Let's say war breaks out between NATO and Russia, how the fuck will Western soyboys fight Russians?

Let's say war breaks out between NATO and Russia, how the fuck will Western soyboys fight Russians?
Are they hoping to use Eastern Europeans?
Because I can't imagine some British or German sissy facing an artillery barrage.

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>Let's say war breaks out between NATO and Russia
let the politicos fight it. no more brother wars


no, thanks


Russia will win, but the frontlines will be more east than you think. They will be in west Ukraine and east Polen. No great blitz towards Central Europe from Russia.


Would you rather Arabs or pollacks be your brothers? Exactly. Same goes for those Russian hating polish people.

None. Why would we even need to have some brothers, esp. slavic?


Fuck off, churka. No. More. Brother. Wars.

I'll fight them only with my cock

>Western soyboys fight Russians
You are fucking retarded, 50% of canadians still are country boys and it is the same with the US. A lot of us spent time in Afgan while you were playing COD

Dont be so irritated, Egor. Anyway, it's not up to you to decide if there will be or not brother wars.

Russians are manlets and Russia is majority female. Slide thread saged

Yeah no, the only reason Russia would ever go to war with NATO is if NATO triggers it, as they did in the past (trying to annex Ukraine and Georgia). I'm not dying for the Burgerjew.

>Yes goyim, let whites kill each other while chinks and muslims take over the world. You have no control over your life anyway
Ok, Rabinovich

Nato isn't just one country mate, its a shitload of countries.

and yes, it ain't perfect but is has been well established Nato would shit all over the Russians in conflict.

>chinks and muslims take over the world

Pure cancer.

You should spend less time on Sup Forums. It negatevly affects your mental health.

Wow, you must be real fun at parties

What did you want to hear?
>Suka blyad, our glorious bear riding troops led by generalissimus Zhirinovsky have just entered Lisabon. We rule Europe, comrade. Borscht for everyone!

>coldest weather in US: 19F
>coldest weather in Canada: -7F

>coldest in Russia: -68F

You can't fight in this country.

>western soyboys fighting ruskie memesoldiers

That would be the cripple fight of the century. The soyboys don't want to fight (this is not COD, after all), the ruskies can't fight even if they want (because crocodile and aids are rotting them away), so everyone will just shoot missiles at each other while screeching autistically.

Sadly, the eastern europeans want and can fight, but I doubt they will bother and just let the chinks march into Moscow to give a middle finger to all.

No more wars between whites

>the russian military

I like the cold, I want to move to russia

god bless the russian federation!

>Nato would shit all over the Russians in conflict.
You mean the US, they have the force projection, thousands of cruise missiles and heavy bombers, ffs I think they still have ~200 of pic related in action. No one stands a chance if the burgers go full on chimp out

Whats it like being mentally ill

No, Binkov is comparing just numbers. Even retards should understand that fullscale NATO operation would be logistical nightmare - dozens of different types of vehicles, unable to find spare parts from same types of machines. Also, NATO never tried large scale joint drills with all military branches.
It would be same shit as Axis and Romania military relations in WW2.

Sure we would whine a lot more than the Eastern Europeans but we would fight just as hard. Do not forget that war is equally terrifying for all and that boys turn into men during wars.

>Implying that Americans will fight in this war

>Lets say we nuke Russia. How will they respond.

With a urine stain on their pants

>>coldest weather in Canada: -7F
-21C is tee-shirt weather here, are you retarded?

>being this fucking brainwashed by a Stalin apologist war lord

How about Putin carves out half of Siberia for the new white ethnostate?
Watch it fill with the highest skilled and smartest humans on Earth with the strongest militia on Earth.
If Russia founds the first white ethnostate it will be the worlds superpower. Simple as that.
Just white. Not Jew, not arabic, not black, not chink.

Well America has lot of bases that contain a wide assortment of aircraft who's sole purposes are to kill bad people and break everything they own.

Just imagine America's Air Force Bases throughout Germany and UK all aiming at Russia.

That's not including America's Navy which is the worlds second largest Air Force that can be anywhere in the world as well as France and UK who have a semi-competent Air Force in comparison to USA.

Russians wouldn't stand a chance against US Air Power. They'd ragequit and throw nukes or do some other sneaky shit.

Russia can't fight a world war. Their economy is smaller than Italy.

There's nothing to fight for in Russia, only a fucking retard would send ground troops into a frozen shithole. You get bombed.

Also, stop getting your weather reports from the Kremlin.

Britain has the toughest soldiers on earth you stupid meme flag faggot

I'm fun when my dick's in your mom.

If this Happens I will fight for Russia. NATO has done nothing but cause trouble everywhere it has fought in.

meme flag. It was obvious

Wars aren't won by armies nowadays.

russia is god tier


шлюхa eюaнaя, нaвepнo и зa хoхлoв в нoвopocии тoпил

comfy ushanka comrade
got one too
good for -30c

Pirvyet Cyka


Иди в жoпy

no honor for a traitor, but what to expect from the le56%

warsaw is a legal part of russia as well as helsinki, they need to be back

I'll come and smack your shitskinned face around if you want.

Keep dreaming on it, Ivan

i just don't understand why putin just don't make a tank rush to take the rebel provinces of baltics and ukraine where are millions of discriminated russians, Nato will not do anything

It sure is. Too bad Russia doesn't exist anymore. It died on the shores of Vladivostok on 1922.

If war breaks out anywhere I'm storming the kikes here at home and hanging them in the streets.

with no axis at your side you will be occupied, lol, btw you need to obey your tzars, the statues are still there in helsingforce

we should restore it and also denaunce soviet agreements and borders

this lmao

>Implying we even need to go to your frozen shithole to anihilate you
All that needs to happen is our kikes signing a contract with the sand niggers to flood $10 per barrel oil onto the market...

We already tried that, it didn't work.

Sure, just stop crying about "Russian discrimination in the Baltics". It doesn't exist.

if this starts putin will have nothing to loose, enjoy your time in gas chamber, fag

not in lithuania

Eventually yes, but not without a cost

>non conscription country problems

but it did.

>mfw it's the 16th of March
>mfw no face


In Russia obviously

nowhere. Except in russia.

Kek... ok... send your 5 or 6 diesel battle ships but don’t forget the tug boats.

what goes on the 17th?

>coldest weather in US 19F

Lay off the crokodil Yvgeni

I have no interest in fighting the good Christian people of Russia.

I think you broke Venezeula instead. Oh well, they had it coming.

we never cared of losses, but this time there will be no commie chivaulery towards civilians, no need to get sympathies of future finnish soviet republic

Trade soy-based alcohols for Russian women

google non-citizens in latvia and estonia

Sorry I misunderstood you.

no need for fleet to occupy landmarks

Nobody is going to fight the Russians LMAO. What would be the reason for fighting - they don't have faggot parades? Motherfucker I'm waiting for them to invade, we need help.

lmao fuck those ungrateful bitches, they are as scum as mexican shitskin illegals in America - but white.

The only war I am fighting is against kikes, niggers and arabs. I would never take up arms against other Whites. We are all in this together. Only exception is to kill commies, but the Russians are not commies anymore.

see, day of rope soon, degenerate

Eh, they can become citizens pretty easily.

Russia’s economy won’t last under $40 per barrel for a sustained period

>Pozload-flag getting triggered in every thread involving Russia
Feels good man

Wouldn't russia be doing them a favor?
Why fight what you need?

yes, yes, but too bad they will live in your houses while you will travel to goolag, stupid balt

sweede refuses to fight for his country, you don;t deserve a state, lol

Nice digits, Sergei... but your numbers won’t save you when your only chance of survival would be to send your wives to us and prostitute for remittances...

why should they learn language of countries which appeared after they moved there, i denanuce it

The real question is. Who will win.
Mohammad or russian?

Why would I fight for a regime that wants to replace me with subhumans. You are as dumb as the Russians who fought for the bolshevik kikes.

No one moved to the Baltic States. They were sent there to work.

i hope so, then putin needs to make a WAR to blame the economical downturn, we will get the spoils, all the fags would be sent to oven and their assets nationalised

you underestimate humans if you think its that easy

Society in Russia abandons its current civil order and reorganizes into a military-militia society; burgers split into police-militant oriented individuals and soyboynation; europe will die from hunger.

>no more brother wars


No more brother wars

if you were a real man, you would force the regime to stop this policies, sissy

btw i admire lots of bolshevik wins, but this mask for russian imperialism is obsolete for now

>Mohammad or russian
Mohammad got owned last time

Russians aren't white tho