

It would be nice if there were to actually happen. Wonder how this will play out. Salt would be amazing.


>asked to consider

I wonder how much their stances will change after actually being surrounded by illegals in prison. It's all fun and games to them when they live in a gated community, but now they'll finally have the chance to prove they aren't full of shit

inb4 nothing


Please everybody, contact DHS through their website to let them know how important this issue is. Submit tips to ICE of any known illegals and those harboring them. Let's make a strong effort to do our part in sending them back. I have been submitting tips to ICE all over California, mostly in restaurants. Maybe someone should even create a STBG (Send them back General).


State leaders can't just fucking opt out of our government's rules whenever they feel like appeasing their illegal constituents.

Lawbreakers have no safe quarter here. Not a border hopper and not some fucking guy that waits 30 years, has a family and then gets sent back.

Refusing to uphold the law = you're a criminal. Does not matter how far up the totem pole you are.


I live in Denver and have said all along I will take the criminal penaltys of dragging out the identity scammer that one of our churches is holding away from ICE.

Yeah, that's the worst part about some of these churches involved with bringing over or hiding immigrants.

Most of them are being brainwashed by visiting Jews to be more multicultural and harbor these criminals, not realizing these heebs are taking advantage of their piety.

Easy solution is to remove tax exempt status from churches found harboring illegals and charge those complicit with the same thing the state leaders get charged with.

I agree they ought to be taxed. The establishment itself should definitely pay a tax but don’t impose a sales tax for the guy donating to the church. Either way you cut it, makes for a great money laundering scheme

I agree with that. The common parishioner should not have to pay for the misdeeds of the corrupt.

States rights tho

Federal law > state law as determined by supreme court, DOJ, and the civil war n shiet.

States dont have rights to violate federal immigration law. Thats some fucking EU shit. States should be left to their own devices until it fucks the rest of th e country.


>EU, Canada, Mexico, and China will invade the US in your lifetime.

Which church? I live in Denver too

States don't set immigration policy. That's one of the few explicit roles of the federal gubmint.

Immigration and border control is in the purview of the federal government.

>a fly just landed on my computer

This is how you stupid fucks think. This isn't a happening. Fuck off.


I cant wait for san fran and shitcongo to go down!!!

Please, Jesus.

About ducking time.

I don't understand how they could possibly be stopped from doing this. It's equivalent to assisting an enemy invasion into an allied nation and your own. These people need to be gassed.

Sup Forums could dime out businesses which use illegals. Those who live in infested areas could gather proofs for posting. That is one activilty which requires no online secrecy because it illegals have to leave a company employing them then that traitor business suffers.

Operation Roundup, anyone?

For example you know a construction company hires illegals. You obtain initial proof and share it with Sup Forums anonymously. Autism does the rest. Data is made public and agency informed of that so not taking action would be embarassing.

Any ideas to make this even more effective? A better name?