So god decides to reincarnate a edgelord salaryman as a orphan girl to teach him humility...

So god decides to reincarnate a edgelord salaryman as a orphan girl to teach him humility. But also makes him the most magically powerful person in the world because...?

To keep him in life or death situations. The premise doesn't make a lot of sense so it's best to just interpret it as god got bored and decided to toy with this guy for as long as he can last.

Because you don't use the search function

It's fun.

You want to keep him in life or death situations? Make him a orphan in Honduras.

That wouldn't make him believe in god. He rejects god because god couldn't call himself god if he made such a shitty inefficient world. God gets pissed at him and throws him into an even shittier inefficient world.

Actually I'm pretty sure his reasoning was that people didn't need god anymore because the world was too efficient. Technology and consumerism had replaced the need for god, at least in the first world.

An orphan in a third world country would probably be religious af.

The author just wanted to get the isekai audience, lolicons and fantasy fags to read his book, while still writing about a subject that interests him.

that was the gist of his argument till he added that line about what kind of god would allow this? I honestly don't know why he/they needed to add that it was perfect, even without god there is a thing called cause and effect. not saying its his fault that he died but maybe not stand so close to the yellow line.

if you met god how would you know it was him? nigger

That magic depends on proselytzing for that god. It doesn't matter how he actually feels, he's expecting that humiliation and inherent dependence will break him. Pragmatic in a way.

was it symbolism that he decided to appear as a nutcracker?

Well, he definitely lost his balls


check out some commentary from the LN author. he originally wanted to write an AU set in WW1 & WW2 but in order for it to sell he was forced to shoe horn things like isekai and lolis into it.

That's rough.

Such is the industry.


Its not really god. Tanya is right. It somesort of magical being that she will end up killing.

This is amazing.

Where? He said he want to write about a loli (mahou youjo) in a desperate war in the WN prologue, with a note that it's a Libertarian salaryman inside the loli.

This is awful.