Code geass

He did literally nothing wrong, everything was for his children.

He lost despite having a stronger geass than lelouche

He was weak, while preaching survival of the fittest.

B-but lelouch geassed god

Why could Marianne teleport people again?

>socialists actually want Charles world

I still don't understand the Code Transfer process. On one hand the Geass User with maxed output has to kill the Code bearer and themselves. The other has Charles hugging the shit out of C.C. Is the latter even a legitimate way to die?

Pretty sure he was just gonna kiss her.

>wanted to destroy individualism
>wanted to end free thought
>wanted to force everyone into a single mind

Yeah, no thanks

No, he just showed that it wasn't the will of all mankind. Thus Charles dream fell bad

Those who actually did nothing wrong get horrible ends in CG

Euphie never deserved this

How many animes use the "merge everyone into a single entity" meme?

A lot of them.

It's a bit related to Japanese cultural common knowledge, concepts along the lines of "everything is a single entity feature heavily in Mahayanna Buddhism, which would later become Japanese Zen and Pure Land Buddhism

Was Lelouch actually Jesus?

My guess is that he
A) Assumed he was immortal and had a plan for this moment to get his body out of there
B) Assumed regardless what happened his goal would be achieved

lelouch geass can also erase memories

He can more or less force someone to repress them, but not erase

>Your brother lies to you.

same with charles though. apparently you can break his geass with sheer willpower alone

Charles can write false memories(possibly multiple times), lelouch can order one command to anyone once that could include believing a false past or memory.

I wouldn't say lelouch's geass was stronger, just different

Is anyone else disappointed his slave army didn't use those bitchin' liar's masks like they did in the manga? Shit was pure A E S T H E T I C S

Far superior though, if lelouch had charles's geass he wouldn't have been able to be nearly as successful as he was.

What masks?

Being able to use your geass on the same person multiple times is pretty good compared to a one shot thing

that picture of them is so cute. it's heartbreaking.

Lelouch's just seems far more practical and useful in more situations. Charles geass was probably extremely useful to him in his position where he was in the royal family and already had an extremely high status and army, but for lelouch who started from nothing to creating his own terrorist organization and fighting a rebellion his own geass seemed far more appropriate.

I think it was more or less that lelouch had to think of multiple ways and cunning ways to use his geass. Where charles already had a leg up on his geass to where he didn't have to think of cunning ways to utilize his geass.

Overall I think lelouch's geass became more powerful because he had to build his own empire of sorts, where charles could write in false memories to have it handed over.

Charles wanted to create a hivemind pretty much, so did he want to turn the world into Reddit?

Why wasn't Modern Britannian Medical Science able to save her again?

Lelouch did alot for her even before becoming Zero.

By the first picture drama, he was already doing alot to try and make her happy.

Despite the flaws of the episode, the thought-elevator destruction's culmination to the point where Lelouch calls his parent out for abandoning him and Nunally holds a ton of weight, showing Lelouch's love for Nunally but also his irrationality because of it

What? Imagine if Lelouche had Charles's Geass, things would have been so much easier starting out. He could just manipulate everyone repeatedly.

Yup he could have regeassed Kallen, Shirley, and Euphie.

Would have made everything stupid simple and squash any suspicion of him as zero or mistakes he made.

But can changing memories make people do anything for you without question, even dying?

You can do bad things for the sake of your children. You can wipe out a village of innocent civilians to build a water park for them. Doesn't make it any less wrong.

Actually he wouldve lost and given up to euphy had he never had his geass and by accidentally made her massacre.

You see those masks hanging around in the back in OP's image? Those masks. IIRC, the slave army's masks were of that design in the manga.

Maybe medical care isn't the best in an air-mobile experimental fortress stationed, particularly one stationed in Area 11.

Gunshot wounds can also be pretty varied as far as the damage done is concerned, especially when specialized ammunition is taken into account. If Lelouch's pistol was using a fragmenting or expanding round, which cause a fuckton more damage to tissue than non-expanding rounds, then perhaps it could have caused some pretty critical damage that would later folded after Euphie was rescued, causing her organs to detereorate and fail after treatment started, or leading to internal bleeding in places that couldn't be treated by the Avalon medical team.

Suzaku, despite his best intentions, also doesn't give any first aid to Euphie whatsoever, carrying her in his arms to the Avalon. Speed in First Aid is pretty critical when it comes to saving lives on the battlefield irl, and soldiers today even carry first aid kits with them to be used on themselves in the event they get injured.
This has vastly cut down mortality rates from ambushes, roadside bombs and such, but maybe it hasn't developed in the CG universe-- which seems to have reverted to Napoleonic war-style battle. More probably Britannia don't care about its individual troops enough to issue these first aid kits, called IFAKS, particularly as they have a ONLY THE STRONGEST SURVIVE ideology.

I wonder if CG mentions Euphie's exact cause of death-- I know Shirley's cause of death is explicitly stated to be organ failure from shock and loss of blood

Oh those are pretty cool, they would have been aesthetically pleasing

>he other has Charles hugging the shit out of C.C. Is the latter even a legitimate way to die?
It is likely that a code user can kill another code user.

Keep in mind how suzaku picked her up and flew her straight up to the avalon, that added force would make a bullet wound spew blood super fast

Yeah, I have a feeling this might have worsened her injuries

Even moving someone around before properly evaluating them is a huge first-aid fuckup, along with moving them without the use of a stretcher.

If Suzaku had called for a medic, he probably could have saved her life. Hell, if he had suitable bandages, he could have probably preserved her for long enough to get proper treatment.

Weren't they on a battlefield though? He had to take her away, especially considering how many people wanted her head because of the massacre.

Maybe, if so then it was a shitty, unavoidable situation, but Britannian soldiers probably would have rallied to defend one of their princesses if ordered too-- but you might be correct as the Black Knights were storming the place

It wasn't suppose to be a battlefield and the BK's easily outnumbered and fought the security with little to no resistance. I feel that it as basically small amounts of staff and basic medical assistance present since the empire looked down and was against this act. It was probably just most of Euphies protection units which were small in numbers since she was pretty insignificant as well.

I wonder if V.V. influenced the doctors to not try and save Euphie so he could get at lelouch. I mean, he probably knew that Suzaku would go bezerk at the death and go fuck shit up with lelouch

pretty sure it was just something to do with the god killing ploy, and normally wouldn't happen.

Lelouch always had the option to give the general command "Do as I say" or "Be my slave" to anyone if he wanted to.
He just did not want to.

I feel like that would've been too op and that's why they rarely ever made him do this.

The problem with doing that is it would be way to suspicious. Everyone would start acting way too suspicious and get the attention of everyone. He started doing it at the end because he already hit the top and people around him were already aware of geass.

Lelouch almost never actually used his geas in a extreme mode like "become my slave forever", in the last battle he did so and gained a army of fanatical slaves who would die for him.

In terms of pure power lelouch wins, if he was that kind of guy, he could enslave all of japan and more.

Unbreakable complete mind control > memory rewrite