Elf-san wa Yaserarenai

Things got kinda weird.
It's nice that all five girls hang out together though.

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Its such a bitch to rip the pages from the site

>chubby alfar

Is ef girl getting jealous ?

dump plz

Ningen started petting the girl in full dog form and all of a sudden she becomes a girl.
Erufuda is just weirded out.

At this point I'm starting to think you are tsundere for this series.

>oni returns
Fuck yes.

i'm thinking he's autistic

Yeah, it's quite disgusting

Where did you find the raws?

they probably scan it themselves

It's a webmanga, user.
Just go to the page and make a screenshot.

Couldn't you just right click on the image and save the image itself?

No. You can't. They thought of that.

>open in chromium
>find actual image in cache

They thought of that too.

They literally can't stop you from inspecting the page and finding the actual image shown on screen.

Would SOMEONE dump this, please

Try, user.

They aren't being assholes and splitting the image into some tiny chunks, are they?

They are.

Love this manga. Love me some chubby girls. Not overly fat, but not too skinny. Just right.

I like fat girls and I'm kinda sad Meth is neglecting his roots.


oh man that design is pure shit

stop introducing more girls

She is cute.

All girls are cute

Any other manga with adorable elves w/ romance?

dungeon meshi has elves, but not much romance

That's okay. Any other series, friend?


Things got far, far worse than weird.

Spoiler warning-SNOUT!

Those tits tho.

>Chapter went full furry by the end


the age of furry is upon us

You think mc and the boss fugged in that mix bath chapters ago?



I'll have to wait for a translation to decide.

>thin elf

my god


Weak chapter.

Did she wet herself from happiness

Literal monsters

who could love a face like this?

same thing

What a glorious time to be alive


Go away, furry. Shoo!



He went wild with this one.

bump nigga

We finally got the true sucessor from monster musume

Think of your favorite fap fetish besides chubby

Meth has now made a new chapter focusing on this fetish and adding thick to it

How improved is your fetish?

My combo fetish that never fails to get me hard is mind control + ara ara older women

Fuck you. Chubby is love, Chubby is life.

We did indeed. Even with Polt, Okayado never dared to go full snout, and now Meth has forever beaten him to it.

>add spoiler

I've already seen that countless times and enjoyed it every time, but nothing new.

This character of the chapter thing should stop, he should stop introducing new girls and focus on the ones there are already

The only kind I like.

>Favorite fetish
Either traps or slob (hairy,smelly,etc.)
The latter usually also has the girl being fat so nothing changes. The former would be great. I've seen one chubby trap doujin and loved it.


Why do the scanlators for this series upscale (and before downscale)? Raw resolution is 1146x1650, unless they somehow have access to higher quality.

>All these furries
Why are you subhumans alive?


Not a penis I can assure you.

So is this manga worth reading.

>literally YIFF IN HELL
Dropped with the speed of light.

Not anymore.

user, it's just one chapter.


How much do you like THICCness?

Considering i'm dating a thick girl. A lot.

Oh no. A manga has a furry character. IT'S DONE!!! /s

Go read bato.to/comic/_/comics/murenase-shiiton-gakuen-r19104

At least post the superior furry comic.

Then it's right up your alley.
It's nothing but fantasy girls suffering from THICC-related "problems" and the MC helping them.

I don't know how to feel about this.



>tall girls
Why yes, I would like another Oni chapter

Any scanlators want help getting the raws instead of upscaling everything? I have a userscript that will produce the exact size images so you can printscreen them as true raws. Unfortunately I can't extract them directly because the canvas is tainted.

Not a scanlator (sorry) but how many chapters are we behind??

One chapter, this one.
The guy doing it pretty much scanlates it less than a week later and the manga is monthly so things are pretty quick.
Ask on Batoto, I think he uploads there first.

Get down with the Thiccness.

I'm totally down with the thiccness, not so sure about the last pages of this chapter.

>monster of the week

I hope it stops. We have a good cast right now.


The thing now seems to be half interactions betwen the different past girls and half introduction of new girl.

>Kemono has been part of Manga and Anime for a long time being inspired from Disney and just add to the fantasy element. (Re:Zero had them as background characters)
>Its wrong to have them now because of sick freaks.
Why are people retarded now? Did I die and go to another world?

Oh yes

>Did I die and go to another world?
Boy would that be the lousiest Isekai ever.
>user, you died and reincarnated in a world exactly like yours, but people overreact to everything and whine a lot.


A girl even beefier and THICCER than the oni?

Sign me the fuck up.

skinny girls get fat

so they all make a thin human friend who gets fat thanks to them



she's a werewolf you dumb fuck
