Just deal with it, you guys are racist idiots and cant even compete with the allegedly "uneducated migrants"

Just deal with it, you guys are racist idiots and cant even compete with the allegedly "uneducated migrants"

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be Switzerland
>Have apprenticeship program
>3/5ths of young swiss do that instead of university
>now know 3/5ths of Switzerland is morons
>wealthiest real nation on earth
>highest living standard
>longest male life span
>happiest nation on earth
>none of that matters any more
>commit suicide because EdgarOftheMoors BTFO me


The problem is that they devalue lower intelligence work driving the wage for it down as they are willing to work for less. Plenty even work for under minimum wage which gives actually citizens 0 chance of employment as they cost more.

Most don't want to take two years of gen eds that are irrelevant to their field of choice.

I'd bet my entire life savings "Edgar of the Moors" has no fucking clue who the Moors even were

In their defence, they don't believe in genetics and iq, they believe in the environment

So in their mind college is for everybody because college is what makes you smart

Accepting a leftists presumed premise means you already lost the argument in their mind

The left honestly believe all immigrants want to come here to clean rich peoples toilets. Like they lay in bed at night dreaming about coming here to mow peoples lawns. I think its funny

>Why don't you go to college and then work minimum wage instead of working minimum wage to begin with

only a moron would want to have a career in landscaping or construction

..and you're going to die miserable, regretting your entire life. Get over yourself, cunt.

So the end goal is for immigrants to be slave labor that does all the hard work while the white people get all the comfy office jobs? That's sounds pretty anti egalitarian and racist to me

>insert uneducated joke
>insert virgin joke
>insert small dick joke
muh raycist

"Racists" - skin color - illegal immigrants.

Something doesn' t add up, there.

To be honest, if all you can make as an adult is minimum wage you are retarded. I literally never made only min wage, even when I was 14 I was paid slightly above.

>depressing wages and importing 3rd world cheap labour so porky can make even more capital

Libshit larping as a commie thread no. 7473
Fucking kill yourself neolib scum

Illegal alien isn't a race. Op is the moron.

>Bourgeoise neoliberal shithead brags and its ecstatic about wealth inequality in his own nation

And these faggots wonder why poor whites don't vote for them and their faggy pro-migrant policies, they treat working whites like subhuman shit and then wonder why these dont like them.

He's legit retarded.

>Hurr, let's over-saturate degrees to the point of worthlessness and burden everyone with student death.

At this point once you're informed you'd have to be off your dial to go to American university.
The debt is absolutely insane and fucks up your prospects fast if you don't have a job related to it that pays well straight after leaving.
Why not go into trade school or something like that and you'll be earning a whole lot more when you get out?

Those jobs also do require you to not be a fucking moron if you want to be good at them and have a decent reputation.

Also, since when the fuck did *communists* start supporting neoliberal/neocon bullshit? That's like the opposite of basically every principal of communism.

Why do leftist never understand how labor supply and demand works? It doesn't matter if you're not directly competing with illegals or H1-B Pajeets, they don't even have to be taking our jerbs, them just being here as potential labor bloats the labor supply and when the supply of anything, including labor, is much greater than the deman, then the price of said thing goes down.
Not only does the presence of these invaders stagnate and erode wages, but their consumption increases aggregate demand without increasing supply, so the costs of all other goods and services rise. Additionally,, the consumption of the invader class is largely subsidized by tax payers, so the tax burden is increased, too.
If you support policies which lower the wages of domestic labor, raise prices of goods and services across the board, and increases the tax burden, then you're a neoliberal globalist capitalist, no matter how many "nazis" you punch or Che shirts you wear.


Why are young people abandoning college education so much?
Even here people are starting to prefer some other shit or start working right away straight out of school just like in the old days.

Fuck off, Edgardo.

I wonder how much student debt that fucking retard has.

Most poor families can't afford to send their children to college.
Majority of college students come from upper class families and they still get retarded ass degrees like liberal arts.

T. Brianna Wu

I was going to make a snarky comment but /thread.

Your right I was unable to compete against uneducated somali immigrants that raped my daughter in the alley behind the Red Carpet because I was at home asleep.

>"education" meaning anything after you twats have so thoroughly corrupted the process

>get college degree
>have to start from scratch like everyone else
>refuse to take lower pay because debts are expensive
>eventually settle for job
>spend lifetime paying back debt
>don't go to college
>start from scratch like everyone else
>start at reasonable wage because no debt
>in 4 years worked your way up the chain
>college boy solicits for your former function
>refuse to pay him what's effectively your current wage
>hire people who didn't go to college because they're cheaper and eager to learn instead of "knowing it all"

Yeah, who's the mug now?

Are you calling the poor wetbacks morons? Well you could be right, but you're also racist too I guess... as well as a moron yourself for not realizing your hypocrisy.

If you increase the supply of uneducated workers in a country, the demand for them goes down. If the demand goes down, the price of labor goes down. This is economics 101

If an illegal immigrant takes a low cost job in America, naturally it would be in place of someone downtrodden by society. So by artificially flooding the market with a constant stream of low cost workers, big corporations are not only taking advantage of illegals, they are also keeping wages low for the downtrodden of American society.

I would think that with a communist flag you would care about the poorest workers in America getting livable wages, but instead you want to blame the victims rather than address the problem OP. You're a disgrace to proletariat everywhere

Liberals get the oven too.

If we have plenty of morons who are out of work why do we need to import more morons then?

Honestly talking nazbol party when?

"Racists" didn't say they were competing in the uneducated labor market. College has nothing to do with intelligence, anymore.

That survey is retarded. It says they asked people to rate how happy they are or whatever, but then the metric includes objective measures like GDP and life expectancy, so they're fucking liars.

It's ok for blacks to behave like savages because ahjhh they're uneducated. But the mere idea that whites can be thick but still need work is unthinkable

Did Edgar just call immigrants morons ?

>implying that college creates "educated" people

>Why are young people abandoning college education so much?

Enrolment rates have been at their highest since the history of education for the last 50 years.
We're going to see a correction.

But the illegals outcompete the blacks and pretty much only blacks

A buddy of mine is 31 and loaded after starting a landscaping company back when we were 16. He's a hard worker and gets paid cash, so he gets to stash away more than he reports. I think he has 3 crews now in our area.

>that's right drumpfies, you're all morons, just like those stupid fucking beaners :^)

so tolerant

Not a single African nation on that list. Strange.

That’s funny because anyone that advocates for communism implicitly admits they can’t compete in the free market.

Why would a racist use the argument that illegals are a drain on the workforce? Are they pretending that's their real reasoning? Surely they are against legal immigrants of different races too

>this just in; Communists care more about winning than actually upholding their ideals

More at 5EST

>Bourgeoise neoliberal

I'm going to start using this term more often to refer to these people, it sums them up fairly, quickly and not entirely insultingly because that *is* what they are whether they believe it or not and as the other user said, saying "durr fuck nabzis! :D" doesn't change that at all.

I might even just shorten it to "neoliberal".

Pay my student loans and black mail. Then we'll talk about morons.
>"B-But if you get git grades the joo will pay off your loans(Crying wojack face)."

The oversupply of the immigrant labor even helped to prop up lousy businesses in California that depended on them to pick their fruits for next to nothing while living in dilapidated housing.

Now that grape farms are having to pay better we're seeing greater efficiency in farming as they're using tractors that do the picking rather than having people do it by hand. And those tractors are even being driven by people that aren't forced to live in rat infested housing on the farm like new age slave labor, such as Democrats seem to want.

What makes it worse is that if you consider that blacks, illegals, and other dregs are in the same competition for low skilled jobs, that also places them in the same completion for housing, gibs, and amenities. Too bad blacks are smart enough to figure out that illegals makes things more challenging for them. If they had any brains they’d be biggest opponent to illegal immigration.

With me being a “racist”, I find it odd that my policy position towards illegal immigration will do far more for the black community then it would do for me personally. If I was as bad as leftist claim, wanting to keep blacks down, I’d be the biggest supporter of illegal immigration.

I dare this faggot to say that in front of a unskilled worker.

Cool illegal immigrants are morons and as dumb as racists.

Is he LARPing an argument with himself?

That's sad af

I like using cosmopolitan myself.

Liberals are used to complaining about others complaining about "white people problems" and cosmopolitan encapsulates that sense of detachment from the rest of society that is endemic to liberals without attaching a political bent to it.

As someone who did go to college, you’ll leave college in a lesser mental state than you are currently. It’s a giant drain on the wallet and most companies require minimum 2 years experience even with a degree. Or be an illegal/h1b holder and in you go.

wew lads.
The look on this faggot's face after he goes to college, studies hard, and then an Indian or Chinese takes his highly-educated job on an H1B visa lol.

desu I like that our economy is heavily racialized, I'd feel really bad paying a white guy I could have a conversation with only $50 a day to cut my lawn

>unskilled worker

Also known as a communist.

If they truly liked laborers, they’d hate the shit out of illegals, but it’s no longer about that.

>capitalists oppressing the poor won’t work
>men oppressing women won’t work
>whites oppressing non-whites is the new flavor

>uneducated labor market should only contain illegal immigrants! Why are you trying to participate in those jobs?

Disgusting. Then again, the Democratic party did support Slavery, so I guess this is consistent.

While it's a good term, I think most of them are too fucking stupid to get it and will think "ooh like the magazine! I'm hip and with it!".

Whatever, we can use both depending on context actually because sometimes cosmopolitcan makes more sense.

>goto college and borrow 80k from the wealthy parasitic bankers you hate
>you were born an idiot and no amount of college can change this so you spend that 80k on gender studies
>end up a bartender competing against a cute girl with titties and a man with no debt
>post on twitter hating on them for not being as stupid as you
>a-at least im educated

How can anyone not suicide living that life?

and the flag is a big plus, too

i think they want us to kill them.

>I don't understand surplus supply
>You complain that I wish to increase the supply of your skillset for no reason except it feels good
>I benefit from, yet still insult you for not increasing surplus supply of the same qualifications I have
>I am the good guy

>unironically thinking that there are enough qualified jobs for everyone
>unironically being proud of having been to a state endoctrinement center
>unironically being glad to have very few chances of ever finding employment, competing with millions of people for an extremely small number of jobs

Really made me think

Illegals are just poorfags searching desperately for work. Who I hate are the employers keeping them in the shadows and using them for cheap labor - can't report a violation of labor laws if you don't speak the local language or know the laws, and might get deported for trying!

If we gave illegals the same rights as citizens, and had strong unions incorporating both, immigration wouldn't hurt average workers at all. The whole anti-immigrant thing is just porky playing off groups of workers against each other and we shouldn't fall for it.

Being a moron means the government can kick you in the balls? Sure, but how dare you to call yourself liberal or socialist?

Posters go up this Sunday (Jan 21) at night on campuses & public spaces around the world.
Until then the goal is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.

>Tweet out these instructions / spread them everywhere:
1. Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
2. Bonus points for feminism related areas
3. Don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use posters from the official website:

>Copy pasta with instructions + direct PDF links for all countries:

>SPLC condemned MBMC as "hate":
>Twitter started to censor #MyBordersMyChoice after it surpassed #MyBodyMyChoice in popularity:

MBMC promoted by:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes
>Tara McCarthy
>LA Werewolf
>Peter Sweden
>Jack Posiobec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (7.8K upvotes, 13 Jan 2018, stickied by mods)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)

Ignore shills & stick to the plan. Do not use their "brown hand" version of the poster, it's a sabotage attempt.

I ran lobbying firm for six years and was making $15k-$20k a month. I ended up hating it because I hated all the politicians I relied upon to make money, acting fake every night at events, mixers, etc.

I had a hobby homestead at my house, and got really interested into permaculture/sustainable farming.

So I opened up a hydro/aquaponics store in CA, started selling organics produced on my property and at my store. My worst months I make $20k, and ever since last year, when Californians voted to legalize marijuana, I’ve had sales go through the roof. I actually love what I do now, but consider myself the biggest faggot for wasting money on law school, and closing down my firm leaving honest college grads jobless.

All I had to do was think creatively and think about how I could’ve profited off of my hobbies/passions. It’s funny because I get calls almost daily from politicians asking me for money, I tell them I’m done for good.

Taking the sides of crimminals will ALWAYS lose you the argument before you even finish your first sentence.

Another complete retard that will say anything to justify the invasion and oppression of whites. Just a pathetic bitch. A slave to Jewish interests and probably ignorant of that fact.

LOL does one dollar make a difference in the end you fucking faggot

So what’s your excuse for being a communist? Are you extremely intelligent but just angered by the way laborers are treated? Or are you low skilled, being no different than the uneducated racists you claim to despise?

I too like to LARP on a mongolian contemporary fish glass blowing forum

Thoughts on this variant?

Shit my first job I was a lifeguard for a city. Minimum wage in FL was $4.25 at the time, I was making $4.75 an hour literally killing it compared to other 16 year old poorfags stuck at minimum wage.

Liberal brand of logic
Case closed

It's about migrants subverting wages and making what were once livable jobs into unlivable ones, dum dum.

it's an earlier version, looks a bit silly - but not the end of the world

did you already print some of them?

>well why are you competing with illegals

They're UNDERCUTTING US, you moron. There are lots of undesirable jobs like being a garbage collector, does that mean americans should work UNDER minimum wage like an illegal would? Oh wait, garbage men make tons of money and cities have no problem filling those "undesirable" positions now that the pay is great for those jobs. If illegals didn't UNDERCUT us, they would be great paying jobs. Do you not understand this? Fucking retard.

congrats on getting someone to the top of the catalog and probably generating followers for the twitter posted and revenue for the paid advertisers that posted the thread you fucking retards

>only morons don't go to college

So are illegal immigrants morons?

what about saging and using the slide thread to redirect to a good thread?

You don't need college to be a chocolatier or a watch maker.
>t. has a wealthy watchmaker friend

This is terrible. Out of 120 credit hours I'm devoting over 50 of them just checking boxes for diversity/sociology/international studies to make my education "balanced."

Pic related is why. The money's there for everyone to have a decent life, but ordinary people don't get it, and the people who do get it get it from the labor of others.

Whatever dude

I know a guy who does landscaping in FL. He makes $10k a week building waterfalls for boomers in FL that are looking to show it off to relatives from out of town. Super healthy from all the labor too.

>Rothschild not there
How curious

Do lefties not get the simple notion that we cannot be a nation of nothing but white collar workers? We can't all be liberal arts professors.

There's nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker. Except in the minds of democrats. They, despite being all about Socialism and Marxism, have a bizarre disdain for the working class American.

Good for you. Now what do you do for a living?


wow White Men hoarding the majority of the worlds wealth. this is why we need to smash the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy

>Classism is okay against whites
love it

It's not a competition on any intellectual level. If you think it is, you're an absolute moron. It's about these parasites working for shit wages. Get off pol/ you kike shill mother fucker

Honestly, that is legit racist as fuck. Worse than what most stuff pol puts out. Basically it is saying that 'whites' go to college and immigrants (poc) work uneducated jobs.

Hell of a deal.

Haven't printed any. I'm pretty blackpilled so not even sure I'll participate.

>“You must take on these positions to be considered smart, ecksdee!!1!1!1 There’s literally no other reason for you to be against undocumented immigrants”

So you admit you want illegals for slave wage