IG: Awans Used "Unauthorized Access" To Transfer Congress' Data To Stolen Server

>An internal House probe concluded that Pakistani IT aides Imran Awan along with four other individuals inappropriately accessed House servers and moved data
>They impersonated at least 15 U.S. House members they did not work for and the Democratic Caucus, using their credentials to gain access to the system - a federal offense.
Data was migrated from several servers onto a single server, which disappeared while being monitored by police
>The Awans engaged in a "pattern of login activity" which suggest steps were taken to conceal their activity
>House Democrats in turn misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft


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>"I'm sure the leftist msm will give this news the coverage it warrants"

1. The MSM along with many others have been misleading the public for sometime now regarding the case of Imran Awan. Imran was employed by Debbie-Wassermann Shultz. The Jewish Zionist shill with direct ties to the Jewish mafia in Florida (recall she told the chief of police "there will be consequences). Check into DWS and here ties to Israel, it's not hard to see where she stand but more importantly who she works for.

2. Rahm Emmanuel paid the ISI for the release of Imran when Imran was employed by Rahm. Rahms father was a code breaker for the Mossad and Rahm himself had to be expelled from the WH by Bill Clinton for his ties to the Mossad.

3. Imran was a pawn of the CIA and the Mossad. The operation he was in involved black mailing many members of congress on the behalf of BiBi and Israel. The fucking Jews own congress in more ways than one.

4. Shills for Israel include Goodman and George Webb are attempting to deflect blame away from Israel. Imran and Huma were both agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an arm of the Saudi government as well as the Mossad. Look at Prince Alwaleed, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Saudi crackdown.

5. Jason Goodman has tried to taint evidence in both cases of Anthony Weiner and Imran Awan while George Webb has filed lawsuits to obstruct the case of Imran under the guise of transparency. Those listed here are known Mossad operatives.



>the "there will be consequences" for investigating remark was draconian

dws - she didn't do nothing


Schultz is finished. I knew this bitch was trouble when she threatened that cop or w/e his title is.

She keep the Awans on the payroll even after they were outed.

She needs to fry hopefully she takes Huma and Clinton with her.


For the love of God can we just do what needs to be done?!?


>Iwans own other businesses, to include car dealer
>Recent Hezbollah drug trade was found to launder through car deals
>Shushed DEA to push Iran agreement through
>All Dem members of Congress that the Iwans “worked” for
>Stole info and posted to secret site
>Find out But refuse to stop paying them

It’s almost as if those two things are related...

You can't do that to me cuz I AM ONE OF THE FUCKIN CHOSEN PEOPLE. You anti-Semitic bastard.


What's next lmao? Truepundit ;o)

>found the shill




(((Debbie Wasserman Schultz)))


She just had a big Jewish event of rabbi's pushing for DACA immigrant rights today at capital hill.



Easily one of the most explosive and encompassing scandals in US politics history and even with an official House IG report it's still crickets. That's fucking terrifying


that's what happens when evidence of just how treasonous the Deep State is comes out, they suppress the shit out of it by not reporting on it assuming it'll just quietly squeak through all the layers of static blaring out of the MSM. Hopefully the good guys can finally win and the big guys will be sitting in jail cells soon.

Yeah, it's sick. This basically just confirmed that it's gonna be our job to get the word out about the DOJ OIG report from Horowitz when it comes out because they'll just fuckin not report it ever even happens


why do i find this cunt attractive?

Isn't that the crazy kike bitch from Moms?


how the fuck is this a memeflag? your in every thread , you must be a fucking AI bot

>ironic comment

choose one

Can you imagine the dirt on that computer.

fuck 'em. THE FIRE RISES