B-But user...We didn't raise you to have hate in your heart

What do you say Sup Forums?

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I'd say "Op is a faggot".

My parents are teacher, they raised me to think by myself, to be analytic and composed. Although they are communist (fucking dinosaurs here) when I explained them why I voted Le Pen there was no problem, they were just like "damn we're getting old" and that's it. They understand that the world where they grew up is no more the same.

i'd simply not discuss politics with them if they were hippies

Nobody who was so weak that they stuttered when addressing me directly ever raised me.

Fuck off.

But that's wrong, you're the ones that warned me about the nigger and muslim menace.

t. good ol boy that fucked his sister

I would say hate is newspeak invented by media to act as a killword against ideas like ethnonationalism, race, militarism, social norms etc. Same as love. It's simple mind control meant to create an easily controllable herd animal.

Very few people on Sup Forums or in right wing politics are genuinely racist in the same way that a hick is. Their reasons for being racist are entirely ideological and scientific.

Baby boomers are obsessed with consumerism because their lives were comfortable and relatively free of the same sort of media influences that we've gone through. They rarely have any upright ideas or ideals.

>yell incoherent things about everything
>go back to room and spend another sleepless night in depressive thoughts
happened before, will happen again

Pff I beat up plant with sticks since i can walk. I hate nature so why wouldn‘t i hate people. And you keep calling them neger

My father used to call the nigger who worked with him a "monkey" right to his face. I'm not a faggot spawn like you.

You taught me how to hate by cheating on my dad with a spic, marrying an illegal one, letting him work under my SSN, and making me go to a nigger school.

I have no hate in my heart, only an unconditional love for my own people.

Then you should have created a world where I could love and not have to hate

Pic related is how i would act

So you raised me to be dishonest...

mummy give milkies

Really ?

Hate isn't something that can be taught. Hate is something you come to know. In my life, I have come to know hate. I have seen it, smelt it, touched it. It is an ugly thing but it comes from love. If I did not know love, I would not know hate and if I did not love the world I would not hate as I do.
Now fuck off mom I got C93 doujins to bate to.

you frogs are truly bizarre

>damn we're getting old
lol that's kind of true. My parents are staunch socialists, dad was a full on Che Guevara revolutionary larper back in his youth.

He lived in France for years too, got his higher education in Paris. One day we were talking about school and he told me about how back in his day every teacher was a conservative asshole as he was stuck in the military regime days. I told him that all my history, geography and social studies teachers back in highschool were old lefty socialist faggots from his generation and I ended up fairly conservative as a direct consequence of that.

He gets it too. He recognizes their ideals were too utopian and a lot of europe's current migrant and cultural problems were the fault of the 1968'er progressives, commies and hippies from his day. That generation is in the process of being utterly demoralized at this point, and a lot of them are fairly aware of this.

my family are Jehovah's Witnesses and have been since I was 8. The single most cucked "Christian" denomination ever.

"Well then maybe you shouldnt have let all the good jobs overseas, let in millions of illegals and give the keys to our government to nonwhites who hate us."
Its harder to hate nonwhites when you dont have to deal with them

its not just frogs
i know a lot of communist kdis turned right wing and ustase kids turned leftist

I wasn't raised by jews either, so fuck off you snakes.

These threads always make me sad. Grown man-children with mommy issues and inferiority complexes galore.

Do you think if you guys got laid you wouldn't be these alt-right edgelords you are now?

Show tits mom

That's exactly what you did Dad.

>Do you think if you guys got laid you wouldn't be these alt-right edgelords you are now?
dont you think world is more than just about sex

get real we are from pohjanmaa
''Vihataan kaikkee, kaikkee erillaista''
Trans (not benis kind :DD):
''We hate everything, everything different.''
source: Klamydia -Pohjanmaa

I know mom, I just wanted to play vidya. I'm so sorry mom. All I wanted was to play my vidya geam in peace, I can't help it. They just wouldn't let me do that.

"Nice try, JIDFs."

You failed.

Of course, but the root recruitment for all these radical fringe groups (SJW, alt-right, commies, NatSoc, ISIS, etc) are the social outcasts whose core issue is not getting laid.

fuck your generation, you will be stricken from history and forgotten for selling out your own people

But dad you were the first one who taught me to hate communists and niggers for kicking your family out of Africa

I don't have hate in my heart but ALL of them have to go back and I want something practical and effective done to stop the grossly disproportionate incidence of black crime.

>get real we are from pohjanmaa
>''Vihataan kaikkee, kaikkee erillaista''
>Trans (not benis kind :DD):
>''We hate everything, everything different.''
>source: Klamydia -Pohjanmaa

As if Finnish parents speak with their children...

I actually have a wife and shit. Don't make such crude assumptions.

Tell them i was raised racist and just because they've become tame, in their old age and therefore vulnerable to lefty propoganda, doesnt mean they can deny the past.

Except id phrase it more like "yes you did" and cite examples.

If my parents looked like that, I would slave away and get a PhD and a GF.

fringe extremists like that (me included) do not get laid for a reason
not because they are autisttic retards (they are in some cases, but not generally), but because living a normal life and being a normal person is not compatible with our worldview

what you are suggesting is that we drop all we believe in and who we are in favour of short term physical and emotional satisfaction
do you see how ridiculous that is?

To my dad: "I managed to get this way by myself while you didn't try to influence my opinion in any way, kind of crazy how we're both right-wing nuts amirite"

To my mom: "Not like you've ever given a shit about politics, why should you now"

thanks for leaving me a world where we have to take back our birthright, rather than leaving us a nice White country, like was left to you

Most are larping we already covered this
Real racists go on 8pol where its are less edgy and more calm/calculated

Start singing Born This Way by Gaga, and call them bigots

If they're too sheltered to experience the violent side of "multiculturalism" firsthand, they'd at least begin to understand it if you compiled dozens/hundreds of news clips and videos of real-world consequences. Nothing breaks through sheltered brainwashing than seeing the truth and learning that everything you believed in was a giant fucking lie in the face of real harm being caused to the future of your people.


Traitors first.

No, you rose me in a broken family and left me to discover that might makes right and I must earn and fight for all that I have. You taught me working with your mind was better than working with your back.
I learned to identify the subhumans stealing from me, I learned to fight for the things I have, and I learned that emotions make you weak, but action makes you strong.
Be lucky I don't gas you with the rest of the boomer trash. You're owed that much. But that's it.

Outliers always exist. Are you gonna deny the core of these movements are who they are?

Right, you're autistic retards. Your worldview reflects such. Nowhere did I say that, but it's clear where your issues come from.

you didn't raise me at all mom lol fuck you

Well then it seems (((society))) is using sex or the lack of it to coerce everyone into pc sjw faggottry
Unfortunately, its the smart people who see through this shit and are punished.
Subhumans continue to breed and the jews achieve idiocracy

My mother could be like OP's parents. She's even slightly communist even (my dad is a hardcore right-winger).
She tried numerous times to ''cure'' me from being like dad and there was one incident that made her stop forever.
>I never wanted you to learn hate, son
>Well, you taught me how to love and you did it well
>I love my family, my people, my way of life, my traditions, my language, my culture, my damn country so much.

You raised me to hate my race. To hate myself. Now that I see the truth, I hate you

nope, you are just sheep who take everything for granted
if we did get laid it wouldnt make us happy, it would just make us miserable people who pretend they are normal

Autism is fake and some of us have only started posting after they married lol

I'm going to deny that sex has anything to do with our motives, yes.

Too late now

Plenty smart people can get laid. Intelligence ranks amongst the most attractive personality traits. You're a special type of person who can't succeed in life and blame an external locus for your shortcomings.

You wouldn't talk like that if you got laid. I know because I used to be you. Then I managed to fix my shortcomings and those "views" surprisingly went away as I escaped this little echo-chamber.

Then you're lying to yourself.

My mother stopped being a cunt and interfering with my life when I blocked her from slapping me and looked her in the eyes and said "If you ever try that again it'll be me leaving you in tears not the other way around."
She never tried her bullshit again after that.

The bible says love what is good hate what is evil
I only hate evil, ugly and stupid things and people

My parents were heroin addicts, they barely raised me at all. Who's laughing now?

Many boomers are actually receptive to Sup Forums's truth. They mean well. It's the difference between ignorance and bliss. Imagine what liberal dipshits many of you would still be without having explored facts on your own (granted that requires an open mind and intelligence to do so).

But mom. Even Jesus got pissed and started whipping the jews. If the Son of God can be angered then what are you on about?

People like you always make me sad. Correlating political ideals with sex and pretending you got everything figured out. You're a lost cause.

>i used to have beliefs and then i discarded them in order to pursue sex, """just like you"""
i hope you understand why i think you're a retard


Yes you did, you dumb feminist bitch. You raised me to hate myself and all men.

Because I dare try break your hugbox? It's chill. Common response when you get confronted with the fact.

What's wrong about it? Who got recruited by each of these movements in droves? Hint: it wasn't the successful in life.

The world has been turned upside down. They stood up to their conservative, thick-headed parents.
Now, we're doing the same to the jewified fanfic of a political climate their naive generation brought upon us. It's just on a smaller scale for now. As the world gradually continues to go insane the extremes gets pushed further and further apart.

The world raised me this way
Fucking niggers, man

>be me
>traditionalist catholic
>hate modern world
>dont want to have anything to do with it
>estrange myself from the society

"lol look at yourself, drop those silly beliefs you have and have sex"

>Then you're lying to yourself
Watchout bois, we got a shrink in da house who knows us better than we know ourselves. All bow to the narcissist who's here to gloat at autistic anons.

I hope you didn't imply you 'd hit her.

"Let's sit down and look at some statistics."

I didn't imply it, I made it very clear.

>Because I dare try break your hugbox?
having a belief and an actual personality = hugbox
living like an animal and forgoing everything in order to have sex = enlightened

I love this

i never planned to be fucked up so dont be mad at me

my parents raised me to hate liberals though and they did a good job

Wouldn't happend.
If there's one thing my dad raised me to, it was to have hate in my heart. Boy that man has levels of hatred beyond human imagination.

Nice argument there, bud. Not like your type hasn't existed before. You'll die off and the next wave of unfuckables will come to replace you. Won't be the last.

>thinks anything other than him is like an animal
>applies his personal religious ideals to a population who cares not for his god
Kids these days, won't worship Thor like good Pagans!

I love my people. That is why I hate those who will to destroy my people.


>le success meme
Like I already deducted, you're a narc and I generally avoid giving further (you)s to people like you. Cheers.

Sure showed me! Go make another thread about why Stacy won't bang you but goes for Chads and not a nice guy like you.

Nothing disgusts me more than when people try to relate your deeply held political philosophy to simply frustration due to a lack of sex. Are people so degenerate that they’d give up their beliefs for pussy. Very,very disrespectful.

Ideals on fringes result from lack of ability to form cohesive bonds with others.

An inability to get laid is a clear precipitating factor of said failure to form normal emotional bonds and so is indicative of your underlying problems.

Reminds me of that Danger 5 scene where Hitler guns down the parents of his high school prom date.

>i used to have beliefs
>but then i cured then with having sex
>fuck morality lol
you are sad
im a failed antisocial virgin with no friends and calling you sad
think about it

Posters go up this Sunday (Jan 21) at night on campuses & public spaces around the world.
Until then the goal is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.

>Tweet out these instructions / spread them everywhere:
1. Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
2. Bonus points for feminism related areas
3. Don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use posters from the official website:

>Copy pasta with instructions + direct PDF links for all countries:

>SPLC condemned MBMC as "hate":
>Twitter started to censor #MyBordersMyChoice after it surpassed #MyBodyMyChoice in popularity:

MBMC promoted by:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes
>Tara McCarthy
>LA Werewolf
>Peter Sweden
>Jack Posiobec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (7.8K upvotes, 13 Jan 2018, stickied by mods)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)

Ignore shills & stick to the plan. Do not use their "brown hand" version of the poster, it's a sabotage attempt.

>You'll die off
Nice argument there bud, I'm certain you'll live forever.
Oh you meant kids? Already got two, but I'm sure after you're done having successful sex you will have some as well. Or probably not.

Casual sex is the highest virtue of the modern world. They are passing religious judgement on you. To them, you are a heretic.

>Ideals on fringes result from lack of ability to form cohesive bonds with others.
Solutions result from problems. Brilliant insight.

I still have beliefs. They're far more centrist. They still contain morality. But I don't want to "kill all niggers and kikes" because I no longer blame them for my past miseries.

I'm sure you do. Their lovely broken home will go great, surely.

>Being upset or as you perceive it, "hatred", is totally natural response to things perceived either as an affront to your person, livelihood, or future, or are so egregious and undesirable that it causes one to feel this way. So you see, parents, not having what you deem "hatred in ones heart" about these issues is what is truly abnormal, and additionally, treasonous to analysis, reason, and perhaps your own will to live.

They were wise and taught me to hate what is bad for me.


And your problem is you can't get laid.

Glad we've gone full circle.

>having sex makes you become a bluepilled normie who doesn't care about the collapse of the west
Yeah no, quit trying to do this gaslighting shame bullshit

>Go make another thread about why Stacy won't bang you
Funny thing about you narcissists is you're constantly wrong about everything and you don't even realize it because you're living behind the very walls you pretend to dislike. SeeCiao