Why are Americans so ignorant compared to nearly every other country ever?

Why are Americans so ignorant compared to nearly every other country ever?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Americans don't believe in evolution
>Americans don't believe in climate change
>Americans don't believe the true age of the universe

at least there are no children like that similar photo of the black gathering

That picture is just sad.

You can explain to God how you knew better than Him when He passes judgement on you.

At least she can support her own drug habit. Better than robbing people.

The men are sad too.

an uneducated population is easier to control


Hey I would do that too if I saw some random slut showing her roast pussy. Then I would also boast here about it. I love america. Anyone who doesnt approve this bost is a gommie.

Lol from Vachina

Is that where you pick up a pack of herpes?

>in all fields

I used to believe we were backward. Then I went to the UK and discovered how sophisticated we really are.


Every single thing they eat is either covered in fat, sugar, or both. Their water has fluoride. All of these make you dumb.

I wonder if her father is around

jesus these people are nigger tier.

hide your memeflag

You must have mistaken that for god-tier.

Which nobody should. It is not like everyone of one nation has the same faith anyway. I don't believe in stupid evolution either.

Americans are simply ignorant about the outside world because they only learn about it through lazy entertainment like memes or movies

that's a shoe print on her hip wtf

>Evolution is unscientific because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created
>While the climate is changing, it has always been in a state of perpetual change, hence the three Ice Ages we know of. Did the dinosaurs cause that to happen? The argument is whether or not it's humans that are causing it. and it is not, that is just the marketing meme to sell gorillions of dollars of go go-green products, to you dumb sheep.
>The age of the universe? We don't even know if black holes even exist, it's all just theory, science is mostly "educated guesses". In fact, scientist now openly admit to being wrong about the estimated number of total galaxies in the universe, by more than an estimated 2 trillion! Science.. ayy lmao. Google it mother fuckers.

Intelligent people question everything, research and cross reference their own sources. Dumb niggers get spoon fed fake news knowledge. Stay comfy shithole people.

Lol hardly

Because Europe didn't send their best there.

Every country has its retards, maniacs, religious nuts and blind nationalists. It just matters more to eurocucks when it's us because we're the ones running the show currently. They'll gladly turn a blind eye to their slums, loonies and country trash while they nitpick ours

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you simply can't

Veronica did nothing wrong

Rationalizing why you're an uneducated moron, good job dipshit

Oh, Muhammad, my education far exceeds yours, you can bet on that, sweetie.You said nothing to retort my points, just spewed typical brainwashed hyperbole buzzwords and fucked off like the little cunt you are.


>Go onto image boards full of mostly Americans
>Notice that most of the idiots on said image boards happen to be Americans or posting shit about dumb Americans they know
>Deduct that all Americans must be idiots
Always true to form when it comes to the flawless logic on this site.

Frankly I'm not in the mood to give a full and detailed response right now, partially becuase I'm sure it would be disregarded because I'm American and therefore most of the people in here will assume that I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

The peasants in every country are always stupid;

American peasants are just richer than you're peasants can afford to travel their ignorant peasant asses to any euro country shithole they desire without having to know anything about them.

Even the Romans totally fucked up every name for any foreign tribe they encountered, even in the Byzantine era.

>Antean Slavs - Getae
>French - Picts
>Italians - Franks

suck my dick you little bitch

There was a new mind control program introduced after WWII for the US (the National Security Act of 1947 coincides with this). We've been heavily mind fucked since then.

Don't forget the origin of the term Barbarian back in the day was pretty much the same as when we call chinks ching-chongs. As far as they were concerned anyone who didn't speak latin might as well have just been going bar-bar-bar-bar-bar-bar

every time I see this picture, I am completely fascinated. I could study it for hours.
This picture says more than words can convey.

Because of Jews.


Absolutely correct; the dominant power in any historical era always had the most ignorant populous.
Why bother listening to those who haven't achieved anything even remotely comparable to yours?

>the wolf cares not what the sheep think

Kek triggered shartmutt detected

There are stupid people in every country. America just get a megaphone because we've elect some of the stupids for far too long. Naturally, they do stupid shit in other countries.

As Americans we have this media fetishized ideal of the Foreignor imbued into is throughout our lifetime by popular culture. We think every English person is charming and clever like Bond or funny yet elegant like John Cleese, we think every Frenchman is a striped shirt wearing cigarette smoking romantic, that every poor family in Japan or China is just a humble Miyagi who is working hard to support his family, and that every one of these idealized fetishistic Foreign stereotypes has a heart of gold.

Not the case, the majority in every nation is "american", or perhaps even less appealing to the senses and sensibilities than that. It is silly to think your average Englishman is truly any more enlightened than your average American or so on and so forth. Every country has their garbage pail kids, OP.

Doesn't help that Americans are only ever shown to Americans as a sort of perverted inversion of the American ideal with a boot on every face and a hand in every wallet. I imagine English anons have to suffer a similar portrayal, deeply burrowed in a white-guilt 'colonization was literally rapeicide' narrative.

that's pretty funny... though desu I think if I ever moved to the US, I'd quite like to live in a flyover state. It just seems more like the "real" America I grew up watching in movies etc... Texas could be pretty cool too I guess. Not much interest in NYC or California though...

>though desu I think if I ever moved to the US,


Because ultra high IQ city people can't get elected due to the electoral college. As a result, Americans are condemned to forever remain ignorant and uncivilized.

That's some fashwave if I've ever seen it famalam

We are ground zero

Comfort kills. That's all I'm going to say

Because controlling the aspirations of the complacent is a mechanism of national stability.

The means of doing that create propensities for shitty behavior.
Such as colleges no longer teaching methods of thought, and developing cognition and articulation of skills, but merely memorized behaviors.

We've lived way too easily for too long.

>all these replies to Schlomo
kekking hard

why haven't you left yet, nobody is stopping you

Oh don't worry
Once my contract is up I'm out of this memehole

Truly the most wasteful degenerate society to have ever lived.

What's worse is they export their shallow nihilistic hedonism and worship of money culture to the rest of the world.

The absolute state

Holy shit, just grab the rifle.


The rest of the world should stop importing it. This would make it easier to destroy at the source.

Wow, watch as the map shows some of the shittiest parts in otherwise decent states...


Sweden if fairly ignorant.
Africa is a downright shithole. Or has that been said?


You are going to yell into the void for your god when the universe indifferently casts you aside for the progression of nature

I don't blame all of you
>I don't blame you.

It's mainly your country's military protection of a particular strand of an economic system that insists on
markets for your multi-national corporations and geo-political aims.

Any country that says:
>No, actually we'd like to keep our borders, economy, companies, structure and no we won't support American geo-political policy or allow x company to rape our resources or sell xyz or change regulations to help Omnicorp US Inc.

Then gets either:
>Military BTFO
>Internal civil war/coup/unrest
>Internationally ostracised through US pressure on other ocuntries
>Economically sanctioned by the US
>Depicted as evil/undemocratic/backward etc

The capital and corporations then systematically infect other places with what sadly has become your culture, and this allows them to profit.

More degeneracy allows shekels to flow to the moneymen.

I have no ill-will against any BASED people. Simply follow the money and power and you will see.
You need a certain culture in which to keep that money and power.
America demonstrated this.

Hope you rebel soon. Stay based.

>i fuck trees

Is that fat Mel Gibson?

>is a faggot

Fuck off leaf your prime minister is a commie faggot.

cause we rock the fucking house soyboy
keep suckin cock op, you're free to do it

Oh it'll be soon. Sadly most of the rest of the world already submitted to the Jewish hegemony, and until they uncuck themselves, an American reformation ain't going to solve anyone's problems long-term besides our own.

You'll have the EU and the UN to contend with, and they'll go into overdrive to pick up the slack after America returns to its hemisphere and gets back to manifesting destiny.

Move faggot

Dear god, salvation when?