I am a partially (mainly) white American, suffering from long term depression, disabling car accident injuries...

I am a partially (mainly) white American, suffering from long term depression, disabling car accident injuries, and diabetes. My daughter has type 1 diabetes and I have trouble seeing her because of the American family court system. I made a mistake and gathered a lot of debt by becoming a lawyer - over $100,000. I cannot pay my bills, and generally, I am a burden on society.
I have decided to kill myself after a lifetime of depression by a nitrous hood at home or a gunshot in a public location (national landmark) with a note that I hope helps anyone who notices, even if the law prevents the media from sharing it, mostly.
My question is whether there is anything to do before or while dying to give back. Sup Forums is the only place I know in the world where there is occasionally true pure truth.
I waited for a long time trying to turn things around. I encourage others to do the same. Hoping others achieve more.

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>suffering from long term depression
that doesn't exist
get your attitude right first, then you can take everything else

Attention whore. Have your (you) faggot.

>gunshot in a public location
Don't be an asshole no one needs to see your decaying corpse as they take their family hiking. Also suicide is just about the most selfish thing you can do. Man up, there are plenty much worse off than you and they make it through day by day. Get out of your own prison you've made for yourself and quit the pity party. We have bigger things in front of us user

op i have been talking trash about russia i did not know usa is in te same position

Of course.
And what better to do with an attention whore but remove him from the earth?

Yes, watch this video. It will help you.


> My daughter has type 1 diabetes and I have trouble seeing her because of the American family court system.
>a note that I hope helps anyone

Help your daughter first and foremost, you cuck - if not delicious copy pasta.

I understand, user. I'm sorry.

I think you should go be helpful and do the dangerous things that people are hesitant to do. Suicidal tasks that the government or people can't really ethically ask of another person, even inmates.

Like helping Fukushima (yeah I know) or somewhere else deserving by doing hazardous waste cleanup, digging up landmines, etc. Anything else USEFUL. VERY USEFUL. You might as well spend the last moments of your life doing extremely important, self-sacrificing things for the generations to come. It will feel nice, and your loved ones left behind will be better able to cope with your loss.

That's what I always planned to do if I ever got to this point in my life.

i hope this is larping, because your idea is garbage.
you want attention, sure. and suicide will definitely end YOUR problems.
but what about your daughter? she'll know you as a gutless coward that gave up rather then try to be there. hell, she may even blame herself for your death and her diabetes.
i know how she may feel, i have type 1 as well.
so you'd be ruining your daughter's life, but how about the people that see your public suicide? i can't speak for everyone, but i think seeing some asshole blow his brains out in front of me (or the post suicide body) would ruin my day/week/month/year...
so you get to ruin your daughter's life, and fuck up some random person's (people's) lives.
look at you, you hunk of shit. instead of doing the LEAST amount of work and move forward you want to ruin a bunch of peoples lives, including your daughter, who have done nothing to you while you feel absolutely no effect.
don't be an asshole.

I've thought about it for decades. Occasionally suicides change the world, like the Buddhist monk who self-immolated in the Vietnam war or the Tunisian fruit vendor whose similar actions did the same prompting the Arab Spring. There are other examples I looked up, and people who attempted to make changes, but failed, such as the person who shot himself on the Capitol steps a few years ago. Sometimes you have to work with what you have, and this is all I can do.

>kill myself
Sounds like bad odds.
No true/pol/ack would do that anyway.
Depression is temporarily. Suicide is permanent. Think of your daughter for fuck sake. If her father kills himself she will go through the same depression as you did. Why would you bring that on her?
Your depression is caused by society, not yourself. The only cure is to man the fuck up. Find a mirror and hit yourself on the chest or do a nazi salute or some shit.

Suicide is bluepilled.

Sometimes experiences are uncomfortable redpills. Public suicide would be nothing but that.
I've been trying to live for my mother and daughter. But if I'm truly a piece of shit, living doesn't really contribute to their life. I should have killed myself before she was born, or before she attached, but I fell for propaganda regarding life getting better.


But he found purpose in his life, faggot. Do what you will.

Shut up, this is just the price of grade A American freedom! Our troops didn't die for you to bitch while you live in the world's most amazing country. ACCEPT IT OR GET OUT

I never claimed not to be a failure.

I am leaving. Duh.

KYSing yourself will utterly destroy your daughter, and she will have severe mental issues even if she's too young to know now.

If you go through with this, you do not and have never loved your daughter.

T. My daddy KYS

Dont do it user. But if you do it on live TV in front of today show or something with a window. Write a manifesto first indicting the family court system and the scam of higher education prices don't get to POLy or it will be written off that your just crazy. Bring a sign that says something like I love you hoda but bring a piece of paper with large qr code that links to your manifesto. Glue the paper to back of your sign and hold it up right before you kill yourself.

Suffer bitch. While knowing we have money and have sex with plenty beautiful shiksa women. Living the good life while you stay at home in pain and depressed.
Your post made my day. Thank You!

Try and kill some of the leftist politicians that ruined your life make sure not to kill innocents and leave a manifesto.

OP, you should apply to art school.


dude. Don't fucking kill yourself in one go. That causes pain and panic and anguish. If you've decided life is practically not worth living, just do the responsible thing and drink yourself to death slowly.

Then, at least you can always change your mind later or get a stroke or be ready if your life circumstances change by good luck or higher power.

Sure, the demographics of our country are fucked up. Sure minorities and liberals have nearly brought down western civilization. But its always possible that a new Hitler rises or God intervenes or the AI that they create turns on (((them))) or some crazy happening comes down that you don't want to miss.

So join me in putting myself out of my misery slowly with alcohol. It can be surprisingly fun.

> daughter has type 1
So, you and your daughter are fat?

Suck it up faggot. I've had my share of thoughts about suck starting a shotgun, but it would destroy my family in ways I can't begin to comprehend. Pick yourself up and make yourself useful. Want a happy life? Want fulfillment? Make the first step.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

>Also suicide is just about the most selfish thing you can do.
I would say pressuring someone who wants to die into living would be more selfish. Its a lot easier to get over your father you never see dying than it is continue living a life of despair.


Write a note that tells your entire family to NOT racemixing, and to spread the word of American white nationalism

But everything changes if you give it time and a try. Tomorrow will not be like today. It is impossible. So you are an attorney. Why not lend your expertise to the impoverished, downtrodden, elderly, and especially the disabled. You have loan forgiveness after 10 years.
These are your challenges in life. Don't shrink from them. Get yourself in vitamin mineral order quickly, join a group and participate, give your talents a try and stop thinking of your expertise as just a debt.
Hang on minute by minute and help someone who is suffering more than you. There is purpose.

First you have to try what death may be like. Do you want to do something? Don't do it. Don't do anything. Resting or lying neither. Get in a room, close the curtains, so it is absolutely dark, and wait for the sweet freedom given by death.

If you want to leave your daughter traumatised and then practically force her to be a degenerate, then this is the only way out that you can have.

Type 1 diabetes is hereditary you fucking idiot

good post