Really makes you think. Tell me again, Sup Forums, why do you hate communism?

Really makes you think. Tell me again, Sup Forums, why do you hate communism?

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Capitalism has failed the world.


>starvation is cool the tweet

I don't hate commies, they become the best National Socialists


Just because we communists don't eat shit like your hair fuerrer doesn't mean we starve.

Oh look a literal nazi.


Semen and heroin alone isn't enough m8..

>argument from authority fallacy

The state of leftists right now.

it goes against natural law

Communism is the compulsory redistribution of wealth and property.
I care about poor people and donate time and money in my nice capitalistic society, without being forced to be poor myself at gun point.

Geeze I don't know. Probably the same reason I dislike the taste of bleach? You should give it a try though.

Yes, we know commies don't eat shit

>mmmm. baloney on saw dust sure is yummy.
>it pairs rather well with my glass of poorly treated water because the workers at the water-treatment plant were lined up and shot.
>at least I can go to my doctor... wait, no they all fled this shit hole and went to a nice place where they would be compensated appropriately.

>strawmanning this hard
If you're going to post in my thread, at least bring some facts and logic.

Fact: being a doctor is hard and I want to be paid appropriately.

Fact: If I get paid the same as a janitor I'm going to build a balloon out of garbage to go somewhere where I get paid more than a janitor.

Take note, this goes beyond base politics, this is a religious calling. They actually believe their politicking is not politicking, it's a morality issue about the poor and minorities. It isn't a hegemonic economic dictatorship built on the enslavement of the population to the benefit of a few. History showing this as the end result of communism time and time again doesn't matter because none of that was -real- communism.

>becoming a doctor to get paid
I seriously wouldn't want you as a doctor PERIOD. If you don't care about patients and your job then fuck off. I'd much rather have someone that truly cares about making a difference and healing than you.

>voting for the government to literally steal money from another person so you don't have to work 40 hours a week is 'caring about the poor'


I'm literally the top man in my field. I probably wouldn't take you as a patient.

i don't understand the point of that comic

wait this communist isnt starving pack up guys lets go home

There's nothing to it. They don't care about the poor. They never have. If they did, they would help those around them with charity instead of roleplaying. They don't care about the poor, they just hate those with more than them. Children.

That balloon made of garbage is the perfect parable for communism. How people would rather go through the uncertainty of making a balloon out of actual garbage, and hoping the winds take you somewhere other than where communism is.

Oh shit, it's mangled-hand magic man

do you also make snarky little quips and look like an ayy lmao?

>he says while hoping for the immigration lottery to take him away from his communist nightmare

I woke up, drove to work, saved three lives, and am now taking lunch. I have to get back to work soon.

Not our poor on our streets from our culture. No those people are white so they dont matter.

Thank God having appropriate "care" levels justifies terrible decisions

Whites have every privilege and opportunity known to man. If they can't cut it in this society, then it's 100% their fault. I may be a marxist, but I don't pity those with so many advantages that fail.

But we didn't have enough babies so we need the robots.

I'm hungry skeleton enough as it is. I don't need a cocksucker commie to take what food I do have.

>caring about the poor
'about' is not 'for'. these guys don't want to do the work, they just want the things they think to be taken care of both other people.

Faggot that it is
Like penis in mouth
Drinks the jizz
Asks for more
Kill your self
You are a faggot and your mother is a whore.

I see propaganda campaigns have done their job.

wow the left really can't meme. kys faggot


>I may want to slit all your throats and gulag your families, but at least I CARE

Communism isn't about helping the poor, it's about giving all the power to a bunch of tyrannical oligarchs that will fuck up the country with concentration camps and gulags for anyone who doesn't disagree with communism. The first thing that will happen in a communist USA is all these communist proponents will get lined up and killed.

You sound like you're 15

doesn't agree*

>we communists

> it's about giving all the power to a bunch of tyrannical oligarchs that will fuck up the country
1. Shit that never happened
2. USA doesn't need help with that :^)

You're hoplessly brainwashed my friend.

Pathological altruism to the extent it harms your own countrymen (i.e. your friends, family, neighbors) and desecrates the sacrifices of your ancestors is a fucking mental illness.

It's not about not caring about the poor. When virtues come into conflict, it's because one of them is not being thought about in the right way. There are plenty of poor here, and we're committing suicide by importing more and giving people fish instead of teaching them how to fish.

This is why I'm pro-colonialism

So caring about the poor automatically makes you a communist?

Fuck off troll.

Go eat donald trump's cock for dinner kiddo. Fuck capitalism. Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals thus I'm not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.

What a loser from a loser country

nice inferiority complex

>can't answer a simple question
>call yourself a communist but use democrat flag even though democrats have had their hands trying to overthrow socialist states.
At least use your real flag, faggot or answer my question

>he fell for the ""commies care about people" meme
That plague of an ideaology has always been a self serving one. Funny how "caring about the poor" strictly refers to the poor minority voting block they can lock into advancing their own agenda, and i doubt the ghetto is in need of barristas and womans history majors. If they truly cared about the poor they would volunteer their own time a resources to uplift those they see as oppressed, instead they fight for big daddy govt. to take money from those that have to provide themselves with free services. Guess "trickle down" works when it starts with middle class suburban white kids, ever wonder why you dont see ghetto niggers and appalachian hillbillies at commie marches?

>The poor
lol, not even. It's those who are able bodied and still demand welfare that we hate

Get in the helicopter

They care so much about poor people they'd gladly kill every poor conservative that doesn't want communism

Identity politics leads to genocide

>caring about the poor
odd way to spell debt slavery

>teaching sheep to fall for the poor meme
Morons. You don't incentivize failure, holy shit.

Only socialists and capitalists require debt, communism is direct dependency through force. no permit, no food.



all fucking commies must fucking hang
>in all fields

I like to own my house and car.

>brainwashed into caring about the poor

Sounds like a dirty Christian.

Can we go straight to the impassioned rant about how we don't want krauts in our fucking country, and everyone who supports them needs to be gassed too?

equity is communism

weak bait.

oh no people have non communist ideas that must because they are fooled by capitalists that run their brains from within. i cant wait until my revolution comes and we will teach everyone (without using propaganda ofc) why theyre idiots and communism is the only way

You're mixing up equality and equity, fucking leaf.



They only care about the poor when it's non whites. In the words of Marxists' hero Bernie Cuck Sanders, "white people dont know what its like to be poor".

no, I'm not you fucking retard. equity is equality of outcome. that's communism.

Why should I care about anyone besides,my blood relatives? Logically speaking of course, my family should always be my prioriry because they are my bloodline.

hope this is b8

Because communism is a lie, and the whole communism vs. capitalism thing is a false dialectic between two complementary Jew-dominated internationalist forces that are ideologically and politically aligned and have been since the early 20th century.
>b-but muh cold war
The Cold War was fucking kabuki theater, wake the fuck up.

This picture could actually be described as free-market vs socialism.

In the free-market you can get boxes to stand on.

In socialism you chop the others down.

you're aware soviet and nazi germany shared their hatred of jews right?

Because unless you're Jewish you're an idiot for supporting it.

This is coming from an actual Jew. You oppressed us forever in Europe, we thought of a doctrine that would be able to convince 'the cattle' aka, the retards, that they were oppressed and should have a revolution to put us in power. It worked.

I'm Ukrainian and my family came to the US to flee the gommunists

Soviets were fucking Jews.
>inb4 muh Stalin was an anti-Semite
Stalin's purges took the upper echelon of the politburo from over 90% down to over 70% Jew, wow, so anti-Semitic.
>You oppressed us
Awww, not letting your tribe parasite off or subvert our societies, how fucking oppressive!

>ITT: When your a pre-teen American and don't understand how the world works

Communists love the poor so much they want everyone to be poor

Thats why you get stuck with bad underpaid doctors in your communist shithole

Ah yes, Marxists. They care so much about the poor that they always ensure they have ever more company!

Marxism should be illegal.

>outlaw ideas because you know Marxism works
Hitler much?

>Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals
Which is to say it is, like religion (in Marx's view), a distraction from the way things really are?

>caring about the poor
They regularly speak of killing off rednecks, hicks, white trash, racists, rural and suburban retards, etc. They're just anti-white. Marxism was always about enslaving or destroying Western Civilization and its people, Europeans.

Your dumd system will never work so stop shilling it

They do that 100% of the time, too. The entirety of their political beliefs comes from blind trust in Jewish/Marxist authority figures.

and a blanket statement. Pathetic.

FUCK poor people

and im a poorfag

After reading the first line my reaction was "hurr durr" because they're so stupid that they don't understand what any of that means; then I glanced at that last line and I really just want to kill these people so fucking badly.

*hating the rich

I remember being 15 too.

Ironically when I attempted to join some socialist causes at university I found myself to be the only one from an actual poor background. I very much got the impression your average socialist looks at poor people the way one would look at a child, with a "we know best" attitude.

For all their platitudes about equality I never got the impression once they regarded the poor as equal, but as retards to patronise with scraps from their table.

Nothing cures socialism like spending time with socialists.

i would support poor people if they weren't trying to make laws to take my money away.
fuck every poor man on planet, hopefully natural selection takes care of you.

>helping the poor

ahahahahhahhahahaha good try

strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)

Barter System between nations no central bank
The best for the Job gets the Job (yes even Jews in many instances)
Everyone is equal under the state to flourish
Communism outlawed
authoritarian rule

Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock

Heil The Aesir, Heil Hitler!