When did the snow monkeys become such pussies

Like really?.... Muslim hoax about some man cutting her hijab... this fag justin Norkwadd comes in and starts feeling sorry for the pig fucker...

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I like Justin, hes cool and supports liberal democracy

During the Cold War, when the USSR was able to spread their communist, Marxist propaganda to western countries. Some dumb asses actually bit the bait.

The USSR fell, but the degeneracy in western countries stayed.

To be honest they've always been the biggest pussified fuck faggot, now they are just open about their population displacement plans and it's less palitable

God what a faggot. How can a self-respecting PM let himself be fotographed like this? Holy shit. SCHWULE SAU

at least we don't get nuclear alarms.

even our fucking conservative party is just the liberal party headed by a white dude only saying "we like immigrants" instead of "we LOVE immigrants"
in truth, leaf land is not really a nation, it's just a huge fucking mosaic of different cultures that doesn't form up to a big picture, but rather are just held together by some sort of fucking universal unconditional kindness and a bit of frozen maple syrup

t. the leafs are pussies because if we aren't we then would literally be like a cucked up animal planet's edition of murica

As if Canada has anything worth nuking.

I want to know why you are so jealous of such a glorious and peaceful nation to your north.

t-thank you?

>*saves you from communism*
Only commies and salty Russians hate NATO user

i don't know a single person who likes Turd-doh
the average blue collar leaf would beat up this fag for his lunch money if given a chance

and yet he's going to win in 2019

and confirmed

the mad man Sheer be popping out a new kid every other year with his hot wife
a true chad in comparison to the wimpy ass drama teaching cuck fucking shit up in Ottawa right now

>saves you from communism

Oh, who was it that fought to destroy communism again? Germany, I think? And who did we ally with to demolish those who opposed communism? The fucking communists?

Gas. Good stuff this time.

look at this dopey looking muffin.

We are being led by mentally ill faggots


If Andrew Scheer doesn't win I dont know what I would do. Trudeau will literally import hundreds of terrorists just to win the vote. He does not give a shit he just wants to stay in power.

>actually keeping the white race alive by rapidly reproducing with healthy female of own race

and boom goes fat and greasy liberal virgin baby at the first sight of a real and powerful member of society

Canada will be the first country where liberals will hold permanent power.


Sing along now


This is our best defence

>the average blue collar leaf would beat up this fag for his lunch money if given a chance

this has actually happened

stop this gonorrhoea-tier meme, nigger
Baby Trudeau is a literal copy pasta of his old man, if only you looked into leafy history for once you would've know that all the recent shit is really just 1980s 2.0

fucking hell man

Because Canada is just Reddit the country

america is BLACKED the country


Your country is a meme, no one gets offended by your posts because no one takes you seriously

Haha it's sad but true.

>Oh, who was it that fought to destroy communism again? Germany, I think?
Yeah and you fucking lost. You pretty much helped spread communism when half your country was occupied by the USSR. Only liberalism fought communism and won.

Why would you get offended from that Tyrone?

>Baby Trudeau is a literal copy pasta of his old man

You're right, he is a literal copy of his old man.

Do look up the history of Fidel Castro. Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Joan Trudeau. It's clear that Justin is Margaret and Fidel's kid.

Natives are huge fags but I'll give them a point for this one

He's a Trudeau. It's in his blood to destroy Canada as hard as possible.

>He's a Trudeau. It's in his blood to destroy

Justin Trudeau Height: 6 2
Pierre Trudeau Height: 5 10
Margaret Trudeau Height: 5 6
Fidel Castro Height: 6 2

You think you are pushing buttons, but you are just annoying

>based travis blocks your path



America underwent a soft coup in the 1930's. The commies took over and reshaped the world into a giant slave pen.

The normies are waking up, although if he does win it'll because of (((Toronto)))

But the majority of people are PISSED due to his payment to khadr

You think this is a recent thing? Canada was founded by faggots who didn't want to fight in the American revolution, and since the 60's it has been North America's dumping ground for immigrants who aren't desierable to make it to the US, draft dodgers, and Marxists. It's like a hologram of the US minus free speech and natural gun rights

Trudeau will be voted out. If not then he'll be killed by someone.
Canadians aren't pussies, we're civilized though unlike you wild mutts that live to our south. Even your whites commit proportionally more crimes than our niggers
>be American
>56% white
>get shot
>die a mongrel in a nation of mongrels

Is...is that a fucking yoga mat he’s carrying?!

trudeau is worse than his old man if thats possible. Wish we had reelected Harper

>he'll be killed by someone.
I can't wait.

Today he called a couple of figure skaters "fag bearers". It was awesome brah