to either.

This milf is hurtin for a squirtin!


Thats the thing though, you can emphatically be given consent.Where she is unbuckling your pants to get to your cock.

then turn around the next day and accuse you of rape. Now youre fucked.

> having sex outside of marriage

Barbarians arguing over barbarian rules of engaging in barbarism ?

Just ignore it all desu

wasn't this guy the one who attacked trump at the media comedy night thing?

Aziz is pushy towards females in private which goes against all the feminist bullshit coming out of his mouth. He does it cuz he's a pathetic beta who uses his money/fame for power over a woman. Definitely not a legal thing but definitely a moral issue and clear hypocrisy. The hypocrite doesn't deserve to be thrown in jail but the hypocrite's career is over. Good riddance.

End this. The people who need to be taught what consent is are women. Women are the ones who attach all kinds of unspoken conditions to spreading their legs, women are the ones who have unrealistic expectations when it comes to what sex means, women are the ones who are duplicitous and sneaky when it comes to stating their real intentions, women are the ones who are terrified of earning a reputation as a slut among other women, women are the ones who create all the confusion surrounding sex and the dating game, women are the ones who act like they want it because they want free drinks and free drugs. Women need to be taught consent.

>no bob, or vagene

True examples:
A woman called the police to report that she was raped..... she simply regretted doing it.
A woman contact officials to report that she was raped..... she wasn't, she simply didn't enjoy it as much as she thought she would.
A student tells the principal and police that her teacher was raped..... she was upset about getting a bad grade on her exam. Prior to the truth being revealed the teacher's wife left him and took their son, the school board fired him and he was under investigation. She finally confessed after the teacher's committed suicide.
Just because someone "claims" something happened doesn't mean it actually did.

>she can change her mind at any time and revoke consent
>she can wait 20+ years and say that she was raped
>despite lack of evidence, society will stand with her

You idiots need to realise that the only way to avoid being controlled by sexual assault allegations is to be someone threatening and dominant enough that a woman wouldn't have the courage to try and manipulate you that way.

Dont say I didnt warn you
Looks like jezebel.com
If you want more rage visit theroot. All part of gawker

On the other hand, perhaps this is true.

>In the real world, you don't stick your dick in crazy


No matter how hot they are. Just don't do it.


>offer woman a job
>refuses to sign required paperwork
>rescind job offer
>sues company claiming duress

Rape is a very uncomfortable form of sex, if I start going down on my gf and she is struggling cause she doesnt want it I stop, because it's uncomfortable to fuck that way, in any other case she lets me have my way and enjoys it as well by going along.
The only legit form of rape is for incels who dont realize that sex is soppose to be comfortable and recreational

First of all, a woman should give a hard verbal and physical “no” when she doesn’t want to do something.
That said, when it comes to penetration, you autismo virgins need to chill out on this. If you get to the point you can slam it in she already wants it, so simply don’t give it to her. Tease her with it and don’t put it in. She will beg for it.

Enthusiastic consent achieved. No autistic “do I have your consent to put my penis in your vagina?” required.

>sometimes yes means no

The only people who need to "work out their ideas of consent" are these feminists

When she goes to the bathroom to wipe the stank of her hole in the pregame, turn on the recorder on your phone.


Take the fag-pill and free yourself from the shackles of the inferior gender.

>Hand off, boys! I have to give you permission, first.

I don't understand her point. She said no, and the guy left without having sex or assaulting her according to what she claimed. How did saying 'no' not work in that instance?

What the fuck. A single woman inviting a single guy over for drinks is pretty much 'netflix and chill', and something you should not do if you do not want to send a huge wrong signal. Does she not realize what this implies? Or did she intentionally do this for attention? Also people don't just flip out like that. If she has known him or an significant length of time he would have already shown signs of these personality traits, and the fact that he liked her. I'm sure there are other things that she is conveniently leaving out of this story too. I really doubt the little signs of interest he gave off went over her head, and she obviously enjoyed them to some degree if she invited him over for drinks. Something else happened that turned her off to the idea of sex. Or she simply wanted a night of complete adulation without actually having to put out, which she though she could get since he had been so docile before. So when beta finally bit back, and turned that agitation on her, its his fault of course.

I saw something similar happen to an acquaintance. He was a senior and a big company had been talking to him about a job. He likes this girl and she kept giving him signals, but would always be noncommittal. Finally he invited her over to his place, alone, for movies and drink. She came over in a thin sundress with no undies. Laying her legs across his lap and such, but didn't want sex and acted all put upon when he brought it up. Saying he didn't want to see her anymore, or take her on pseudo-dates (which he always paid for). She flipped and called him a perv, tried to smear him to everyone he knew. A few months later he graduates, gets the job and makes bank. Low and behold she was messaging him about a 'relationship', he just sent her screen shots another friend sent him. The girl had messaged them about her indecision on who to go after, because she didn't know who would get the better job and didn't want to 'tie herself down' to the wrong one.

True in most cases. If they see you as just another bitch they will treat you as such.

>women hate when man ask for things
don t ask for a kiss
Ask for a kiss

Just be yourself man. :^)

also, a lot of times the issue is the guy has no money

>sex contracts
it's called a marriage license

nowadays even in marriage it can still be considered rape

were christians right all along jesus fuck

I always get enthusiastic consent.


Also inbound whiteknight cucks that MGTOW is retarded. The more I look at this shit the more i wona plow plastic doll, Bitches are shit nothing but hoes and tricks.

Remainder that by age 30 1 in 3 women have serious mental problems and just fuck my shit up disorders

The article in the OP isn't from Jezebel, but this is still dumb


Eventually you will break up though, and then she will come after you hard. I've seen many dudes do what you said but after the relationship ended they got raped by the cunts.