Are you guys actually religious or is it just a meme on this board?

Are you guys actually religious or is it just a meme on this board?

It's 2018 guys it's fucking embarrassing to be religious at this point

- We know the universe is 13.8 billion years old and dictated entirely by physical laws
- We know these physical laws give rise to evolution which can produce conscious beings
- We understand the all too human origins of the hundreds of religious faiths on Earth that are all nonsensical and mutually incompatible early attempts of apes to explain their surroundings
- We know that we are nothing but matter and chemical reactions and that there's no such thing as free will
- Almost no public intellectuals who are taken seriously are religious
- No arguments for religion or God withstand even the mildest scrutiny

I can only think of 2 reasons to believe in God in resistance to all reason
1. You've spent your life doing it, praying, dedicating hours and week to practising religion, and are struggling to come to terms that this time was entirely squandered
2. Given everyone here affiliated with the humanities, they are not well versed in science and cling to "humanities type" explanations for things. Scientific explanations are unfamiliar and scary and you feel they trespass and violate your beloved subjectivity. You also don't want to feel left out of investigating the nature of existence, despite how useless we know our minds to be at investigating complex questions without the aid of instruments.

It may suck for you, but it's time to join the rest of the intellectual world in the 21st-century.

Other urls found in this thread:

No thank you, I will put my hope in God.

Hopefully someday you will grow up and stop being a child.

>We know the universe is 13.8 billion years old\
We know no such thing. We know we can see ~14 billion years, but we don't know if we get to the edge of that horizon if we will be able to see another 14 billion years.

Donald Trump is my religion and my God.

Nice to know your God grabs women by their pussies.

>13.8 billion

I'll walk with Christ rather than a fedora. Thanks though.

>Falling for science and evolution meme

We were created by God. Also more knowledge: There are no aliens. Aliens are fallen angles who were casted out of Heaven during like Egypt times. Anyways here is a quick summary

World isn't as old as ''scientists'' would like you to believe. The world really is 6000-8000 years old or idk and fallen angels were casted out of heaven during ancient Egypt times. Thats why you can see how at one period in history Humans discovered all that and how fast paced technology and eveything started to be since around 4000 BC and towards the Rome and beyond. Fallen angels that were casted out (from Lucifers rebellion, maybe) taught man those technology things around ancient Egypt period. There are no aliens and they will never be found - aliens as extraterrestrial are just conspiracy.

Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered. Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways. Amazarak taught all the sorcery, and dividers of roots: Armers taught the solution of sorcery; Barkayal taught the observing of the stars, Akibeel taught signs; Tamiel taught astronomy; And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon, and men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached heaven

Also check out my ultimate spiritual playlist (Copy the link manually)

Religion is a sickness that can kill a civilisation if untreated, but some types are worse than others. Modern form of Christianity is like the common flu, while islam is more like the bubonic plague or cholera.

We didn't have proper internet 20 years ago but ''scientist'' can see 13 billion years in back lol

Anyone who believes the material universe actually exists has had their head in the sand for, oh, about 100 years now, since quantum physics exploded the old paradigm.

What started the universe? What caused the big bang?

You say that like that's a bad thing. Grow the fuck up, you little pussy.

How about this. My enemies are and have been throughout histories worshipers of satan/lucifer. They do and have in the past sacrificed children. The people who i find abhorent are all atheists/ satanists. The good people around me are Christian. Now if my enemy worships satan i will turn my heart towards the anithesis, god, and lidt a banner against evil. I have a lot more reasons, but that one encapsulates alot of the others and on its own is enough for me. Turn from evil and lift your heart in worship of the lord user. The time is nigh.

God don't you get bored of evangelizing OP? How many times have you posted this or bemoaned to those around you?

You need to approach God in a new way if you are going to gain any sort of illumination. How many texts on the subject of faith have you researched? How many personal journeys, failures, deep betrayals, creative works, scientific discoveries and lives have you embarked on? God is not for the timid and faith is found in works.

If you are incapable of looking beyond pure science then I ask you to do a simple exercise. Define Science into its basic components. Then break those components down into smaller components. Keep going at this until you can only describe something with a feeling, or anecdotally. Now dwell on what that means, and don't cop out with some bullshit like "one day science will know" because that's just as illogical as staying ignorant. Analyze the thoughts that come to you with all that you can muster, and maybe you'll find some answers.

Conversely religion is a glue that can hold civilization together. Reject it and without a common bond sociwty falls apart.

they call it quantum PHYSICS for a reason tho

>It's 2018 guys

wouldnt be much of a god if he didnt

Hey idiot!
WE DO NOT KNOW. We theorize, we assume, we think...evolution is a FUCKING theory!!! there is a reason it is called as such.

Scientists EXTRAPOLATE based on current known physic laws.
We cant even cure cancer or control a flu but we think we know when the universe started....go figure

>it's [current year] guys why do you still believe in [x]

Classic slide thread bait

>It's 2018 guys

Le current year argument


In the beginning there was a singularity smaller than a planck unit caused by something then something caused it to suddenly expand outwards and it had as something inside it that then expanded as it expanded it got left dense first it condensed into fundametal particles creating the quark gluon plasma, then it became protons, neutrons and finally leaving an unfathomably large volume of hydrogen in the universe. Then all of this compacted into a mass that exploded creating new elements which formed smaller baby stars which exploded and made more elements and exploded and exploded and then one star exploded creating a nebula where our planet was formed from the dust.

How nice to still be naive and blue pilled. Don't tell her about the demiurge just yet.

What's so wrong with having a creator of everything you've mentioned?

It's obvious that there has been a schematic to the universe since observable time, atoms have always behaved the same way with each other, are you suggesting this was random and the deep layers embedded within the fabric of this reality is down to chance?

a whole universe of possibilities, but god isn't one of them of course

>It's 2018 guysss lol
Current year fallacy is mostly used by leftards and yet this thread has an assload of replies by this b8 thread

>one post by this ID

Yawn, Christ is forever, the universe is not.

Hopefully one day I get to impale you

just a meme